The woman closed her eyes. It had been a long, hard day, and her bed was large and luxurious. She was asleep in an instant, dreams perched just outside her conscious. An second later, they were upon her. For a while, they continued as usual, until suddenly, they began to change. The mysterious birds and talking fish vanished one by one, leaving nothing but darkness. She ran after them, intent on saving as many as she could, and yet whenever she ran near enough, they were gone. Next came the trees, the rivers and the lakes. The grass, the bugs, and the earth began to erode beneath the woman's feet. She raised her hands to her face in horror, and let out a silent scream.
And then, she didn't know how, but she could feel the very air disappear from inside her lungs. She could feel it abandon her, leaving her desolate. Beneath her lay only darkness, and above her lay only traces of the vanishing sky. Darkness surrounded her, touched her, and then consumed her with an eerie efficiency. Then nothing was left, except the conscious mind, shivering within the black.
Then,  with no warning, a baby appeared before the woman. She tried stretching out her arms, only to realize she had no arms. She tried walking forward, then realized she had no legs. She tried thinking, only to realize she had no brain. The baby stumbled slowly toward the consciousness.
Mama, mama. It said urgently, making a face. Where mama? Mama! The conscious began to cry, buried in her bed. I'm here, baby, I'm here. She wanted to say. But she couldn't. Just couldn't.
A dark silhouette appeared behind her child, the only features visible being the evil grin and the terribly round, blue eyes looking straight at her. Not blue. Ice. Those were eyes made of ice.
The figure reached out a hand, scooping up the baby and cooing softly to him. Mama? Said the child. Cruel laughter echoed throughout the nothingness, emanating from the figure. I'm not your mama. Said the deep, ugly voice, twisted grin widening. The baby began to gray around the edges, then black out. It was a moment before the mother realized what had happened, but when she had, it was too late. The baby, and the figure, had returned to the blackness.
The woman sat violently up in bed, sticking her feet out over the side not a moment after she awoke. Running towards her baby's chamber she chanted "Guards! Guards!" at regular intervals.
Upon reaching the chamber, all was silent. The woman paused, then continued slowly towards the darkened baby carriage. She couldn't see anything. The pressure was killing her.
Just as the guards came panting down the corridor, worried by their mistress's cries, they heard an agonized scream. Quickening their pace, they reached the chamber in seconds. A horrifying sight awaited them.
Their was their mistress draped over an empty baby crib.
"Eunhyuk!" She cried.

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