Chapter 1

Star Wars: EXOplanet

            Baekhyun glanced at the radar and frowned. Something was approaching the ship and it looked dangerously similar to a laser.

            “Yixing, what is-” He didn’t get to finish as the ship suddenly lurched and they both fell forward into the control panel. “Damn!”

            “Captain,” Tian’s voice called over the intercom, her voice as calm as ever. “It’s the Blazor, they’re firing at us.”

            “Hail them.” He groaned and pushed himself to sit up straight. “Yixing?”

            “On it.” The co-pilot recovered from the attack and began to activate the communicator. “KoKo Bop to Blazor. KoKo Bop to Blazor, do you copy? What is the meaning of this? You have the cargo.” Yixing pushed a shaky hand through his black hair. “Blazor, do you copy?”

            “So what, I’m supposed to take your word for it and head back home now, am I?” A gruff and angry voice shouted back. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “I thought Kris said you could be trusted.” Baekhyun narrowed his eyes. “He’s gonna be pissed when he learns you’re stealing the goods from him.”

            Yixing frowned and turned to face his captain. He shook his head and shrugged. Baekhyun sighed and pointed to the controls.

            “Do I look like I understand what he’s talking about? Ask him!” Baekhyun slammed the inter-ship communicator, “Do, report.”

            It wasn’t Do that replied. “Minor damage.” It was Kim, the slightly higher pitched and energetic voice gave his identity away. “Do says it was a warning shot, to not go anywhere.”

            “Explain yourself, Cad. Our cargo hold is empty. We are not double-crossing you if that’s what you are implying.”

            “That’s Bantha fodder and you know it.” The reply was instantaneous. Baekhyun knew Bane was not one to get angry over nothing. Somewhere, someone made a mistake. Baekhyun was certain it wasn’t them, but if it was, he was going to have a stern talking to someone.

            “I know how to count.” Bane’s voice growled. “Your report states you had 50 Tauntauns in your holdings. Well, my crew and I counted three times and we all came up with 49.” There was a scoff followed by, “And none of the ones we have were carrying the stash in them.”

            “.” Baekhyun snapped and stood. “Is he sure?”

            Yixing leaned back in his seat, “He said they checked 3 times.”

            Yeah, he heard but he wanted them to be wrong. “Damn.” Baekhyun leaned over the ship’s scanners and activated them. He punched the ship’s communicator, “Anyone see a loose Tauntaun running around? Did we loose one in the transfer?”

            Kim responded first, “That’s what he’s pissed about? Over a Tauntaun?”

            Do was second, “None in engineering.”

            Tian was third, “I oversaw the transfer, myself, and there were none that broke loose. It had to have been before the transfer.”

            Baekhyun groaned, “How could we have missed it?”

            “Byun!” Bane’s voice shouted, “Either you deliver the real stash or we shoot you down and drag your carcasses back to Kris where you’ll be fed to the Rancor.”

            Yixing pressed the intercom, “Xiumin, report. Where are you?” He was met with silence.

            Baekhyun had forgotten about the oldest, and yet the newest, crew member. “The cook?”

            Yixing looked at the scanner, “He’s in the cargo hold. He should hear us. Why isn’t he responding?”

            “I’m on it.” Tian’s voice reported.

            Yixing leaned back and looked up at Baekhyun, “I thought this was a simple Black Market swap. What stash is he talking about?”

            Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest. “Kris was receiving a delivery from a client on Takodana.”

            Yixing raised an eyebrow, “And?”

            “It was over 500,000 credits embedded in a chip that was surgically attached to a Tauntaun.” Baekhyun leaned in the doorway of the cockpit.

            Yixing let out a low whistle and shrugged. “Figures, we can never have just a regular illegal run, can we?” He looked back at the ship’s scanner. “Well, its not on the ship. Best case scenario we’ve got the cash and not the animal. Worst is we’ll have to go back and round up another herd of Tauntauns and hope its there.”

            Baekhyun shook his head, “No, there’s worse that could happen.”

            “Captain,” Tian’s voice called over the intercom. “You should see this.”

            Baekhyun raised an eyebrow but turned to leave. “Report to Bane. Tell him we’re figuring it out.” He trusted Tian enough not to have her explain her reason for his needed presence.

            He marched quickly down the hall, reaching the ladder. Sliding down, Baekhyun used his knees to cushion the impact as he landed on the third floor. Walking around the ladder he set down the next hall, leading to an open door. Above the door the words ‘Cargo Bay’ were displayed in red letters. Baekhyun marched right in.

            Baekhyun wasn’t angry, until he saw Xiumin bent over his pile of junk and sifting through it with a demeanor of panic. Tian was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. Her long straight black hair was over one shoulder and covering one of her eyes. She scoffed in greeting and gestured with her head towards the panicky chef.

            “I walked in and found him like this.”

            Baekhyun nodded and called out, “Xiumin!”

            The oldest member of their crew paused for several seconds. He was on his knees in front of a mound of various metal, plastic, and wooden trinkets. Xiumin’s Mountain, as they called it, was the elder’s personal stash of seemingly useless things. However, Xiumin was a hoarder and had gotten into the bad habit of taking what wasn’t his. He was a thief, a good one, but he tended to get in a lot of trouble because of it and not just from the authorities.

            Baekhyun marched forward and extended his hand forward. He grabbed the cook’s shoulder by his leather jacket and hoisted him to his feet. Pulling him back, Baekhyun pushed the other until Xiumin’s back was up against the wall, near Tian.

            “Xiumin, report.”

            The cook dropped several items in his hands, they clattered on the ground. Something rolled away, making a scratching sound the only noise while everyone stopped and starred. When the coil fell on its side Xiumin stuttered his reply.

            “C-captain, I’m s-sorry, I didn’t realize it was important. I thought it was here. I thought I’d look at it later. It was hurting the Tauntaun and- I thought-”

            “Stop!” Baekhyun shouted. He combed a hand through his own hair and sighed with frustration, “I need you to tell me what you did, Xiumin. Start from the beginning.”

            “Captain,” Yixing called over the intercom, “Cad’s getting impatient.”

            Tian replied, “He’s working on it. Tell the guy to count his credits and we’ll tell him when we’ve got an answer.” She pressed the mute button and nodded to the captain.

            Xiumin hugged himself, “Back on Tatooine, when we were loading all the Tauntauns, I noticed one of the beasts were limping in the back.” Baekhyun released his hold on the other and allowed him to continue. “I brought it into the hangar to examine it and happened to notice it was a female.” Xiumin stood up straight and braved a shrug, “And well, all the others were male so I figured this one had been taken by accident. Plus, the Tauntaun population is suffering back on Hoth with the Wampa predators experiencing an increase in numbers. And sending another female back would help, even if just a little.”

            Baekhyun frowned, “Xiumin.” He feared the other was beginning to deter from the truth.

            Xiumin paused again and nodded, “Uh, right.” He shook a hand through his short brown locks. “Well, I inspected its leg and saw an open wound with something jammed in its leg.” His eyes narrowed, “Looks like someone was using the animal as a pack animal to deliver a small credit clip.” He straightened his jacket, “So I removed the clip from its leg and gave the animal to a veterinarian who promised to ship it back to Hoth.” Baekhyun closed his hands into a fist and glared right at the slightly smaller man.

            Tian shook her head, “You had no right to make that call.”

            “The chip?” Baekhyun demanded. “Where did you put the chip?” He glanced to the chef’s mountain stash and back at the thief.

            Xiumin sighed, “I thought I brought it with me. But-”

            “But what?” Baekhyun urged the other on. Bane wasn’t the only one who was impatient now.

            Xiumin looked down at his feet, “It’s not here. I must have left it at the hangar by accident. I was in a rush to deliver the Tauntaun and come back in time for takeoff, I guess I forgot it?”

            “Forgot?!” Baekhyun shouted. “Five hundred thousand credits and you just forgot?” He raised a fist and surged forwards towards the unsuspecting other.

            “Captain.” Tian called.

            Baekhyun froze, he stood right in front of Xiumin. The chef was now standing still with his eyes closed tightly, anticipating the hit.

            “Captain,” Tian called again. “Cad Bane is still waiting.”

            Baekhyun lowered his fist, “When we get this taken care of we are docking at the next nearest planet and you are done, Xiumin. You walk out and take your trash with you. You’ve jeopardized too many missions because of your stupid love for animals and thieving ways. You’re done.” He spun around and marched back the way he came, “Tian, keep an eye on him.”

            “Yes, sir.” Tian stood, saluted, and turned towards the shocked Xiumin.

            Once in the hall, Baekhyun could hear Yixing’s voice. “Captain. Captain Byun, please respond.”

            Baekhyun slapped the hallway communicator on. “Tell Bane-”

            “We’ve received a message from Antilles, the owner of the Tauntauns and stash.”

            Baekhyun sighed, “What now?”

            Yixing paused before reporting, “He demands to know why his credits have been cashed by some veterinarian back on Tatooine. He’s accusing us of double-crossing him and how he’ll have the authorities on our tail and-” Baekhyun muted the intercom and started running towards the ladder.

            Why had he hired Xiumin again? Right now there was nothing positive about that decision and Baekhyun felt ticked off. There was a part of him that reminded him not to be angry, to be calm and make decisions with a level head. However, that was a different Baekhyun, now he was a Bounty Hunter and his own life banked on the decisions he made. Right now, Baekhyun was certain he had made a costly mistake.

             When he reached the bridge he motioned Yixing to move and sat down in his seat while Yixing took the wheel. Baekhyun, personally, hailed the Blazor.

            “Bane.” He called and waited until he heard the familiar groan.

            “It doesn’t reassure me that you suddenly take an interest in talking to me, yourself, dear captain.” The Duros used sarcasm when addressing Baekhyun. “But, considering Kris speaks so highly of you, I’m hoping my judgment is misplaced.” Baekhyun could hear the smile in the next phrase. “For your sake.”

            “Bane,” Baekhyun leaned backwards and folded his hands together. “It would seem we are not in possession of neither the Tauntaun nor the stash. The animal was injured when the idiots did a ty job of jamming the chip in the beast’s leg. Therefore, the creature died before getting on the ship. The stash is back on Tatooine.” Baekhyun wasn’t exactly sure why he was protecting Xiumin. But in the end, the blame fell on Baekhyun as he was the Captain.

            “Hmm, is that right?” The alien drawled out and waited several seconds before replying. “You’re sure none of your crew members took the stash for themselves? That’s a tempting amount of credits, even if it means to face Kris’ wrath.”

            “None of them were aware of the package until now.” Baekhyun stated, truthfully. He smirked, “You and I both know it makes business messy trusting crewmates with all the details.” He glanced at Yixing but the co-pilot was simply watching him with a curious expression.

            Baekhyun turned back to gaze out of the cockpit window. “I’ll take the blame and face Kris, myself, this mission’s a botch.”

            “That’s it then?” Bane asked curtly. “Let the money go and let a previously promising client face the repercussions by himself?” Bane scoffed, “I won’t get paid without goods. And my crew needs to eat.”

            Baekhyun shrugged, “Can’t help you there. I’ll accept whatever Kris deals fit of a punishment, but I can’t give you anything. You’ve got the Tauntauns and can get a decent price from the black market. That should keep you flying until the next contract.” Bane chuckled and Baekhyun frowned.

            “Sorry, kid, but apparently Antilles has just put out a rather impressive bounty on the heads of you and your crew. One million credits, no less. My, my, someone’s ticked off.” As the Duros chuckled, Baekhyun motioned to Yixing to pull up shields. “That’ll keep us flying a lot longer than an incomplete herd of Tauntauns would. Plus I’m sure you’d agree that Kris enjoys his client’s relationships to stay healthy and comfortable. We have to keep the big man happy, am I right?”

            Kim’s voice shouted over the comms, “Captain, they’re locked on!”

            “Bane!” Baekhyun shouted, “Kris will kill you if you damage his ship.”

            “And I’m sure when I give him half of the award money than he’ll be forgiving.” Bane explained. “So long, Byunnie. Can’t say you’ll be missed.” Bane’s voice lowered, as though he had leaned away from the microphone, “Fire away.”

            Baekhyun ended the communication. Yixing was entering in the coordinates for light speed.

            “Should we fire back?” Tian’s voice asked.

            The ship rocked as a laser bounced off the shields. Baekhyun began to survey the path the computer put in. He entered the planet’s name for their destination while replying to his crew.

            “Don’t fire.” Baekhyun commanded. “We’re going to jump to light speed. Make sure the engines ready.”

            “Already set.” Do responded. “We’re ready as soon as coordinates are sent in.”

            “Sent.” Yixing replied.

            “Punch it.” Baekhyun demanded. “Buckle up, everyone.”

            Baekhyun pushed the lever forward and the stars shot towards them. White streaks slid by them as the ship shot into light speed. Baekhyun placed his head in his hands while Yixing leaned back.

            “They’ll follow.” Yixing reminded.

            “Not if Coruscant is our destination.” Baekhyun brushed his hair back and looked up at the skinny co-pilot. “Anything else I should know?”

            Yixing remained still. The tall, lean, co-pilot, had always shown his emotions on his face. Baekhyun wondered if he had been this way in his life before being a pilot for anyone who was paying. Baekhyun knew Yixing had a past that involved something with an assassination, but Baekhyun left it at that. Yixing had been recommended by Kris and Baekhyun didn’t question that, especially when the young man turned out to be a darn good pilot.

            “It’s not your fault.” Yixing offered.

            “And you’re right.” Baekhyun nodded, pushing himself to his feet. “Xiumin’s bleeding heart just had to make sure the stupid beast was okay.” Baekhyun rubbed the back of his neck, “Damn, though, Kris isn’t going to be happy. He could take away the ship. He might even have Xiumin killed for this.” Baekhyun sighed, “Which wouldn’t hurt me, but he is a good thief that’d it be a waste.”

            Yixing smiled and looked back at the stars, “You’d miss him too.”

            “I would not.” Baekhyun countered. “I’d have a ton more space on my ship and not have to deal with his weird hoarding habits.”

            “His cooking?”

            “Do is a good cook.”

            “As long as its cold and doesn’t need a knife to cut.”

            “Kim can help him.”

            “Xiumin’s one of the most, if not the most, innocent ones on board.” Yixing explained. “His optimism doesn’t hurt in this kind of job.”

            Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “Just go marry him already, yah?” He clapped his co-pilot on the shoulder. “When we dock we’re gonna have to abandon ship and go separate ways for a bit.” He turned and headed out the cockpit.

            Yixing turned in his seat and leaned forward, “That’s the plan? We’re hiding?”

            Baekhyun stopped in the doorway and nodded. “It’s best if we let the drama subside. Bane and Kris are not good for negotiating when they’re angry.” He glanced over his shoulder.

            Yixing looked up at the ceiling before nodding in agreement. “That’s true.”

            “Think of it as a vacation.” Baekhyun offered before leaving. He smiled as he heard Yixing’s last remark.

            “An unpaid vacation.”

            He reached the ladder and pressed the intercom. “Do?”

            “Yes, Captain?”

            “We’re docking at Coruscant. We’re laying low until things calm down. You, Kim, and Tian are free to do as you please. Go where you want. We’ll meet up two Coruscant-weeks from now. Understood?”

            Kim replied, “You sure about this? Why don’t we head back to Kris’ and tell him about Cad Bane’s trigger happy finger?”

            Tian responded, “Xiumin free to go when we dock as well?”

            Baekhyun paused for a moment. He was angry at the other but Yixing had been right. Xiumin was a skilled and valued member of the crew, if a little nuisance at times.

            He sighed and replied, “Xiumin?”

            “Yes, sir?” Despite being older, Xiumin’s voice was still higher than one might assume.

            “I’ll give you one last chance. I want you to come with me when we reach Coruscant. I have some things to attend to when we get there and I’ll need a good thief.” He paused before continuing, “You up for it? If not, you can take your chance and lea-”

            “I can do it!” Xiumin interrupted and paused before hurriedly replying. “Sorry, sir, but yes, I can do the job you need done.”

            “What about Lay?” Kim asked. “Shouldn’t he be your go-to-guy?”

            “You telling me how to run my ship, Kim?”

            “Just thought I’d mention it, not sure if your last few decisions have been the bes-”

            “Jongdae, shut up.” Do’s voice could be heard faintly.

            “Yixing has distant family there.” Baekhyun informed the pest. “He’ll have a place to stay while the rest of us stay low and stay out of trouble. Got it?”

            “And yet you’re taking Xiumin with you to do some thieving?” Kim’s voice snickered.

            “Captain,” Tian’s voice sounded over the comm. “I’ll take care of him.”

            “Uh oh.” Yixing chuckled over the comm. “Jing Tian’s on the hunt.”

            “Aish! No, never mind! I’m sorry.” Kim called.

            Baekhyun slid down the ladder to the second floor this time and turned around to head to his quarters. The voices over the comm still ringing in his ears.

            “Too late.” Do stated.

            “Jing? Jing, I was just kidding alright?” Kim sounded panicky. “I’m sorry. Just forget it okay? The captain’s fine with it, right Captain?”

            Baekhyun entered his room and pressed the intercom. He smirked, “Kkaebsong.”

            “Ooo,” Xiumin chuckled. “Looks like you’re on your own, Jongdae.”

            “Where is she? Jing, answer me!” Kim called. “Lay, where is she?”

            “I left the ship on autopilot to fetch a cup of tea in the café. I can’t see the scanner from here.”

            “Traitor!” Kim called.

            “You aren’t helping just standing there by the comm.” Do stated.

            “Oh shoot!” Kim called. The faint sound of a door opening could be heard over the comm.

            “Judgment Day has come.” Do called.

            Kim’s voice could still be heard. Do must be in the same room and has the comm activated to let everyone hear the outcome.

            “Jing? Jing! It was a joke. No, no! Back off! I said- Ow. Ow, ow, ow! Let go, let go! I said I’m sorry! Okay, I get it. Sorry, sorry!”

            “Say it.” Tian commanded.

            “Ouch! But- Ow, okay! Fine. Fine. I’m an idiot, okay? Baekhyun Byun. Baekhyun becomes basically beast. Byun bounces back! Baekhyun knows best. Baekhyun is best. Okay, I said it! Let go. Let go, let go, let go, let go!”

            “I did, you idiot. Stop complaining.” Tian scoffed.

            Yixing, Do, and Xiumin could be heard laughing over the comms. Baekhyun let the door to his quarters slid shut before he muted the com. Leaning against the door, Baekhyun extended his hand out towards his bedside dresser. The small wooden table wobbled slightly but the drawer opened and a small key chain lifted into the air from within.

            Baekhyun retracted his hand, pulling the keychain through the air towards him. He grabbed the item with his other hand and placed it in his pocket while he turned back towards the door.

            They would have to abandon the ship when they got to Coruscant. Baekhyun didn’t feel bothered by that as much as he thought he would. Kris would undoubtedly recover the ship one way or another, Baekhyun wouldn’t dream of taking it as his own. But abandoning ship would mean they would have to leave a lot of their livelihood behind. Baekhyun, once again, didn’t have a big problem with that. He knew the others might not like it as much.

            Only known by his one name, Xiumin’s past was a complete mystery to Baekhyun. Kris had simply told him to keep an eye on him and that the elder was good at what he does. Although Baekhyun hadn’t quite understood what ‘keep an eye on him’ had meant, he fully comprehended it now. Xiumin would steal the keys to Kris’ vaults if the boss man wasn’t looking. Xiumin was too good for his own good.

            Though he was the oldest, he would still be considered young. At the age of 28, Xiumin had made a home on the KoKo Bop ship. He had a pile of stuff in almost every single room, except the engine room. Baekhyun, himself, had a box in his room of items he took from Xiumin that the cook had stolen from the ship, extra emergency parts of the ship. Baekhyun realized getting rid of the ship meant getting rid of the clutter, something he looked forward to.

            At the age of 25 and 26, respectively, Kyungsoo Do and Jongdae Kim would also find it hard to leave. They put the most work into the ship. The reason for the ship’s good status and easy running was a result of their combined efforts. Baekhyun was proud of their level of skill and he wished he could give them a ship that they could settle in. They would be the ones who wouldn’t have a choice in bringing their belongings with them as most of them were now part of the ship.

            Yixing was a mature 27 young adult. He wouldn’t mind the move that much. By the time they reached Coruscant Yixing would have workers help with moving his belongings out of the ship but they would only be his own personal items that he brought since he began working with Baekhyun. In fact, Yixing was the one who brought the ship alive with music. When not working, the other could be found in the lounge area working on songs with his guitar. Baekhyun thought he had a good voice and wondered if his previous life involved music at all.

            Jing Tian was similar to Baekhyun, she wouldn’t miss the ship. At age 26 Tian hated flying and had told Baekhyun so only once. Other than the obvious reason of keeping an eye on Kim and Do, Baekhyun hired Tian because of her knowledge of weapons and fighting styles. She was an expert and though her attitude could be harsh and curt, Baekhyun appreciated her eagerness to obey orders. She would only take her weapons with her and depart with Kim and Do, as the three were inseparable even before being hired.

            In the end, Baekhyun only had one possession that he cared about. Now that he had it, Baekhyun opened the door and left his quarters. Both hands in his camouflaged colored jacket, Baekhyun fiddled with the keyless keychain as he walked down the hall towards the ladder. The comms were active but he couldn’t hear his crewmates. He assumed the humorous spirit had passed as the crew now prepared for their landing.

            Baekhyun walked past the ladder and turned right. Both hallways, left and right, had three living quarters. On this side there was one empty room and then Yixing and Xiumin occupied the other two. They were small rooms, half the size of his own, but even Baekhyun’s were small compared to the bedroom he had as a child.

            The second door was his destination, upon reaching it Baekhyun knocked on it twice. The door opened to show Xiumin in the process of stuffing clothes into a small backpack.

            The cook looked over his shoulder and stopped his actions as he nodded in greeting. “Captain.”

            Baekhyun nodded and took one step into the room. He leaned back against the doorway and waited until Xiumin resumed his backing. “Pack light. We’re departing as soon as we touch down, am I clear?”

            “So I can’t take all my stuff?”

            “Only if it fits in one backpack.” He raised a single finger.

            Xiumin’s eyes widened and his face fell in a frown, “Well, fudge.”

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