Lusus Naturae


The rapid squeaking of shoes reverberated against the walls of the huge gym as every student in the place stood in an orderly fashion. Well, everyone except Kai and—


“Oh, Sehun!”


Sehun hung her blue towel over her nape and wore a subtle smile on her face.


“Tiff—” She stopped herself and eyed the rest of the students who had their gaze on her. Clicking her tongue, she advanced forwards to the woman in a formal suit and bowed slightly. “Aunt Tiffany.”


Kai wore a frown on his face, Tiffany, his grandfather’s right hand; was Sehun’s aunt?


“You’re family?”


Tiffany’s smile faded briefly as she turned to face the younger boy, “Yes. But we don’t meet often,” she continued, “We’re not even related by blood actually.”


A strong hand landed on Kai’s shoulder before he could add anything. A wide grin wiped across his face when his eyes met his grandfather’s eager ones.


Grandpa.” Kai’s voice sounded like a purr when he embraced his grandfather. “What are you doing here?”


His grandfather laughed and threw his head towards the rest of the country’s ministers that tagged along with him. Their smiles didn’t look all too sincere, and Kai couldn’t say that he was happy to see them either. They were obviously waiting for his grandfather’s retirement; but Kai doubted it would be any time soon, seeing how he was still standing well on his own two feet without any support.


“We heard about the small token you received during assembly yesterday, thought it’d be great to drop by and congratulate—”


A loud bang was heard when the bottle in Sehun’s hand slipped unintentionally. At least they all believed that was so. The blonde picked it up and bowed apologetically, causing Tiffany to tense up almost visibly.


“I’m sorry, it wasn’t—”


“Ah, you must be Sehun.” Mr Kim stuffed his hands into his pockets and strode in her direction domineeringly. As he got closer, Sehun could sense the dominating aura that radiated just from the way he walked over. For someone in his late seventies, Kai’s grandfather could easily pass off as a man in his forties. Sehun didn’t need to see how his physique was but judging from how tight his suit hugged his arms and torso; she could tell he’s been working out quite often.


“I’ve always wanted to meet such a valuable elite since I’ve heard of your countless contributions and successes when you first join.” Mr Kim closed the gap between them as he passed Sehun’s aunt. “I must say, what you’ve done for the school is—astounding.


He shrugged and removed his hand from his pockets, “I’ve even requested Tiffany here to introduce you to me but,” he sent a brief look to the woman before pursing his lips playfully. “She told me you’d never have the time.”


Sehun swallowed silently as she gritted her teeth, “She’s right, Mr Prime Minister.”


A swarm of gasps filled the room as each student exchanged and expressed their shock. Everyone would be more than honoured if the Prime Minister would request to even talk to them. Let alone meet in person.


Tiffany grabbed onto her niece’s wrist and shook her head, her eyes turning to crescents as she sensed the air getting heavier. “Oh, she didn’t exactly mean it that way Mr Kim—”


“I’m sorry Mr Kim, but I don’t think someone like me would be able to entertain you well.” Sehun butted before her aunt could finish. “I’m not good with—talking. I’m sure you’re aware of that, seeing how I’ve refused interviews and press conferences for the past years of me being here.”


Sehun curtly bowed her head before continuing, “I don’t wish to embarrass my aunt if I were ever to engage in a conversation with you.” She gave a brief side-eye to her aunt before sighing. “But I guess I must have already.”


Mr Kim shook his head and wore a beam on his lips. But Sehun didn’t seem to like his smile one bit. The rest of the ministers had the exact same smile on their faces; but Mr Kim’s façade was worse than a wolf in a sheep’s clothing.


“Well, we should take our leave now.” Mr Kim told, turning back to his grandson and patting him proudly on his back. “We’ll talk more once you finish school, Empire Institute counts on you.” He took the lead and strode confidently towards the double doors but leaving not before giving a last glance to Sehun, “Both of you.”


The blonde’s hair was ruffled gently, making her look into her aunt’s eyes. She landed a soft kiss on the girl’s cheek before nearing her ear, “Tell your brother to gather us again soon.”


As she squeezed Sehun’s shoulder tight, the woman hastened her steps to catch up with the group; sending one loving glance to her niece before disappearing behind the doors.


The gym fell silent once more with everyone still being stunned at the sudden appearance of the ministers. It wasn’t rare of course, Empire Institute was an academy that the ministers had suggested to built on their own accord; hoping to bring out the most potential students in the land and having them to lead the country in the next generations to come.


Even if you didn’t apply for the school, you’d receive the letter from the government to enrol in Empire. And declining their request was impossible. Because most people would die for a spot in the academy; so for you to refuse the offer, it was deemed disrespectful.


“Well, should we continue then?”



Sehun heaved yet another sigh. The results were expected but it wasn’t wrong to hope for a different outcome. She scribbled the last few words irritatedly into her notebook as they continued with her next class; Advanced Kinesiology.


“I’m really sorry Sehun!”


The blonde groaned inwardly, Irene was getting under her skin. She’s been apologising profusely since the end of first gym class; and that was 3 days ago. Since then, Sehun has been pulling herself out of gym in hopes to avoid bumping into that Kim kid.


“Irene.” Sehun didn’t meet the girl’s eyes as she fished out her laptop. “I’m really going to get angry if you don’t stop apologising.”


The brunette bit back another apology and sunk in deeper into her seat as she watched the other students leave for their other elective classes.


“Are you… not going to leave?”


“My next class is here.” Irene mumbled under her breath. “Aren’t you in this one too?”


Sehun didn’t know if it was just bad luck; or simply a curse. She didn’t get how, but Irene’s been having all the same classes as her since the start of the week. How could they be stuck in the same course of classes 4 days straight?


She had to admit, she felt pretty sympathetic towards her though; seeing how she had to timidly move around as if there’s no confidence built in her. It was impossible for her to get transferred here if that was the case. But why was she acting like she was terrified most of the time?


“Wow, you again?”


Sehun turned her head and wore a smirk when she saw a familiar face plop down next to her. At least one thing was going well for her. Despite being in different years, they had such a huge range of modules to choose from as electives. And she could finally be in the same class as Baekhyun; seeing how they had similar interests.


“Do we have a buddy system, or something?” He asked, ing his chin to Sehun’s right. “Or are you just acting nanny for her?”


Irene’s cheeks flushed scarlet as she bit on her bottom lip. Was it a bit too far for her to have picked every module Sehun chose as her electives? She hung her head and was about to leave the seat when she felt a strong grip on her wrist.


“Relax, Baekhyun’s just joking.” Sehun assured, putting on a small beam. She didn’t know why, but she didn’t really mind when Irene tagged along with her. Irene reminded her of herself when she was younger. Well, younger as in when she was a child.


Sehun loved tagging behind Luhan wherever he went back when they were kids. And she never really accepted nor favoured the reason why her brother chose to distance himself from her.


“No I wasn’t.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He didn’t particularly liked Irene, not just yet at least. It frustrated him how the girl didn’t even put in the effort to stay in the game and allowed herself to get hit after the efforts Sehun’s made. “Now you’re probably going to join the Student Council.”


Sehun didn’t necessarily have to adhere to the bet she made with Kai, but Baekhyun knew her well enough, that more than anyone else, Sehun’s prioritised promises mainly because of her self-pride. There was no way she’d back out of something unless she knew it was deal or bet she couldn’t win no matter what she tried. Going against the team last Tuesday was supposed to be a piece of cake for her but…


“Hm, I’ve yet to introduce you two properly.”


Baekhyun’s eyes shot a glare towards the girl on Sehun’s right, narrowing them into slits when she glanced back at him.


“This is—”


“Baekhyun. 4th year, sports division.” He his lips awkwardly, realising that he didn’t have to add his division in either way. “Well… obviously, since I’m here…” He shook his head and dove into his bag to fish out his books. “Anyways, you must be that famous Illie West transfer student, right? I’ve never seen you before, so you should be.”


He turned his head to face the professor nonchalantly, wholly uninterested in the girl. Sehun raised a brow, but she wasn’t surprised. Baekhyun was always the first one to take note of the school’s gossip.


“...Yes, I am that transfer student.” Irene pulled back her lips and hung her head. She bit on her lips and held back on introducing herself.


“Isn’t your uncle one of the ministers, was it Mr Bae Joo Won?” Baekhyun continued, looking down briefly to jot down notes the professor started scribbling on the board. “Was that how you got into—”


“Don’t mock me.”


Both Baekhyun and Sehun shot their glances upwards when Irene got onto her feet and excused herself from the class temporarily. The blonde looked to her friend and frowned unpleasantly, but Baekhyun had a nonchalant expression on his face.


“What button did you press,” Sehun hissed a whisper when the professor stopped talking as she searched for her laser pointer. “She looked upset.”


Baekhyun heaved a sigh and his lips. He couldn’t say that he didn’t feel bad, but he must’ve gotten it into his head when he realised Sehun’s being put into a spot because of the girl.


“It’s just hearsay but they said the reason she was transferred was because Bae Joo Won, our finance minister, personally went down and got her in.” He sighed, it probably wasn’t true. Empire Institute was maintained by the government’s ministers and even some of the senior management’s children failed to enter the academy. “I didn’t mean to say it, I just—”


“It’s fine.” Sehun brushed it off and moved away from him as she sat upright. “I shouldn't have made a bet with Kai anyway. But don’t worry so much, I know how to get out of this.”


Baekhyun wore a questioning look, “You’re going to back out?”


Sehun shrugged. “Of course not. I’ll register for it. The bet was for me to only join the Student Council. He never said I had to participate in anything...” Sehun her lips when Baekhyun showed a sceptical expression on his face. “Well, at least then they’ll realise I’m not cut out to be a member afterall.”


Sehun scratched her head in frustration when Baekhyun simply shook his. She didn’t want to have an image similar to that of a rebel. But what choice did she have; she couldn’t just say that she never agreed to the beet. She was the one who stated her conditions first.


“And besides, the Council’s full of guys,” she blew a raspberry and groaned. The girls here (and apparently Baekhyun too) preferred joining the Student Ambassadors rather than get stuck with the Student Council. “I probably won’t even last beyond probation period, and I can finally forget that this bet ever happened and return to my normal life.”



Kai gave his boys a salute with two fingers before heading towards the main garden. Having lunch with the boys was always fun, but being in the garden alone afterwards made him feel refreshed. The classes were getting tougher and Kai was bent on working harder with the intent to push Sehun off the number one spot. He didn’t know that by searching up ‘Wu’ in the school’s registry wouldn’t have helped him in his quest to find out who the number one student was. But he never opted to ask around, his pride would get hurt whenever someone mentioned about how he was always one point away from the student above him.


Now that he’s finally seen how she looks like, Kai’s competitiveness grew after being ousted from the first place for two years straight.


A small pout settled itself on his lips as he recalled the game they had a few days back. He wanted to beat Sehun fair and square; while the blonde was still putting up a real fight. But because of the other girl, Sehun was ousted before they could have a proper one-on-one match to complete the bet. Although he did win in the end, Kai didn’t think it was enough to satisfy him.


‘Should we have a rematch?’ He contemplated silently under his breath. A girl like her would be a fresh addition to the dull extracurricular filled with guys.


As he passed by the gym, Kai’s ears perked when he heard the sound of ball bouncing against the court’s ground. The friction from shoes sent squeaking sounds across the room, peaking his curiosity even more. Who would be playing basketball during lunch time?


He peered through gap between the doors but he could barely see who it was. What came next made him widen his eyes in surprise. She shot a three-pointer right from the opposing free-throw line! He’s seen NBA players make that kind of shot, and even further ones at times but how could someone as ordinary as—




The blonde turned around when her name was called after a loud smashing bang of the double doors hit the wall. She winced slightly at how the light from outside came washing into the place and lit a huge fraction of the gym. Turning her eyes into slits, Sehun tried to see who it was at the door since the lighting came from the opposite direction. But as he neared, a scowl went up to her lips when she realised it was someone she didn’t want to see just yet.


The blonde let out a sigh and wiped off the beads of perspiration that formed on her forehead with the back of her wrist.


“What are you doing here?” She asked without looking at Kai as she shot another hoop in. “Isn’t it break time?”


Kai advanced closer with a wide grin on his face, “Well, I could say the same for you.” He shrugged, nearing the basketball pole. “That shot was amazing!”


Sehun narrowed her eyes. What was he trying to do?


“Anyways, since we’re here.” Kai took the ball and gave it a few bounces before looking up to meet Sehun’s eyes. He nonchalantly spun the ball on his forefinger and wore a neutral grin on his lips. “Shall we play a one-on-one?”


Sehun sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, “Forget it. I’m beat.”


Kai watched as she shook her head and retrieved her bottle from the benches, gulping down her drink rapidly. A smug smile swept across his face as he tucked the ball between his hip and forearm. He glanced to the wall clock and estimated the amount of shots they could get before lunch was up; taking into consideration the amount of threes Sehun from different ranges. A score limit of nine would be a breeze with skills like hers.


“Then, the one who gets in the most scores in ten minutes—”


“I said I’m not—”


“Wins the bet.”




a/n: late update!because i was ready to throw this fic into the trash butI guess I should reconsider because I loved how I planned out for this fic. And thank you so much to @Moe-Kun for commenting, you totally ignited the flame in me to continue with this so!! I hope this would be able to feed you and the rest of the readers well in the meantime! See you all in the next update, cheers! xoxo

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Seenaa #1
Chapter 9: Omg so many mystery and past to unveil I'M SO CURIOUSSSSS
Chapter 9: Omggggg this is sooo gooooddd. Please update soon
Chapter 5: Please update. This is beautiful
Chapter 5: Uh oh, Sehun. Did she blow her cover already?
Chapter 3: I don't know why I got a little irked with Irene for getting in Sehun's way. I really hope she'll redeem herself for the sake of the team and Sehun. I'm looking forward to the next update! :3 I'm loving your story so far! ❤︎