My happy Ending

My Happy Ending (EDITED)



“Tiffany, I want you to go back to Seoul as soon as possible.” My dad said as soon as I arrived inside his office.

“What?! Why so sudden?” I asked in disbelief.

“I want you to take care of the advertising firm in there. It’s been neglected for years.” My dad calmly said as he shifted his chair to face me.

“But Dad, I thought I would be assigned here, to learn from you.” I whined. I don’t want to go back to Korea. Not yet.

“Handling a company is what you need to fully take over my place. You’ve done it before, I know you can do it well in Korea.” He paused as he stood up and took a folder from his table. He then handed me the folder and I sighed in disbelief.

I guess I really don’t have a choice.

“That’s the company profile. Make me proud.” He said. I knew that was my cue, so I nodded and immediately left his office. I packed my things and left New York.

Deep inside me, I wasn’t exactly ready to be back in Korea yet. The place itself brought so many memories and heartache. I wasn’t ready to face my past again. I wasn’t ready to meet familiar faces just yet. But just like the usual get up, I have no choice. Because what my Dad wants, that’s what I should give him. No Buts, just Nods.

After a few hours of studying the company’s profile, I decided to rest a bit. I closed my laptop and decided to read some Korean Magazine that was handed to me by the flight attendant, thinking that maybe it would keep my updated of the events in my homeland.

As I flip the magazine from one page to another, an article suddenly caught my attention. It was a about a newly elected Senator and his family. I scanned through the pictures and thought that one of the family members looked really familiar.

I read through the article and saw another familiar name, Choi Sulli. I looked at the picture again and realized why she looked so familiar.

It was Sulli, my best friend in middle school until high school, the friend that I lost contact with and one of the people that I missed the most.

 Wow. She’s now a senator’s daughter.

God knows how much I missed her. I missed our laughs, our conversations and her non-stop blabbering. I started to wonder if ever we’ll be able to meet again when I arrive.

I shrugged and realized that maybe we won’t. Maybe she has become too busy nowadays. Those maybes made me sadder and regret why I went home.

I hope I could see her again.

 After almost a day and a half inside the plane, I finally arrived in Seoul. I walked immediately towards Mr. Kang, our caretaker and driver.

“It’s been a long time, Ms. Hwang.” He said as he took my bag from me.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time. How have you been?” I asked politely as I followed him towards the car.

“Good. Very good. How about you?”

“I’ve been well and still the same.” I smiled and then he started the engine of the car.

As the car moved towards our house, I took a glimpse of the different familiar places in Seoul. Those places where I had hang outs with Sulli and some of our friends.

And as soon as I arrived home, I remember the moment when my parents told me about moving to New York. I remembered how it pained me.

The maids welcomed me warmly and one of them took my bag from Mr. Kang. She led me to my old room, which still looked the same.

I entered and immediately went towards the display table which showed the different old photos that I had.

I touched each of it, remembering the different memories it holds. After a few pictures, I arrived at the single picture which made my heart pound.

I saw my old class picture. I took a look at the faces of my past classmates and finally stopped as soon as I saw his face, the face of my first unacquainted love. A smile was suddenly painted on my face.

I could still remember how much my heart beat whenever I see him. I remembered the memories that we shared. I remembered the first time I skipped class with him, the first gift he gave to me and the moment I found out that he transferred to another school as soon as I left Seoul.


“Sulli! It’s me, Mi Young. How have you been?”

“I’m okay! How about you? I missed you so much!”

“I’m okay but still adjusting. I just transferred to a new school. It made me miss you more. And made me want to go back there!” I said, almost crying.

“I want to be with you too. It feels so empty without you here.”

“Me too. And school without friends .”

“Speaking of school, your Prince Charming left school.”

“What? Why?” I said in disbelief.

“Actually, no one knows. The moment I told him that you were already in New York, he looked devastated and started skipping classes. It was about a week and the he finally left school.” She confessed.

End of Flashback

My heart suddenly skipped a beat. I wondered why he left after he left. I wondered how he was doing. And wondered where he was.

After about an hour or two, I decided to drop by the advertising company. There, I was welcomed by the employees and Mr. Song, the company’s Vice President. He introduced me to the employees and the board members.

Mr. Song and the other department heads discussed to me the situation of the company. And as soon as they finished, I concluded that the company was doing pretty well.

Why did he send me here when everything is well?

After the meeting, I was obliged to have dinner with the company’s board members and officers. Being the only young person there, I stayed silent and just politely answered their questions. I tried to analyze each of them and studied their behaviors to get to know then more.

After just a few minutes, I got bored. So I excused myself and went towards the toilet. As I walked, I suddenly bumped into someone.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s my fault too.”

As our eyes met, I got shocked. I couldn’t believe that it was……



It's kinda boring chapter. Am sorry, i'll try my best to make it better.

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Chapter 15: I really love this story!!!
Update soon and please make them have 2 kisses!!!
Hwaiting authornim!!!
uwooh, it's haefany, like it
k-popsone1116 #3
Chapter 15: DONGHAE!!!! make it the second kiss or else i will kill you!!! kekekekekekeke ^_^

Pls update soon!<3
I read the other version and i found it so beautiful! but since I still had no account that time, I wasn't able to comment! but this time, I'm gonna read and comment for this fanfiction now~ :) HAHAHAHA!

Fighting Author!
Chapter 15: pls update soon :))
Chapter 4: “I would love it if you use it. It’s for you. My thank you gift. J”

Why there is a J at the back?
Chapter 15: Aaah Donghaeee.. please make it the second round of their kiss of that night teehee
Chapter 15: Update soon ♥
HaeFanyIsRealtippani #9
Chapter 15: i can't wait for the continuation of their date!! <3
update soon author-nim!! ^^