Chapter 11: The MinJi Monster Is Released

What Will I Do, Kim Sunggyu?

Myungsoo's (L) POV:

YooJin: Aw...okay...

YES! I hugged her, and everyone cheered. We continued to walk as a group.

I was so happy that everything was falling into place, but then I remembered my plans with another friend. We were planning on getting rid of Minji tomorrow, now that Sunggyu came up with the same plan, I have to stop one of them. I called my other friend to tell him to cancel, but he didn't pick up. I tried over and over again but he still didn't pick up. Hours had passed, and it was 6:00PM already. When we ate together, I tried to call him one last time. I had my fingers crossed, hoping he would finally pick up.

Unfortunetly, no. His phone was turned off. What's going on??? I don't know how this will work out. If I tell Sunggyu to cancel infront of YooJin and I drag her to the other plan, she'll think I'm psyco. I have no idea what I'm gonna do....

*The next day at school*

It's lunch time, and we're getting ready for Sunggyu's plan to get rid of MinJi. I tried to call my friend again, but he still ddin't pick up. He didn't show up for class either, so I guess that's good.

Sungyeol: She's coming!

YooJin and I got into position. I held onto her and slowly leaned in to kiss her infront of MinJi. But...why do I feel so nervous???


YooJin's POV:

My first day of school was just an ordinary day with the boys. We were going to do the plan. L was so close to kissing me. When Sungyeol gave us the que, L leaned in and kissed me. I know I said I hated him, but I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. Why does that happen??? And I was in some sort of dreamland when he sealed the kiss. I snapped back to reality when I heard screams coming from down the hall.


Dongwoo: Whoa, whoa, where you going? Come back!

L and I pulled away to see what was going on, and MinJi was fast walking towards us, with Dongwoo right behid her, trying to stop her. I was going to deal with her, but L stopped me, and he stepped infront of me.

L: What are you gonna do now?

MinJi: You're faking it...I KNOW YOU ARE!

L: I don't just kiss anybody...So it's official, I have a girlfriend...

MinJi: You're just pretending!!! You love me don't you???

L: What are you talking about? If I did, then you would be my girlfriend, but that would never happen...

L intertwined his fingers with mine, and walked away, dragging me along. MinJi held my wrist, I was surprised my her tight grip.

MinJi: You listen to me...I told you to stay away from him and LOOK WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T!

L exploded, which was unexpected. He's usually the quiet one, even Sunggyu has never seen him this loud.

L: I WAS THE ONE WHO COULDN'T STAY AWAY FROM HER. She's the girl I choose, and you should stop dreaming, because you and I, will never happen. Just give up already...

I've never seen L so harsh. I almost felt bad for her, but she was a wickedly evil monster. She started going after everyone, so we all scattered. L and I hid in a class room under the teacher's desk. We heard her come in and start making a mess, but she didn't find us and she left. We both slowly crawled from under the desk, only to find the chairs and desks all flipped over. Which proves my theory: MinJi's a monster.

YooJin: Whoa, She...

L: Crazy right? It's one of the reasons why everyone including your brother avoids her...

YooJin: Well, if she doesn't bother you tomorrow then mission acomplished. We won't have to KISS again...

?: Hey L, are we still doing the plan?

L : Where were you? I kept calling you yesterday but you wouldn't pick up!!!

?: Sorry my mom took my phone away...

L: Some other friends already did the plan, but thanks anyway...

?: Okay. Who's she? Your girlfriend?

L: No, just a friend. She's Sunggyu's little sis.

Siwoo: Oh, Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Siwoo.

Was he the one L was talking to on the phone??? No way...he's so cute....

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whoa. what just happened? what that suppose to be part of the drama too?
AhRiShA #2
LOL Music isn't his only talent :P
I swear Sunggyu always knows when something's real or fake. goodness. he's like some kind of mind reader or something.
now I really want to know how this drama is going to be like with both of them as the lead characters. hehe. ^^
update soon.
Hehe. Is this person L? Or maybe someone else?
Update soon.
_uniquelynghi #6
Who's that one person she knows..? ._.
Update soon~<33
Choonhee left Woollim. I was about to say... No body hurts my choding. Lol.
Myungyeol. (:
No~ what did Choonhee do to my choding?!
Aww.. SUngyeol really like Choonhee..
I thought he can be a great rival for L when it comes to Yoojin but looks like HIm & CHoonhee are gonna be a cute couple..
Lol!! I still laugh whenever I see that video of him dancing..
Yoojin & L's moment was disturbed by them.. I wonder if Myungsoo's really leaning for a kiss.
New reader here..
Well, it just shows that maybe L was having these feelings about her too same thing that she's been feeling about L for the past month..
Sunggyu really provide solutions to her problems.. what a great big bro..
I somehow crave for more Sungyeol moments.. hehe
Myungsoo just kissed her, kyya!!!
I wonder who that person is???