First birthday, I'm not alone

Have a slice of cake, to go with those birthday lies

A/N: Hi another joyri fic for Joy’s birthday. But it’ll have some angst I guess but I’ll try to end it on a positive note. Happy birthday again to our incredible, sweetie Joy.


Park Sooyoung is someone who has been spending many of her birthdays alone. She doesn’t mind to go into her favorite cake shop, order herself a slice a cake, and blow out her single candle wishing herself a happy birthday. It’s not that Sooyoung hasn’t ever tried to connect with and properly bond with others. There have just been a lot of disappointments and one-sided friendships. Sooyoung grew tired of putting in so much effort only to get burned in the end. It’s why she keeps everything causal, and doesn’t try to become but so close to others, as it’s never worth it in the end. Sooyoung would have been absolutely fine with this way of life, that is until she met Kim Yerim.


The auburn-haired woman was sitting at a table in a crowded cafe with her latte and MacBook open. This is when Kim Yerim came over to the table. Sooyoung looked up when she felt a presence of another. She looked to see a pretty blonde-haired woman who had her own latte in her hand, as well as a slice of chocolate cake.


“Hi, do you mind if I sit here. All the other tables have people.”


Sooyoung sits dumbfounded for a long moment. The blonde is looking down at her waiting for an answer.


“Uh…” Sooyoung’s mind goes blank. “Oh, sure. Please sit.” She nods and clears the way to make space for the other woman to sit. The auburn-haired woman expected to simply sit in silence with their drinks. She didn’t expect for the blonde woman to actually start talking.


“What are you typing? If you don’t mind my asking?”


“Oh, um a report for work. My office can be noisy sometimes, and I just like sitting in cafes and drinking whatever tastes good to me on the menu.”


“I understand, my work can be hectic too, and sometimes you just have to get away from it all, you know.”


“I know.”


They go back to sitting in a comfortable silence. Sooyoung on the one hand is wondering if she should say more. Normally in these situations she wouldn’t keep talking, and so she minds her business. It’s not long before the shorter woman is done with her latte and leaving.


“It was nice meeting you. Thanks for letting me sit here, Sooyoung.”


“How’d you know my name?”


The blonde smiles some and gestures to the cup that has her name on it as clear as day. The auburn-haired woman smiles in embarrassment and nods to her. The blonde leaves and it’s here Sooyoung realizes she should have asked what her name was, but the smile fades from her face when she also realizes it doesn’t matter. It’s not as if she will ever see the pretty woman ever again. Sooyoung sips on her drink and goes back to work. She is positive that had to be a one time thing.


Only, it’s the following day where she runs into the shorter woman, literally. Sooyoung wasn’t paying attention to where she’s going. She collided into the blonde and landed on top of her. She looked down in horror at the woman underneath her.




“Hey, not that this isn’t nice and everything. Would you mind getting off of me?”


Sooyoung jumps up immediately and helps the shorter woman up. She hadn’t meant to just stare mindlessly at her. The blonde thanks her with a polite smile, and this is when Sooyoung notices they are still holding hands.


“If you’re going to hold my hand like this. I think you should take me out on a date, at least.”


“I think I would need to know your name first.”


“Ah, so then you do want to take me out.”


Sooyoung laughs nervously. She doesn’t know why the blonde woman makes her feel this nervous. It’s new territory for her, and it doesn’t hardly ever happen.


“I didn’t say that, Ms…”


“Yerim, my name is Yerim.”


“Yerim.” The taller woman gives a small nod. “Oh, I need to go, I’m running late. Maybe, I’ll see you around, Yerim?”


“Maybe you will, Sooyoung. Have a nice day.”


Sooyoung finds herself waving to Yerim, when normally she wouldn’t do such a thing. She gets to work and finds that she’s thinking of the blonde woman she ran into twice now. This is unusual for her to be thinking of someone, and especially thinking about someone she doesn’t really know that well.


“You need to stop thinking about her, it’s not like you’re going to see her again.”


However, Sooyoung does see her again later on that same day in fact. Yerim looks to be heading into the same cafe where they first met. The auburn-haired woman doesn’t know what compels her to go inside when she wasn’t planning to go, but she does and that’s when Yerim notices her too.


“Fancy meeting you here again.” The blonde smiles and it’s the kind of smile that makes Sooyoung want to smile back.


“Great minds think alike, I guess.”


“I guess they do.”


The two women order drinks and then Sooyoung sees Yerim ordering a slice of cake. The blonde walks over and offers they share a table again. The taller woman doesn’t see the harm in this, and so they sit down.


“Would you like some?” Yerim offers her a bite of her chocolate cake. The cake itself is reminding Sooyoung of the fact that her birthday is coming up, and then she remembers her loneliness. Is this why she’s been feeling so comfortable with Yerim, because of her actual loneliness. It’s certainly a possibility, then maybe it’s more than that? She thinks that there is something comfortable about Yerim, it would have to be, otherwise why would she still be sitting here.


“Oh, no thank you.” Sooyoung smiles politely. It’s going to be her own birthday soon, and so she will have her usual slice of cake like she always does. The shorter woman sitting across from her look surprised, how does someone not want an offered slice of cake.


“Are you sure? It’s really good cake.”


The auburn-haired woman doesn’t wish to be rude, and so she finds herself telling Yerim why she is declining.


“It’s not that I don’t like cake, and your offer is nice. I just am already planning to get myself a slice of cake soon.”


“What for, if you don’t mind my asking?”


“It’s going to be my birthday soon. I usually buy myself a slice of cake and wish myself happy birthday.” Sooyoung hadn’t meant to sound as pathetic as that. She also certainly hadn’t meant to just tell Yerim this either. The auburn-haired woman waits to see some look of pity, or sadness coming from the other woman. The next thing that happens takes Sooyoung by surprise. Yerim cuts the cake neatly down the middle and pushes the half over to her.


“What?” Sooyoung mouths.


“It’s almost your birthday, right? You should have a pre birthday piece of cake.”




Sooyoung has no idea what this warm feeling is suddenly coming over her. She can’t fully put this into words, but she is genuinely surprised by this kindness. She thanks Yerim for the slice of cake, and so they sit and eat together. It’s been such a long time since Sooyoung has sat down to eat with someone, and even longer since having a close friend to do this with. Although, technically Yerim is not a close friend, more a friendly stranger. It’s later that Sooyoung thinks for a second, perhaps she doesn’t have to be a stranger.


“Will you meet me back here around 5?” The blonde asks.


“Around 5, what for?”


“I think you’re an interesting person, Sooyoung. I would really like to hang out with you more, if that’s okay.”


Sooyoung is taken aback by Yerim saying this. She  really can’t remember the last time she’s been out with someone. The taller woman thinks the blonde is nice, and it doesn’t seem like it could be a bad idea. It’s why she nods and says she will be back here around 5.


“Wait, what will be doing?”


The blonde smiles with a wink. “You’ll see later.”


Sooyoung can do nothing except to stare after the shorter woman. She has no idea what to expect for later, and maybe there’s nothing wrong with that. However, the rest of her work day is odd. She has a few of her co workers talking to her more than usually. It’s awkward for both herself and them as they struggle with topics to talk about. Sooyoung speaks to them politely, although she is dying on the inside. It’s painful having to make conversation with people you don’t normally.


“Your birthday is coming up soon, right Sooyoung?”


“Yes.” The auburn-haired woman nods, as there is a bulletin board of September birthdays in the lounge area. They know it’s her birthday soon, as they’ve been working together for years. Sooyoung just isn’t sure why they suddenly feel the need to mention it. Luckily, her coworkers don’t stay at her desk for long. Sooyoung simply turns back to her own work, and thinks about meeting Yerim later. She doesn’t know where they are going, but whatever it is, it has to be better than being around a bunch of coworkers she doesn’t have any connections with.


The rest of her day goes without any further interruptions. She completes all of her work, and heads out of the office to meet Yerim at the cafe. The blonde is waiting for her and looks to be waiting for awhile. Sooyoung wonders for a moment if they’re going to just sit here at the cafe, but the smile on Yerim’s face tells her they aren’t going to do that.


“Something tells me we aren’t going to have lattes?” Sooyoung speaks and that makes Yerim laugh some. Her laugh and smile really makes the taller woman feel things, and she doesn’t know what to do with these new feelings.


“No, we won’t be having lattes. Come with me.”


“Okay.” Sooyoung agrees and thinks she has nothing to lose. She follows Yerim to what is a nearby park and they sit down together. The blonde takes out a blanket from a large tote bag and there is also some takeout.




Sooyoung’s eyes light up in such a way that makes Yerim smile.


“Well, who doesn’t love chicken.” The auburn-haired woman says seriously and takes one of the offered chicken legs.


“I know someone who doesn’t like chicken.” Yerim admits and laughs at the look of horror on Sooyoung’s face.


“I can’t understand that.”


“Neither can I. I hope you don’t mind us hanging out like this. I know you don’t know me all that well, but I was serious about finding you interesting.”


Sooyoung nods and tells Yerim she isn’t uncomfortable by this. She won’t go as far as admitting that she actually hasn’t been this comfortable around another person in awhile, but it would be true. They sit and eat their takeout in a comfortable quiet. Yerim leans back on the blanket and looks up at the clouds for a bit, but not before telling Sooyoung to join her.


“I haven’t watched clouds since I was a kid.” The taller woman admits, as she lays down on the blanket.


“Really, I like to watch the clouds. It’s fun seeing what sort of things they look like.”


“Yeah, I understand. This will sound really silly, but when I was a kid. I used to always imagine being able to fly on them.” Sooyoung quiets down because she is sure she sounds ridiculous.


“No, I did too. Sometimes I still do, but don’t tell anyone. I have an image to uphold.”


Sooyoung laughs then. “You’re too cute to have a tough image.”


The blonde looks to her with a playful expression. “Oh, you think I’m cute?”


“Haha.” The auburn-haired woman laughs nervously. “I….” She feels Yerim reaching to take her hand then.


“Don’t be nervous, I don’t bite.”


“Sorry, it’s just been a long time since I’ve been this comfortable with someone.”


“I’m sorry to hear that, but thank you for feeling comfortable enough to talk to me.”


“It’s so weird, we just met. But everything about meeting you feels right, Yerim. Um, you don’t have to but my birthday coming up, maybe you wouldn’t mind spending it with me. I usually spend it alone, but…”


“You won’t spend it alone. I’ll be there with you.” Yerim promises.


“It’s okay. I think you’re cute too, Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung hopes she’s not blushing too hard right now. It’s crazy how she barely knows Yerim, but feels so comfortable with her. They agree to exchange numbers and the auburn-haired woman thinks it will a very good birthday indeed. It’s been so long since she wanted to spend it with someone, and she feels fortunate that she has met Yerim. It is really as it was destined to happen. The taller woman leaves after feeling better than she’s felt in a long time. Not only has she met an amazing person in Yerim, someone who makes her feel comfortable, but this birthday she won’t be alone, and can share it with someone.


“I’ll need two slices of cake.” Sooyoung thinks to herself as she heads home. She normally has one slice of cake, but this time since she will have someone to share it with. Sooyoung thinks she should order two slices from her favorite bakery. The auburn-haired woman really should have thought better, as sometimes when things are too good to be true. It’s because they usually are that way, just a little too good to be true. As she steps into work the next day and spots Yerim in conversation with some of her coworkers.


“Does she know them?” Sooyoung thinks and hides herself behind a wall in order to listen in to their conversation.


“Hey, so thanks for spending time with our coworker, Sooyoung.”


“What?” The taller woman mouths. No, this isn’t what is about to happen, right?


“Yea, we just felt so bad for her, you know. She never seems to have many friends or anyone to talk with, so we thought it would be a nice gesture.”


“I understand.” Yerim is heard. “You made it sound like she’s some weirdo, when she’s actually nice.”


“She is weird, Ms. Kim, but hey all you have to do is spend a few hours of her birthday with her, and we’ll pay you for your service.”


It is then, it’s exactly what she feared for it to be. Kim Yerim, if this is even her real name. She’s being paid to meet and spend time with her, no wonder everything about their meeting felt so perfectly set up like destined. It was this way because it was set up. Sooyoung can’t even believe her coworkers would do this, and for what.


“I’m stupid for going along with it, thinking I finally had a connection with someone.”


Sooyoung turns around and leaves. She will not be staying here today, as work will be the absolute last thing on her mind. She feels many things at the moment. She is angry, hurt, shocked, and just very disappointed. Did the people she works with think that she’s so pathetic she needed to have someone be paid to spend time with her? Sooyoung was just fine. She was lonely, but not pathetic. The auburn-haired woman didn’t know what to do with herself. For a long time she just sits outside in the park with a cup of tea she bought from her usual cafe. The drinks there usually tastes so good, only right now it tastes bitter. Her phone buzzes with a notification. Sooyoung doesn’t answer it as she can see it’s from Yerim.


“Are they paying you to text me too?” She laughs sadly and simply shuts her phone off. Sooyoung gets up and goes home. She has no more energy to deal with today, and all she wants to do is get into her bed and sleep it off. Sooyoung wants to forget about today and what she heard, more than that she wants to pretend she never heard of someone named Kim Yerim.


Yerim sat worried when she sent those texts to receive no response, and she wasn’t worried because of the payment. She told Sooyoung’s coworkers that she didn’t want the money. In the beginning she accepted their offer because the extra cash would have been nice. However, it didn’t long for Yerim to see that Sooyoung was an adorable person and she also liked spending time with her. The blonde felt badly for even accepting the plan to hang out with Sooyoung for a few days. She told her coworkers to keep their money, and she would spend a part of her birthday with Sooyoung because she wanted to. She wants to if Sooyoung answers her phone. Yerim knows that she will also have to come clean with her, and admit to her the truth. They can’t build anything, friendship or other if it’s based on a lie. Yerim just hopes when she tells Sooyoung the truth, that it won’t make the taller woman hate her. No, she doesn’t want for that to happen.


Sooyoung wakes up that morning before her birthday with tear-stained cheeks, not aware she had been crying that night. The auburn-haired woman is upset with her she even let herself get affected this way but one person. The first thing she does is call in her job to say she’s sick and not coming in today. As she’s doing that she sees the texts from Yerim, and almost ignores them except for one.


“Hi, Sooyoung, I’m worried about you. Do you want to meet me for a breakfast. I’ll be waiting for you.”


“Is she serious?” Sooyoung whispers. She is going above and beyond here, and Sooyoung thinks she’s certainly earning that money. In reality, Sooyoung thinks she shouldn’t go to meet Yerim, however she is owed an explanation, and so she gets herself up and ready to go meet the blonde.


“This should be good.”


Yerim is anxious. She is terribly anxious and worried about what this could mean for her and Sooyoung. It didn’t take her long to feel an actual connection to the Auburn-haired woman, one that was real for her, and not based on being paid. In fact, no one should want to be paid to hang out with someone as interesting and amazing as Park Sooyoung. The blonde is so nervous that she almost leaves the restaurant she’s waiting in. Yerim stays as she knows it’s the right thing to do. She will come clean on her part, and hope they can somehow work towards something together.


“Hey.” Sooyoung is soon heard as she makes it to the table.


“Hey.” The blonde smiles in relief. “I didn’t think…”


“You didn’t think I would show.” The taller woman finishes. Yerim nods and thanks her for showing up. Sooyoung sits and listens for awhile as Yerim talks about all the good things on the menu to eat. While the food sounds good, it just feels like bitterness and emptiness.


“It’s a fusion place, so they have American dishes, and the pancakes here are so good, Sooyoung. You’ll love them.”


“Will I?”


“Yes, we should get the red velvet ones. It’s really pretty and appropriate since someone has a birthday tomorrow.”


“You’re very good, Kim Yerim.” Sooyoung speaks instead, ignoring the part mentioned about her birthday.




“I said you’re very good. You had me fooled that meeting you was coincidence, and that what I was feeling with you was a genuine connection. How much are they paying you for all this extra stuff you’re doing. I hope they are paying you well.”


The blonde looks up in horror. Sooyoung already knows. The worst thing is how Sooyoung is simply starring with a distant expression that if you really look. There is also disappointment too, and Yerim tries to reach for her hand.


“Please don’t do that. How much are they paying you to spend time with me?”


“Sooyoung please let me explain.”


“What is there to explain? I am assuming my coworkers felt sorry for me that I’m usually alone, and convinced you to spend time with me. I hope you’re getting enough money for this.”


“No, listen to me. I know that you’re angry and you have every right to be, Sooyoung. I just need to have some of your time to explain, and if you never want to speak to me again. I will understand, I won’t like it, but I will understand. Please give me a few moments.”


Against her better judgment Sooyoung does stay. She is owed an explanation anyway, and she mentally prepares herself for whatever it is Yerim will tell her.


“It’s true that your coworkers approached me to ask me if I would meet you and spend time with you for your birthday.”


“Do you do this for people?”


“No.” The blonde shakes her head. “I was minding my own business in the cafe and they asked me. I won’t lie that at first the money sounded good, but I also just really liked spending time with you, Sooyoung. I declined your coworkers offer, and told them to keep their money. I wanted to tell you myself, but you must have overheard that part of the conversation. I told them right after to keep their money.”


Now Sooyoung isn’t sure who to be angry with. She is angry with the people she works with for even setting this thing up. She’s angry that Yerim considered, and she supposes she feels slight comfort that the blonde didn’t take their money, and she is even angry with herself. She felt like she had a real connection with Yerim, but how much of that was real.


“How much of our connection was real? You say you declined the money, but’s really hard to believe you felt a genuine connection like I did.


“I understand. If I were you I probably wouldn’t believe me either. It was wrong to accept this plan, when you are really an amazing person, Sooyoung. I knew from the second time we met, that I would be wrong to take anyone’s money, when all I want to do is really know you.”


It sounds sweet and for a split second Sooyoung thinks she could believe it. She can’t talk to the blonde anymore and excuses herself.


“Well, I know my connection with you felt real, but now I don't know anything anymore. I need to go, I have something to handle.”


“Wait…” the shorter woman gently touches her arm. “I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me now. But please if you don’t mind, I want to see you tomorrow for your birthday. Not because of anything other than I just want to see you, I promise.”


The auburn-haired woman has no words at the moment. She simply moves out of Yerim’s touch and heads into the office. She has coworkers to confront and finds them sitting in the lounge.


“Sooyoung?” The two looked stunned to see her looking as angry as she is in that moment.


“Am I so pathetic to you both, that you would hire someone to meet me just for my birthday?”


“We’re sorry, Sooyoung. It was never meant to hurt you. We just wanted you to have someone to spend your birthday with, and Yerim was nice. She even declined our money.”


Well, at least Yerim was telling the truth about not taking their money. It still does nothing for her being hurt.


“I was fine, and neither of you are my friends and should not be concerned about me or my birthday. Now, I have to find a way to be fine again, because I really thought I was building something with a person I thought was great, but now I need to pick up the pieces, so thank you very much for this, s.”


She takes a deep breath and leaves them sitting there in more shock. It felt good to get that out, and now she is going home. Sooyoung thinks she needs to hand in her resignation notice, as now work has become a place she wants nothing to do with. It’s her birthday tomorrow, and she needs to find a way to celebrate it, alone as she usually does. No one is going to take her usual ritual of celebrating her birthday, they won’t take that from her too. At the same time she can’t pretend that she doesn’t miss Yerim. She did feel something, and right now she has no idea what to do with it.


The morning of her birthday comes and she sees texts from the blonde.


“Hi, I know I should leave you alone, but will you at least let me see you once more. I do want to wish you happy birthday.”


Sooyoung supposes that she is flattered. Yerim has no reason to keep trying, yet here she is. The auburn-haired woman says okay, but to meet at the cafe where they first met. Sooyoung feels like maybe she could give Yerim a second chance, as truly that connection she felt to her isn’t going away. It also means something that Yerim is trying to make things better. The auburn-haired woman dresses in a red top and denim jeans. She places her hair into a ponytail and grabs her purse. She will need to go get herself a slice of cake too, before the day is over.


When she arrives at the cafe. The blonde is standing there nervously with what is very obviously a cake box.




“Oh, Sooyoung, hi.” She breathes in relief. “I didn’t think you…”


“You didn’t think I would show, I get it. I probably shouldn’t be here, because I am still hurt by all this. It’s just also hard to pretend that I felt nothing, even if it was a few short days.”


“I understand, I feel it too. I wasn’t pretending to want to be around you. I still want to, but only if you want me to be. Well, it’s your birthday, and we should have a slice of cake together, at least once.”




Yerim leads the way to the same park they first went to before, and they sit at a picnic bench. Sooyoung is stunned to see it’s an entire cake, and it’s the same cake she usually buys herself.


“What, should I take it back?”


“No, it’s the cake I always get.”


“Oh.” Yerim smiles some. “I really like this same cake.”


Sooyoung smiles too, despite herself. Somehow she finds she isn’t surprised by this information. The blonde even has candles and everything. She sings her happy birthday too, and it’s touching. It’s probably one of the sweetest thing that has been done for her in a long time.


“Make a wish, birthday girl?” Yerim tells her afterwards. Sooyoung knows what she wants to wish for, and so she wishes for their connection to be real and mutual, and for them to be able to start over officially.


“Now, we should eat.” Sooyoung smiles and reaches for her slice of cake. A part of the auburn-haired woman felt like the cake would taste bitter because of the situation. It doesn’t taste bitter and being with Yerim right now doesn’t feel awful. It’s bittersweet in a way, but Sooyoung is looking at the sweeter part of things. Yes, it was wrong for Yerim to agree to meet her under those circumstances. However, the shorter woman showed her true self by declining the money and still making an effort to get to know her. Sooyoung knows she is worth another chance.


“You said you felt a connection.” Sooyoung speaks soon.


“I do, it’s why I wanted to come clean and tell you, so you could make your own decisions about if you wanted to get to know me.”


“I want to.”


“You do?” The blonde says in surprise.


“I was hurt, and I still am a little. I just know I feel it too, and want the chance to properly get to know you, Kim Yerim. It’s my birthday, and you’re the first person I’m spending it with in a long time, that means something to me.”


“It means something to me too, Sooyoung. I don’t mind starting over if you don’t?”


Sooyoung nods and then gets up and walks off for a moment. The blonde has no idea what’s happening until she returns with a genuine smile and hand out for a handshake.


“Hi, my name is Park Sooyoung, and I am looking forward to getting to know you.”


Yerim laughs then, and gently takes her hand. Park Sooyoung is a special person indeed, and she also looks forward to knowing her too.


“Hello, Park Sooyoung. I’m Kim Yerim, and I really look forward to getting to know you too.” She stands and leans over to peck her cheek. “Happy birthday, Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung quietly thanks her, and knows her face is very red from that kiss. Despite the way they met and it began. Sooyoung does look forward to building their connection and seeing where it goes. She knows that this is probably also the best birthday she has had in a long time, and finds herself hopeful it will be the first of more birthdays with Yerim.


A/N: I wanted it to end on a hopeful note, and so I hope it was enjoyed. Again, happy birthday to our Joy, who I hope has a wonderful and special day as she deserves it. Thanks for reading.


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anightangel #1
Chapter 1: Awww! These two definitely will set high standards for love. It’s a shame it ended. Love it
saovanmai #2
Chapter 1: I'm glad I managed to find this while sifting through your works. The interactions are so simple yet they feel so much more than that and I'm impressed with how you're able to demonstrate that in your writing.
Chapter 1: The way I nearly cried
Chapter 1: so sweet
Chapter 1: i- i sobbed
It’s really weird how a lot of stories don’t have a lot of comments even though there all amazing, anyway thank you for the joyri and I can’t wait for more whenever that maybe ^_^.
Chapter 1: I went uwu omg
cutey111 147 streak #8
Chapter 1: Good thing yeri came back with vlean hands and oure intention, my heart couldn't bear it otherwise...
11 streak #9
Chapter 1: ah this is so heartwarming. didn't expect something like that, glad yeri had a pure intentions to get to know joy more and didn't take money from joy co-worker.
Woah authornim you are really awesome uwu