Meeting Her

Love Yourself Today

Gowon is the first to wake up, she quietly leaves the room she shared with chuuves last night, leaving them in bedroom together as she gets ready to leave so she can prepare herself so she could go meet up with Choerry 


She waits until sunrise when Gowon finally meets up with Choerry 


“Hi Chaewon unnie~” she says smiling as skips along to her bedroom as Gowon goes and sits on her bed smiling at the younger girl “Hi Yerim” “So what is it that you wanted to talk about so much “ She sits next to Gowon holding her hand intertwining her fingers giving the older girl her full attention Gowon smiles before it slowly fades as she brings up what she heard last night


“A wolf howl? Last night?” she nods “Well i know what it was.. Wait here for a second i need to go ask unnie something” She stands letting go of Gowon’s hand but Jinsoul opens the door “Go ahead, we’ve already told everyone else” Choerry yells “ Wah! Unnie! You scared me knock next time..” She laughs while closing the door looking back at Gowon “Why haven’t I been told?” “Sorry unnie, but sharing this information with you could end up in yves’ hands and she hasn’t been behaving properly so.. Unnie doesn’t allow me to talk about it with you guys but just promise me you won’t tell okay?” She grabs Choerry’s hand tightly “Of course you can trust me” They both smile before Choerry stiffens up telling Gowon her information on Olivia

“So Hyejoo.. She’s the last girl and the wolf i heard last night?” 



Gowon starts to imagine what the girl would be like, 


Tall, Menacing, Cold.. 

Nothing like Choerry had mentioned 


Her thoughts stop as there is a knock on the door as Choerry stands up opening it “unnie you knocked this time~” Jinsoul smiles before asking if she can talk to Gowon in private as she leaves Choerry’s room as she escorts her outside “I want you to go confront Olivia.” Gowon looks up at her shocked “Me..? why-” “She came after you, you should atleast form some sort of friendship before Yves corrupts her..” “a-alright..,” “Just know, something will come soon and it’ll affect the four of you, make sure you get Olivia before then..”  “I will, i promise..” Gowon decides not to question it as Jinsoul reaches for Gowon’s hand holding it as she teleports Gowon back to her own home


Olivia Hye, also called Hyejoo

Twelve girl of the LOOΠΔVERSE 

Animal, Wolf


That’s all she knew about this girl, well Hyejoo..


Gowon couldn’t help but worry about meeting Olivia, she was scared of what she would be facing, a mysterious girl that could kill her at any moment if she upsets her in anyway


Chaewon sighs as she walks to her room seeing butterflies sitting on her flowers near the window elegantly fluttering their wings as rest on them watching her roam around her cupboard to find something suitable to wear to meet Hyejoo 


She will probably end up running away from her at some stage.. So no dresses for Chaewon

She decides to go a bit casual finding a skirt suitable so that she can run away if Hyejoo becomes too scary.. Or a threat 


Chaewon looks over at the butterflies smiling at them “Hwaiting~!” as says while clenching a fist before leaving thinking positively before one of the worse experiences of her life would occur… 


Chaewon leaves her home walking towards the forest where all her butterflies live as she sees a light shine into her eyes from afar as she walks towards it before a blinding light surrounds her as she finds herself on her knees in the middle of a dark cold forest 


It was cold and dark, the sun didn’t shine through the trees Chaewon stands up dusting off the dirt on her knees as she quietly walks around trying to find Hyejoo but she was nervous and scared of calling out the girl as Hyejoo doesn’t know who the hell Chaewon is but her first thought will be she’s a threat


She soon finds herself scared as she stops to hear the sounds of someone walking in the grass nearby, she looks ahead where the sound came from There was a shadow of a figure but it clearly wasn’t a human but it was certainly getting closer 


Chaewon had nowhere to run too, this beast surely knew the area better than she would Chaewon decides to turn around and run straight only to hear the sound of the grass rustling behind getting louder almost to the point it was right behind her she screams as she finds herself surrounded by wolves that looked like nothing that Yerim described that Hyejoo looked like 


She finds herself frozen as they get closer baring their teeth at Chaewon before screaming again as the wolf standing infront of her pounces before strands raven black hair glide across her face as a mysterious girl kicks away the wolf into a nearby tree growling back at them as Chaewon becomes embraced by the tall girl who rests her head on top of Chaewon’s


Chaewon feels her heartbeat go faster as she feels her cheeks warm up to look down to a tail caressing her bare leg where a medium sized cut was located from when the wolf jumped at her all she could hear was whimpers from the group surrounding her to the dominant growl above her 


She keeps her head down looking at the girl’s chest lowering her eyes to the holes in her thin black stockings before she feels herself being gently let go off looking up at the tall girl


“Why are you trespassing…Why are you even here, Yerim said no one would show up.. “




“Just Forget it.”


“You can tell me another time lets go before they come back and eat you this time..”


Chaewon suddenly feels herself getting lifted up and thrown over the shoulder like a sack as she watches the area where one of the worse experience of her life had already just occurred slowly disappear into the distant as she looks down at blood dripping from her leg as they walk for awhile before they reach a small cave as Chaewon gets lowered onto a rock as she sits on it


“Thanks for back there.. I was dead meat-” “Save your talk for later..Show me where you got hurt.. By those bastards”



She looks up at the tall girl removes her jacket and throwing it over Chaewon’s lap as she bends down besides where her legs were stretched out


“So your Olivia..?” 


“Not sure why you would care but, mhm.. Hyejoo.”

“Right, Hyejoo.. N-nice to meet you im Chaewon” 


Olivia doesn’t respond as Gowon flinches to see the younger girl’s lips grazing the top of her cut looking away not wanting to know what she was about to do, she looks away as she complains about the wolves for awhile before she calls out Gowon’s name who had stopped paying attention due to the sudden pains


“Don’t be so reckless again.. Those bastards have been wondering in my territories for awhile now..” 

“They could come back at any moment or even show up right now..”

“The woods isn’t a playground it was a couple days ago it’s a battlefield”

“I’ll kill them all later, just they wait.. And devour them all…”


Olivia finds herself getting lost in revenge for what they have done before snapping out of it 




She turns to look back over at Hyejoo after hearing her name as Hyejoo has blood stains on her lips looking up at her they both go silent as Hyejoo finds herself getting lost in the galaxies of Chaewon’s dark brown eyes as they’re glistering in the sun as its shining through the trees into the cave they were resting as Chaewon blushes looking down at Hyejoo’s unique natural wolf like eyes and her soft slightly parted lips 


They remain like this for awhile before Hyejoo finally stops wiping the blood away as it only smudges on her hand “So Chaewon… Why are you even here” “O-oh..” Chaewon becomes dumbfounded with nothing to reply with Hyejoo, she can’t tell her the truth..Hyejoo stands and sits besides Chaewon “Sigh, just don’t do anything so stupid again, you’ll end up dead soon enough the way your going... Your best of staying with me until i can get you a way out of here...” Chaewon places her hand in the middle of the rock they’re both sitting on as Chaewon places her hand on top intertwining her fingers 


“I owe you my life.. Thank you Hyejoo” She smiles as they look at each other’s eyes again as Hyejoo feels her heart melt with the sincere look in Chaewon’s eyes… she was starting to enjoy this feeling.. But what was this feeling..?

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Chapter 4: Please update author-nim. I love this story already.
laurashipssaida #2
Chapter 4: I love this
laurashipssaida #3
Chapter 4: update!!!!!
Chapter 4: holy sh- … is it kim lip or jinsoul or someone else?
Yebinx #5
Chapter 4: It's really good !!!
Yebinx #6
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter !!!