The Beginning from the end

The Last Girl Standing


Completely by concert, you running to left kyuhyun. He tried to catch up and called you, but you won’t hear anything. You just run. Kyuhyun keep catch you until his chest pain. Finally he catch you , hold your hand and asked to stop.  “ya… Yoo Rin-ah…”

You just queit. You’ve been lost feeling to face him. “Ya… hosh~ hosh~ stop! Why you suddenly go? I wrong again, huh? You’ve been agree, right?” ask him. Then you suddenly have a strength to face him.



Kyuhyun sit under your knees, handing you a ring. “do you wanna be my last girlfriends?” ask him.

You totally shock. Did Kyuhyun is purposed you? You see the look on his obvious sincerity that shone in his face. Its so sudden, you just need a time to answer it all. You’re still 19 years old and Kyuhyun was 24 years old. “You wanna die, huh?” you mumble to him with pretending laugh. All member are waiting you. Leeteuk and Yesung being a host in this moment.

 “Dear, our ELF. You warned you that all this event is beyond of our scenario. Said Leeteuk.

“This woman who standing in our stage is Yoo Rin. I believe you all know her. The girl who was get attack by our fans in Seoul.” Said Shindong.

 “I Hope, you want to accept her as a woman. Not as girl who should be hate or anti. “add Yesung.

“Yoo Rin is Super Junior friends. It mean that if you hate her its same like you’re not our real ELF.” Said Siwon.

You look into all member. You gonna be confused. Slowly, you put the ring. “okay, I accept it.” You said with pretending happy. After that you going down from stage and leave a message to Kyuhyun. “I’m still not finished my word.”


“This was planned, is not it?”

“what do you mean?” asked Kyuhyun not understand.

“Gzz…  you deliberately do this, so I accept it?!” You asked with flat face.

“Yoo Rin, you misunderstand…”

“misunderstanding OF WHAT?! HAH?! You want it, right? You’ve been calculate this question, I guess so. How can I resist you in front of your fans?! How I ashame you in front of your fans? You’ve been calculate how much people will be hate me if I resist you, am I right? Its all you wanted, right?!” asked you without thinking into Kyuhyun.

 “Yoo Rin… Geuman (stop talking)…” said Kyuhyun with flat face.

 “Wae?! Why I must stop?”

“YA, KIM YOO RIN!” shout Kyuhyun looked the other way. As if he wished to shout in front of your face, but she could not bear to hear all of your accusation.

“WAE? AM I RIGHT?” you asked with cold face.

“….” You're looking at a furious Kyuhyun's face staring at you. He pursed his lips with a red eye. he was holding histears.

“your word…just… hurt me..” when Kyuhyun said it without look at your face. He shed a tears.


“Yoo Rin!!!! YOU GET A PURPOSED FROM KOREA CELEBRITY? MOM’s RIGHT?!” ask your mom when you’ve been arrived at home.

“YOU ANSWER YES? YOU REALLY ANSWER YES?” ask dad. You so tired to thinking about it all and just ignoring them. You closed your door room and watch all your wall. “Totally. My heart was filling about you, Kyu.”

 “Gzz… I’ve been crazy. ” you mumble with flat face again. Then, you remind where Kyuhyun dropping tears and said that he was hurt by your words. Actually you won’t to thinking about that, but your heart felt so sorry about that. You just lay down on your bed. “damn it.” You mumbled again.

You’re so tired. Then slowly, your memories with Kyuhyun just imagine. Your eyes being so weight, and you just start to close your eyes. You sleep. But, you’re not totally sleep. You’re crying. Regard all the word that you’ve been said to Kyuhyun.


In the morning, All member went to Bali to take a rest in this island. All member just enjoyed this short holiday. But not for Kyuhyun. When all member enjoyed the wave and doing suffer. Kyuhyun just sit with using grey jacket. He still hold a ring which she bring back to kyuhyun last night.



“You word… just… hurt me…”

“I don’t care.”


“I really…”

“stop talking, Kyu…” Said Yoo Rin without any honorific anymore. She doesn’t call Kyuhyun with Oppa or Sshi??! Kyuhyun seeing Yoo Rin off the rings and gave it back to Kyuhyun.
“this… ” she don’t say any word.

“Forget me.”



When Donghae was enjoying surfing in Bali beach, he paused as he looked back at Kyuhyun like the day when Yoo Rin left him. "What happened to him again?" Eunyuk asked looking worried.

"I do not know." Donghae answered with a flat stare. He look Hyuhyun stepping closer to the beach.

 "YA! Eunhyuk! LET’S WE COMPATE TO MAKE A SAND PALACE! "Leeteuk shouted waving at Eunhyuk.

"Ara, do you wanna join?" advice Eunhyuk, but donghae refused it.  Eunhyuk just run toward to the other. He left Donghae.When Donghae wanted to return to continue surfing, he once again looked at Kyuhyun. The boy threw the ring into the sea.


Then tomorrow… 5 hours before Super Junior back to Seoul…

You're locked in a room for two days. I listen to radio and television who was excited with the news, "Kyuhyun apply his fans in Indonesia. Yuri."

“I believe that these paparazzi still in outside there.” You sigh.

"Knock!" You woke up when someone knocked on the window. You woke up and turned toward the window. "Knock!" One more time someone throws a stone into the window of your room. You immediately opened the window and suddenly the little stone on the forehead. "AW!"
"Sssssttt!" Said the man asked to be silent. You see who is knocking on your window."Donghae oppa! What are you doing? "
Donghae shows a plane ticket to you. "For what?"
"You do not want to continue your studies?"
"REALLY?! "You asked me in surprise. Donghae nod. But you can pessimistic out safely, "how? Reporter stopped me in front of the house. "
"The window of your house!" Donghae whispered.


At Soetta Airport….


Kyuhyun was still depressed because of Yoo Rin had rejected himlove. While the members are busy looking for Donghae. He’sdisappeared since three hours ago and have not returned. he said, there are goods left behind. "The cell phone is not active," said Ryewook increasingly anxious. 

1 hour later, Donghae came with panting breath. "Mianhae ... Mianhae ...." 
"What you have found your stuff?" Said Siwon half annoyed. 
"Nee. Come on, let's go. "Donghae said as he pulled Kyuhyun to get inside the plane. 


Before the plane really took off, Kyuhyun realized that the empty seat next to him. All members are sitting together. While he sat alone. Kyuhyun felt so free because he could get a bigger place. But when he put his backpack on the empty bench. A woman greeted him. 
"Excuse me," said the girl. 

Kyuhyun realized that the seat next to an owner. He again took his bag and put it under his feet. While she was sitting beside him wearing sunglasses. When the plane started to leave, the woman beside him was too cool. She was just busy reading the newspaper Asia Entertainment. Typically, women who sit together with Kyuhyun would scream hysterically, asking for autographs, pictures and so forth.


Kyuhyun watched her as a whole. Then he felt a foreign object that is her familiar.the Ringthat he wastedyesterday was worn by the woman. Kyuhyun confused by himself. Remembered,the ring was already in the exhaust along with a box. Then why the ring can exist in thegirl sitting next to him.
"Miss ..."
"Yes?" She said. Kyuhyun felt recognize her. "Where did you get that ring?"
"Of the actor guy named Cho Kyuhyun." Said the woman then folds hernewspaper andopened herglasses.
"What are you doing here?"
"Of course I returned to Seoul to continue my college!"
"YA!!!! KIMYOON! "Kyuhyun shouted irritably. All member rose from the plane andlooked at Kyuhyun. It seems they are aware of Yoo Rin.
"Why? I have to go with my future husband five years later? Hhmm? "Said YooRin with a look of innocence.
"YAAA!!!ARE YOU PLAYING AROUND ME?HUH?!"Kyuhyun shouted irritably.

“I decide to life with you?”

“are you serious?” asked Kyuhyun.

“5 year later…”


At Bali…

Donghae looked at Kyuhyun threw the ring to the beach. For a moment, Kyuhyun saw the ringbox was swept away and then float. Then Kyuhyun left the beach and back to the hotel.When Kyuhyun turned around, Donghae immediately dive and look for the ring box.Donghae out of the sea surface with a happy expression as he stared at the ring box."kyuhyun, pabo." He muttered.

While on the way to the airport. Donghae told Yoo rin about what happened with Kyuhyun after the concert is completely.  "He is completely destroyed. Do you reject him? "ask Donghae. Yoo Rin nodded.
"What did you say to him? What do you think that Kyuhyun has been planning this all tomake you hate from ELF? "ask Donghae guessing."Listen to me. Do not you have heard yourself from Leeteuk? If it happened yesterdaywas really outfrom scenario. Kyuhyun is really sincere to you. "
"How do youknow?"
"He cried all night after the concert. He does not sleep. He kept thinking about you.Though morning we will fly to Bali to have fun. He almost threw the ring for you. "
"mmwo?! He throw it? What should I do? Aish ~ what he will forgive me. I really do .... "
"Has-been. Follow my plan. "Donghae said as he gaves Yoo Rin a big coat withsunglasses and a ring that had Kyuhyun waste.


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thank you @bodiggy. :D do you like super junior too? :)