Prologue/Take Me Instead

One Better Day

I don’t think there isn’t a girl in the world that grew up not believing in the whole happily ever after ending riding into the sunset with your Prince Charming. Like in those Disney films we watched wearing s long beautiful dress as we dance the whole night away in the arms of our loved ones that we dreamt for so long. I don’t think there isn’t a girl in the world that still does not hope for that dream to come true, and I was one of those girls thinking that I will have that perfect happily ever after that I deserved it. Or so I thought, now here I lay looking at my surrounding for who knows this could be my last time, I close my eyes and opened them again to see two dark eyes looking back into mine. I smile at how I first laid my eyes on them. 



                       §Take Me Instead§

It’s either me reading into things too much or god has one strange sense of humor, but this…this is too much. If someone were now standing here and seeing this, they would probably think I was doing a movie or something. Just the scene is so familiar, you know the all so famous Disney animated film Beauty and The Beast and why I am mentioning this is because this scene here is exactly similar to the scene in there. What scene am I talking about is where Belle runs into the Beasts’ castle & begs him to spare her fathers life and offers to take his place instead well funny thing is I’m actually here doing the same. The only difference here is except being a castle it’s actually an old abandoned warehouse, 3 storey high, located at the outskirt of the city which takes an hour to get there and how do I know this because my dad is a cop and was looking for the people that was hiding out here, which comes to the second point that instead of the Beast itself (which would have been more scarier) I’m actually faced with a man who happens to be the leader of MBLAQ called Yang Seung Ho. Got to admit that no one would actually suspect anyone was actually living here. Of course if you were my dad then you’d be screwed, but this time the table had turned.


The plan here was I go in and get my dad and get the hell out of here except that didn’t happen. Now I’m here surrounded by 5 guns all pointing at me. My gun is somewhere I don’t know as it was knocked out my hand the moment I stepped in through the gates. So here I stand defenseless and the only thing I have on my side is luck. I look around quickly looking for an opening while scrutinizing my opponents. All 5 of them were well built, tall and that’s about it I could distinguish in the dark since their faces were obscured by the shadows, as the only source of light and heat in this blistering cold was this fire burning next to me. I cursed at myself why I couldn’t get something warmer as the cold was now starting to bite through my leather jacket. The wind blew slightly cause me to shiver slightly, before it got out of control I took a deep breath loosening my body while clenching my fist to keep my fingers warm. I could see my breath and others as they breathed in this cold winter night. The night was so thick with tension that you could probably cut it with a knife and it was dead silent too. Everyone just stood there not uttering a single word as we dared each other to make a move. Had to think fast cause at this rate someone was going to do something it was obvious that these boys weren’t the most patient people in the world.


“You do know where you are?” one of them said finally. I just kept glaring biting my tongue. I knew if I said something, they would pull the trigger and that’s the last thing I want them to do. My eyes drifted from my right, to me left, as it was my turn to get anxious. Time was ticking and the cold was starting to get unbearable. I prayed for some kind of miracle and as if god was on my side, I found a crow bar lying near the lighted garbage can. All I needed was some kind of distraction a noise or something just for a few seconds. If it weren’t for the situation, I would’ve shout out in glee, on to my right side I heard a noise and everyone took that moment to look. This was my chance, I quickly lunged for the crow bar & in the process, I kicked the person near to me. He fell on to his knee I took this chance as I swung my crow bar to the hand that was holding the gun. I heard a crunching noise as the crow came in contact with the wrist. He yelped and dropped the gun; with my quick reflexes, I grabbed the gun and stood up pointing at the person who was no other than Yang Seung Ho himself. Despite the distraction, the other four didn’t move from their positions. Guess they aren’t dumb as I thought them to be. I looked at Yang Seung Ho and I did see pictures of him but it was totally different from what I saw here and there. I wasn’t really expecting to see what I was seeing. My eye was staring into two dark brown orbs as I looked carefully, I could clearly see the dark circles around his eyes giving of the impression of a panda, and it gave an intimidating stare. Don’t know what happened but for a second there I felt something course through my body, I knew it wasn’t from the fire next to be but as my heart suddenly leaped I suddenly warm. After what seemed to be forever I averted my gaze down to his lips, which made me unconsciously my own. Never actually seen perfectly lined, soft, full lips on a guy before. If he wasn’t scowling, I could imagine what it would look like when he was smiling and how those lips would form. I tore my eyes from them again. Now was so not the time for me to check out people while my life was on the line but if it was any other day I’d be crushing on the guy.


“Where is he?” I ask again. Seung Ho kept glaring at me and I glared back, I swear I’d be already dropped dead because of the look he was giving me. “Or what?” he retorted, I cocked the gun and others followed. “You’re outnumbered if you haven’t noticed” I rolled my eyes “So?” I cocked an eye “Looks who talking, dude if I was you I’d be careful on what I say. I wasn’t trained to hold a gun for nothing” I said, my confidence was starting to grow a bit. There was a moment of silence, Seung Ho kept looking at me I wanted to avert my gaze but it was as if he had a hold on me. “Bring him out,” he said, in the cold night there were string of chorus of what and Seung Ho. He glared at the guys which made them shut up. “Bring him out” he said again this time his voice got more deeper. No one moved but after a few seconds, one of them got out of the circle and walked towards building and disappearing into the dark. I could hear the faint sound of a door being opened and then being shut. My hand was starting to shake due to cold; I took another deep breath to loosen my body and reflex my hand to get a more comfortable hold on the gun. After what seemed to be eternity finally, I heard the sound of a door being opened again the sound of footsteps and it was getting closer. I could now distinguish the outline of two people after a few steps I could see clearly and what I saw made me gasp. There was my dad leaning onto the person, his clothes covered in blood, jeans torn around his knee, his hair was what seemed to be blood and sweat, and there was a nasty purple bruise visible on his chin, with distinctly visible cuts on his cheek. What have they done to him?


“Dad” I yelled, I was about to take a step forward until the sound of a gun being cocked stopped me. I look at the Seung Ho pointing a gun at my dad. What the? He smirked “You’re not the only one with dirty tricks up their sleeve. Now drop the gun and step back” Damn it, I gave him the most venomous look I could make, as I dropped my gun and took a step back. “Okay, now let him go” a cough broke through my dad was regaining conscious “Rose?” I let out a deep breath. He is alive thank god. “Rose is that you?” He coughed again. His whole body was starting to shake due to the cold. “Dad, yeah it’s me. Listen everything’s going to be all right.” I could hear my heart pounding in my ear and sweat was starting to break out despite the cold. I was panicking as adrenaline was kicking in. I close my eyes taking a deep breathe, now is definitely the wrong time to lose my cool, I’ve come this far without panicking.


A plan was trying to form but every plan I thought of had its drawback that is somebody getting shot. “Rose!” my dads voice brought me back to Earth. “What are you doing here? Get out, run” my dad tried to shout. I bit my lips, I looked at Seung Ho again “Please, just let him go” I pleaded, I was getting desperate as my dad was staring lose conscious again. “No Rose, please just let her go” he coughed again this time more violently causing him to fall on the ground. “Dad!” I screamed, Damn it damn it damn it!!!! My dad was pulled up again and I could see a patch of blood on the ground. “She has nothing to do with this” he said again, I closed my eyes a lump was starting to form in my throat every time my dad speaks I felt a tug in my heart. “Well she shouldn’t have come here in the first place” bellowed Seung Ho. The night was getting colder and colder as the fire was starting to burn out, every one was being swallowed by the dark. The moon in clear winter sky was the only source of light left. “Please just let him go, he is hurt and at this rate he is going to get worse. Please!” I yelled out the last part as I looked at Seung Ho with tears filled eyes. I couldn’t care what I looked like right. I was desperate, my dad was on the brink of life and death, and time was ticking. The pounding in my ear got louder. I closed my eyes again, and I couldn’t stop the words that were coming out of my mouth next. “Take me instead”  






Authors Note: 

Hey guys I think you all noticed that the last chapters updated have now been deleted. Yeah i read my story again and my friend read it too so me and her accepted that it was lacking a bit of information. So I decided to write whole new chapter (or maybe not so new) but the theme of the story of course stays the same. Comments are accepted and if you dont like it then I'll put up the old chapters again. Sorry for the wait!!!! 

Also did you guys watch the performance of MBLAQ's Run.... during the whole performance i was O.O it was amazing for those who havent quickly go watch it you don't know what you are missing out on. 

Finaly, i feel weird asking this but i kind of lack when it comes to photoshop and stuff so i was wondering can someone send me banner for this it would be greatly accepted ^_^!!!!! 

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ukissbelieve666 #1
Chapter 1: Please Update :)
aaka #2
ditto, maybe s/he is too busy or something :p
anskugrau #3
update soon please!!!
I meant expect lol was too happy forgot to notice my mistake :p
@SHINeeSHinee thank you for the comment and for subscribing you totally made my day ^_^

Except some new chapters and the a newer version of the ious chapter by this Sunday ^_^
I love this! <3 Its so creative! What do you mean your English isnt your first lanuage? Your English is perfect! I love how this is going! C; new subbie! Update soon! ;D
@RobotGirl07 thx your comment just made my day!!! ^_^

To everyone else thx fot subscribing 5 already hehehe and commenting..

Will be updating hopefully today....
kekeke this chapter was cute ^_^
i especially like the beginning
mmm leader yang's luscious lips ^_^

i was wondering why you titled this chapter i'm screwed
but now i see why heheeh

i wonder what the twist will be
i'm dying of curiosity hehehe

this was another awesome update ^_^
aaka #9
very nice story and adaptation, Keep writing!
Thanks guys for the comments!!!!!!

Truly making my day ^^.. Will be updating soon... Look forward to another chapter ^^