Chapter 18: Lonely

What Will I Do, Kim Sunggyu?

YooJin's POV:

9 months passed since Sunggyu and I have started training. It's tiring, VERY tiring. And sad. Sometimes, I just have to put up with the fact that I can't see L everyday.  Even if I did see L he didn't say hi to me, and I tried to but he ignored me. Sunggyu's been busy since he's learning Chinese and Japanese at the same time.

But I have been seeing Sungyeol daily, because he's still kinda upset about ChoonHee's departure. I even tried treating him with his favourite treats, and I've tried using coffee to cheer him up. It seems to be working, but there is no significant difference. He dosen't cry anymore, but he's always depressed. He works hard and puts emotion into training, but aside from that he's emotionless.

The more time I spend with him the more I notice he's not a bad guy. ChoonHee's really lucky to have Sungyeol crushing on her. I tried to text her one time, to try to get her back, but she dosen't want to get caught by her mom.

When I'm not with Sungyeol, I'm either training with my dorm mates or walking around, alone. I usually get my homework done at school, so that's not a problem. I'm not that close with any of the girls except for ChoonHee, but she left. I feel like I'm really isolated from the world.

I feel lonely.

One day, Sungyeol was actually smiling. He ran up to me and started jumping.

YooJin: What happened? Is ChoonHee back?

Sungyeol: No, but the CEO said he's preparing for a new boy group!

YooJin: Really? And you-

Sungyeol: I'm in the new group!

YooJin: Really? I'm so happy for you!

I started jumping with him. He was crying again, but these weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. I hugged him.

Sungyeol: Sunggyu's gonna be the leader, and Hoya, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Sungjong, and L are gonna be in the group!

YooJin: Wow! you guys are all good friends, and now you're debuting together!

Sungyeol: I really want to thank you for helping me get over ChoonHee's departure. And remember when you said I could show her I'm the one for her, you were right! Now I'm gonna debut, this is my chance! Thank you soooo much YooJin!

He hugged me until I couldn't breath. He go of me, and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I could hear L from behind me shouting "HEY! Watch what you're doing! Or else..." Sungyeol shouted back "Don't worry! I'm not goona steal her!...yet..."


Sungyeol: HAHA~ Sorry, I was joking~

He ran off with the others. I watched them all laughing and smiling, trying to figure out how it feels to feel happiness. L was right there, and he didn't even say hi to me. I went back to my dorm. The others were talking amoungst themselves. I went to an empty dance room by myself, and started practising. I thought back to the times when I just moved to Korea, and that day I hung out with Sunggyu's friends, and L was looking after me, and that time when he was sipping his strawberry smoothie, and that kiss to get rid of MinJi...

I eventually broke down. I sat down on the floor and hid my face with my arms. I miss L. I miss his perfect smile, his perfect eyes, his perfect everything. I miss the times when he used to call my name. I miss hearing his voice. His voice when he talks to me, nobody else.


Was is something I did? I was probably being too mean to him over these 9 months. But whatever it was that I did, I hope it wasn't that bad. I hope you havn't forgotten me. I hope you still remember the first day we met. I'm lonely without you, L...

Why are we drifting further and further apart? I don't want to be strangers...I'm sorry...

Myungsoo (L)'s POV:

I was going to go talk to YooJin. I need to tell her I'm debuting. I don't think anyone knows, besides our soon to be manager, the CEO and the other guys. I jogged up to her dorm but she wasn't there. I saw her in a practise room, with her head down. I felt like it was my fault. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I was being too cold to her.

I could feel a hold forming in my chest as I watched her. She looked like she was in pain. I didn't want to bother her, but at the same time I wanted to be her SuperMan.

Was it something I did, YooJin? I'm sorry for making you feel this way...


This chapter was inspired by 2NE1's Lonely. I was never a 2NE1 fan, so today (April 9th 2012) is the first time I heard Lonely, even though it's been released a year ago. I know I'm a year late, but whatever :P

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whoa. what just happened? what that suppose to be part of the drama too?
AhRiShA #2
LOL Music isn't his only talent :P
I swear Sunggyu always knows when something's real or fake. goodness. he's like some kind of mind reader or something.
now I really want to know how this drama is going to be like with both of them as the lead characters. hehe. ^^
update soon.
Hehe. Is this person L? Or maybe someone else?
Update soon.
_uniquelynghi #6
Who's that one person she knows..? ._.
Update soon~<33
Choonhee left Woollim. I was about to say... No body hurts my choding. Lol.
Myungyeol. (:
No~ what did Choonhee do to my choding?!
Aww.. SUngyeol really like Choonhee..
I thought he can be a great rival for L when it comes to Yoojin but looks like HIm & CHoonhee are gonna be a cute couple..
Lol!! I still laugh whenever I see that video of him dancing..
Yoojin & L's moment was disturbed by them.. I wonder if Myungsoo's really leaning for a kiss.
New reader here..
Well, it just shows that maybe L was having these feelings about her too same thing that she's been feeling about L for the past month..
Sunggyu really provide solutions to her problems.. what a great big bro..
I somehow crave for more Sungyeol moments.. hehe
Myungsoo just kissed her, kyya!!!
I wonder who that person is???