First day of school.

Seven Months

It was around 6 in the morning when Dahyun woke us up. I hop out of bed and the first thing I get are my glasses I left on her desk. Once I put them, I notice Dahyun  already in her uniform. Her shirt was a little big on her, but her shirt fit her perfectly. She stood in front of the mirror as she put her necklace with the cross on it.

I go grab mine from the closet and head on back to my bed, laying it down in front of me.

“You nervous?”

I hear coming from Dahyun.

“Depends, you going to abandon me once we get there?”

I start to take off my shirt and feel the morning breeze sneaking through the windows of the room. I grabbed the collared shirt and put it on, feeling the soft cotton against my skin.

“Yikes, do you really think I’m that cruel of a person?”

I turn around to see her still in front of the mirror, this time combing her hair.

“How was I supposed to know?”

I then turn back and slip my pajama bottoms off of me. The skirt comes on and it’s a little short. I feel my face start to get hot at the sight of it.

“I see you got the uniform on fine,”

She says.

“It’s a little short.. don’t you think?”

Dahyun then set her comb down next to her.

“It’s the school uniform, it’s not like he can change it.”

I stand in front of her and wait for her to actually look at me. I felt like she got the hint and so she did. She turned her head and checked me out.

“So? Don’t you think it’s a bit short on me?”

Dahyun then tilts her head as she stared at me standing here.

“You know, you have great body proportions.”

I feel my face heat up a bit more.

“Hey, don’t stare for too long.. it’s too early for something like that.”

Her eyes grow wide as she then looks up to my face.

“ert! I was talking about it as if you were a model!”

I then grab my tie and head toward the mirror. 

“What are you, a photographer?”

I grab the tie and wrap it around my neck.

“I want to be, you’d be a good model to get started.”

I get it all tied up and turn to Dahyun, struggling with hers. I turn to her and grab it from her hands.

“How do you usually do this in the morning?”

I gently make the knot it and lay the tie on her chest.

“My mom does it for me okay, don’t tell anyone I told you that either.”

She squints at me as I send her a wink.

“Like I have anyone to tell, dumb .”

She then kicks my calf as we both start to laugh.

“Don’t call me dumb , dumb !”

When Dahyun cursed, she looked like a kid. It was kinda cute. 

“I’ll call you whatever I want, Tofu.”

She rolls her eyes at me and heads toward the door.

“You coming?”

I quickly head over and we make our way downstairs. As we walked into the living room, we stumble upon her dad and mom in the dining room talking about something.

“I can’t believe there’s people that think this acceptable.. it disgusts me.”

Dahyun and I head to the table next to him as her mom hands us each some tea and a bowl of miso soup.

“What disgusts you, dad?”

He tugged at the collar of his shirt and grunted.

“Two girls were found outside the church kissing and holding hands like ...”

The table immediately grows silent until her mom comes and joins us for breakfast. I looked over at Dahyun as she kept her eyes down at her lap. 

“C’mon, let’s get you girls all fed so you can go to school. It is your first day, Sana.”

They all get into their praying position and silently say their thanks. I slowly join, opening my eyes every once in a while to look at them all. It was definitely different than what I’m used to. Finally, we all start to dig in. 

Dahyun was a fast eater, so I had to adjust to her schedule. We both finished our breakfast within minutes and made our way out the door.

As we were walking to the train station, I couldn’t help but be curious about her opinion on the situation.


I called out to her. She then turns to me, fiddling with her bag’s strap.

“What is it?”

How do I find the right words without making it seem like I’m forcing it onto her...

“How do you feel about, you know... the situation your dad talked about?”

She ponders for a second at the crosswalk.

“Personally, I don’t see any issue with it. I don’t really talk about it though because of my dad... but if you love someone, I don’t see a reason why anything should hold you back from loving them, you know?”

The light turns green and wait ourselves at the station. We didn’t talk much after that. All that was heard was the sound of muffled conversations and trains coming and leaving.

“How about you?”

She then asked out of nowhere. Dahyun stood next to me with her bag swaying in front of her knees. I look at her as she stares at the boarding sign.

“It makes me happy to see people who are brave enough to love each other when others oppose to it.”

I push my glasses up from falling onto the tip of my nose as I look down at her. Her eyes then meet mine and we both break out into smiles.

“I’m glad we agree,”

She says under her breath. The train we were waiting for was the 7:15 train heading towards downtown Seoul. Within seconds, it finally arrives. The two of us head on in and sit ourselves down next to each other. 

“Are you popular at your school?”

I ask Dahyun out of curiosity. She was a pretty girl, so she had to have been.

“I dunno, define popular.”

“Do you have a lot of friends? Are you in any clubs?”

Dahyun nods her head as she moves her hair behind her ears.

“I guess I’m popular then by that logic. How about you? Were you popular in your old school?”

I then scratch the back of my head and think for a second.

“I mean, I wouldn’t know.. I didn’t have that many girl friends and only hung out with guys.”

She then smacks my knee out of nowhere.

“Kya! What the hell was that for?”

She looks at me and chuckles to herself.

“I figured.”

I grab her cheeks and watch her whine. Being able to be friends with her like this reminded me of home. We just clicked so easily.. it almost scared me a bit.

The train finally stops and we make our way off. The school was just down the block from the station, luckily. As we walked together, all the other students arriving around us started staring.

How could I not help but look around at them?? All of their eyes were aimed on the two of us and the two of us only. I then decide to nudge Dahyun who was clueless to it all. She looks up at me as I whisper to her,

“Why is everyone staring at us?”

She slowly turns her head and sees it for herself. Once her head comes back towards me, she tugs at the collar of her shirt and leans into me.

“They aren’t staring at me, they’re staring at you.”

At... me...? We then turn the corner and the school towers over us. It was gigantic compared to my old school. My jaw practically drops at the sight of it. I then cling myself onto Dahyun arm from how intimidated I was by it all. I didn’t even notice that I was until she whispered,

“You can’t enough of me, huh?”

I look down at my arms wrapped around hers, tighter than ever. I feel my face get hot again. She’s really trying to push my buttons, with all this teasing. I lean toward her and whisper back,

“Don’t let me go, or I’ll tell your parents about that box I found under your bed.”

She nearly chokes on those words and then grips onto my arm. I don’t think she noticed before I saw her hide that new camera, but now she does.

“You’re a cruel woman, Sana...”

Dahyun quietly whined into my ear. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since we’ve met, and look where we are. Its felt like a month went by already. As we head on into the school, that’s all that was on my mind.


A small girl, a little shorter than Dahyun herself came skipping on over.

“Morning Chaeyoung,”

She tells the girl. She then notices that I’m latching onto her arm like my life depended on it. Once our eyes meet, her jaw drops.

“I- is this the girl-“

“-Chaeyoung! This is Minatozaki Sana. She’s the girl that’s going to be staying with me for a few months, remember?”

I give her an awkward smile and a subtle wave of the hand as she continues to stare at me.

“Dubu! You didn’t tell me she was a model!”

I nearly choked when I heard that. Why does everyone that I’ve stumbled so far here think that?

“I’m no where near a model, but thanks I guess.”

I awkwardly laugh as she remains in shock. Chaeyoung then leans toward Dahyun and whispers.

“I didn’t know she’d speak so well, let’s keep her!”

Dahyun then smacks the girl on the head.

“What do you mean keep her! We’re just going to show her around until she feels comfortable and wants to-“

I burst into laughter listening to the two arguing. 

“You aren’t getting rid of me that easily. There’s no way I’m going to drop you for all these losers.”

They both look at me with the same bug-eye’d expression. Being friends with girls was something to get used to, but it was so fun teasing them. I’m sure I’ll adjust to it in no time. I then sniffle my nose and smile brightly at the two.

“... I like her,”

Chaeyoung murmured under her breath. The bell then rings and they guide me to my new class. Turns out we all are gonna be in the same class. As we walk inside, most of the other students were in there. All of a sudden, it grew quiet as one by one, all of them stared right at me. 

I’m not one to turn down attention, but this was far more than enough for one day. 

Luckily, an older man then walks in and everyone goes back to what they were just doing. 

“Ah! You must be Ms. Minatozaki! I’m Mr. Park.”

By the time I get a good look at him, the bell starts to ring. Now it was just awkward. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were in their desks, along with the other 27 people staring at me.

“Class! This is Minatozaki Sana. She just came from Osaka, Japan and is going to be joining us for a bit. Please, make her feel welcomed!”

They all stood up and bowed at me. I was experiencing a bit of culture shock at the sight. I wasn’t expecting that much of a greeting for someone staying here for not even a year.

“Why don’t you sit next to those girls over there?”

I look up to find an empty seat behind where Dahyun was seated. I then bow and tell him thank you as I make my way over. Once I sit down, I let out a gigantic sigh. Who knew the first day of school could be this stressful? I’m not even going to stay here longer than a year and they’re treating me like I’m apart of them now.

“Just focus on getting it over with,”

I tell myself in my head.




“Finally, its over!”

I tell Dahyun and Chaeyoung as I stretch out my arms. They both stood there in front of me groaning at my desk. Not only do I have to catch up on what they’re doing, I have to work on my writing and reading. 

“It wasn’t that bad, right?”

Dahyun asks as she puts away my things into my bag. I send her a stink eye as I get up from my seat.

“Everyone was talking about you, well, from where I was sitting,”

Chaeyoung adds. I tilt my head and push up my glasses from the tip of my nose.

“What were they saying?”

Chaeyoung’s cheeks then become a subtle pink as she postpones from answering the question.

“All the guys were talking about how pretty you were, even the girls.”

I start to chuckle as I grab my bag from Dahyun.

“I don’t know what your beauty standards are here, but I’m nowhere near pretty-“

Dahyun then stomps on my foot.

“Kya! What the hell was that for!?!”

I turn to her as she crinkles her nose.

“Stop saying you aren’t in front of ugly bozos like us!”

“Yeah! What she said,”

Chaeyoung adds. They both then cross their arms and pout their pretty little lips at me. They really did look like kids when they stood next to each other. The sight brought a smile onto my face. I then sigh, combing my hand through my hair and give them both a pat on their heads.

“Fine, I’ll admit to it... as long as you two promise to never abandon me for some other pretty Japanese girl!”

We all start to laugh and eventually head on home. 




For most of the walk home, Dahyun and I didn’t talk. I mean, considering how much we did for only knowing each other for a day, I can understand why it’d be a bit overwhelming. We then stumbled upon the station once more and wait for another 10-15 minutes. The two of us eventually find a bench and sit ourselves down. Suddenly, I feel a buzz from my bag. I the thing and pull out my phone.

Dad: just got to the station safely. How was your first day kiddo?

Seeing that made me feel so relieved. I needed that reassurance from him. Is it even weird to say that I miss his nagging and rules he always ordered on me? I chuckle to myself as I hold the bright screen to my face. 

Me: it was okay, glad you got their safe xx

I put my phone on my lap and swing my bag in between my legs as we wait for the train to arrive. I look over at Dahyun who was reading a book. I figured she wasn’t going to talk to me, so I figured I’d listen to some tunes while we wait. I reach into my bag and pull out my ear buds. 

I loved all types of music: western, jpop, kpop, anything you could name, I liked it. Music is probably the only thing keeping me going. I wish I could learn how to play at least one instrument, but I focused on play sports instead. Don’t get me wrong, I did love playing softball and soccer for all those years, I just wish I picked up on how to play something.. like a piano.

As I was listening to these songs, I heard a muffled voice talking to me. I look to the right of me and see Dahyun staring at me. I cross my legs and take out my earbud to hear what she had to say.

“What are you listening to?”

She asks. I then look down at my earbud, then hand it to her. She then takes it and puts it toward her ear. I was listening to classical music at the moment. I know, boring right? Well, it helps me relax after something stressful happens. I figured she would get grossed out and judge me for it, so I waited patiently for her to whine.

“... Mozart,”

Dahyun then says under her breath. I immediately turn my head to her in disbelief. 

“You know Mozart?”

She starts to chuckle to herself.

“I don’t live under a rock, dumb .”

I then cross my arms and look her right in the eyes.

“Look who’s being all tough and rowdy today?”

she leans herself back against the backboard of the bench.

“I’ve been the church’s pianist since I was 5, of course I’m going to know at least one of his pieces. I know this one too,”

she adds as sends me a wink. I get eager at her words. I sit myself up with the widest smile on my face.

“Really? You know how to play?”

Dahyun starts to laugh at my eagerness.

“This is the happiest I’ve seen you so far, and yes. I’ve been playing ever since I could walk.”

This was amazing. This could be my only chance on ever learning how to play an instrument.. for free!!

“Could you teach me how to play? It’s always been a dream of mine to learn,”

I beg to her. With the earbud in her ear, she then crosses her arms and thinks for a second. My smile then fades away as I prepare myself for the denial. 

“I suppose I could... IF,”

My eyes grow wide as I wait for her to finish. Dahyun then crinkles her nose and pout her lips.

“You have to be my model when I want to have photo shoots.”

That wasn’t that big of an exchange, as long as I got to learn I’d do anything. Plus, she looked cute trying to act like the bigger person.

“How can I say no to that face? It’s al deal.”

I then grab her cheeks and squish them once more. She swat her hands at mine as she whines once more.

“You’re really into skinship, aren’t you?”

I shrug with a smirk on my face.

“Get used to it, Tofu.”

The two of us start to laugh as the sound of a train moves closer and closer to us. The two of us then stand up and board ourselves on. On the train, we listened to my music and hummed quietly to each tune that came on. All of my friends back home would hate the music I’d listen to and if I’m being honest, it sort of hurt. I never showed it though, due to being taught at a young age how to hide my emotions by my dad.

This, this was different though. Dahyun didn’t seem to mind with my likings. In fact, she even offered to show her record collection to me when we got home that day. Having her do all these things for me... offering to teach me how to play the piano, and now this? How can anyone not want to be friends with her? Even if this is only part-time, I’ll definitely enjoy all the time I can have with Dahyun. 


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luvtwice #1
Chapter 2: this is really good...will wait for more updates...keep going..:)
Chapter 1: This is amazing! Can't wait for more