prologue; pain

Once In A Blue Moon


prologue; pain

Yoon Sanha couldn’t really grasp what was happening to him. He was only certain that every part of his body hurt in a way he couldn’t describe. He was vaguely aware of hearing some voices but he couldn’t concentrate on anything except the pain to try to recognize who was speaking.

He briefly wondered if he was dying.

He quickly pushed the thought away. Whatever this was he could only hope strength of will would get him out of whatever this was.

There were a couple of brief moments in which Sanha’s mind cleared. In those moments he got a couple flashes of memories. A balcony, stars on a clear sky, a weird itch beneath his skin, a blinding light and water.

It went on and on like that. Sanha couldn’t really grasp how much time had passed and he wasn’t sure how he could even begin to figure it out if he wanted to.

Gradually the pain dulled into a throb but the darkness stayed. It did the opposite of easing Sanha’s mind. He couldn’t help but worry if he was going blind. Rationally he knew that it wouldn’t have been the end of the world but he couldn’t stop the fear of being stuck in darkness forever eating away at him.

And then even the throb was gone and Sanha could open his eyes. He immediately recognized the ceiling of his bedroom but before he could form a complete thought he heard a shout somewhere from his left. He barely caught a glimpse of the beck of what he assumed was a maid running out of the room.



I’m sorry for how long it took me to put out this prologue and that it’s so short but I was dealing with some personal issues which were finally resolved so I’ll hopefully be able to update next chapters faster.

( h a r l e q u i n. )

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woah this is exciting
yaaay can't wait this world needs more Astro fanfictions ♡♡♡♡