Donghae Leaves For The Best

Sour Like Lemon, Sweet Like Sugar?




Kibum opens the door to his house while leisurely stepping in. He’s gazing around house and finding how neat and clean his house was. Everything was placed in a neatly position without any faults. Kibum puts his car key above the kitchen table. A habit he oftens and even used to do ever since he ables to ride this vehicle besides the spot is perfect and will be easily to be found just in case he needs it.

He was about to walk away when his eyes drop to a white mug written his name and there’s a sheer of fog coming from the said mug. A smile forming from the edge of his lips after he found out it’s a hot chocolate filled inside it. He lifts the mug with one hand. Taking it carefully since it’s hot but still he wants to have a taste. Yet, just before he ables to sip the said hot chocolate, he finds a folded letter slipped between the mug holder. He puts the mug back and hurriedly takes the folded letter with and odd yet curious look.

“honey...” he shouts slightly while glancing around. He waits for second but silent is what he got. No person and answer replying him.

“honey...” he tries to re-shout just in case someone he wanted to answer is somewhere out from hearing reach and he needs to re-shout also with a loud tone this time. But still, no answer, at all.

Worries start to fill his heart. In second he abruptly unfolds the letter and knows so well who had been writing it based on the writing style he also had known for years. A huge curiosity later overtakes him while he reads every line of the letter.



You must be asking why i wrote this letter. Don't you?

I’m sorry if you have to read this.

And i’m sorry if i made you dissapoint as you came home and you didn’t find me.

I need to go.


Kibum feels his head just been crushed by millions huge stone, hurt. His breathe was hold for second and choked take over it. He glances through the window. An afternoon view who's welcoming the night is greeting his eyes. The sky is orange, beautiful, yet his heart is grey instead. He feels blue. And if heart could cry, it might be cried now on.  He takes one breathe, trying to calm himself down and decides to resume his reading, a letter on his hand.


You’re a person  i really love in my whole life, forever.

I’m sure you can accept this decision, all of it.

You’re my superman, right?

But i’ve to leave...

But, please, don't forget about me. Because i’ll never forget about you...

Please recall all the things about us while i’m not your beside.

Because i’ll do the same.


Kibum’s gaze starts to blurry, eyes feel hot in moment. He even closes his mouth with the right of his palm, preventing not to sob. He tries to remember what’s been occured lately between him and donghae. Yes, the letter was been written by donghae, his donghae, his lover. Someone he's wanted to be here ever since he’s arrived home. Yet the older wasn’t here to be found yet leaving this letter kibum’s read.

Kibum reviewing anything they’ve been through for days ago and he’s very sure there’s nothing odd nor out of place happened. It’s even been two month and they didn’t involve in an argue nor fight to each other was like a two month before this. Everything was fine now on, always fine and they’re happy instead.

Kibum wipes the tears that almost fall down from the corner of his eyes. He still need to resume this () letter untill it’s finished. He needs to know why donghae did it, a reason behind his leaving.


Really, i always wanna be on your side.

Even for second i don’t want to be seperated from you.

However, once again, this is beyond my ability.

I must go.

I wish you could understand, kibum-ah...


Kibum can’t hold his tears any longer and he cries then. His heart is too sore. Several times he sees through the empty ceiling wondering as if it could help him not to shed another tears. The next tears may be harder than before. Moment later, when he feels better though not really, he turns to scan the letter which half of it was already wet with his own tears.


Kibum-ah, saranghae...


Kibum then sobs again. He assures himself that donghae must be have a distinctive reason for leaving kibum like this. It’s not their one nor two days been together as lover. There’s lot thing they’ve faced to preserve their relationship. Kibum wipes another tears wetting his cheeks and reading the last sentence of the letter.


p.s :

Don’t worry kibum. I only go to the market. Leeteuk hyung wanting me to accompany him to buy food supplies that’s been ran out.

I’ll be right back once you’ve read this letter.

Oh, yes, a tissue is above refrigerator just in case you need it! XD

Saranghaeyo Kim Kibum!!!


With love,

Lee Donghae (^333^)\/


“...idiot!!” murmurs kibum yet smile slightly then laughs.




notes :

please do comment OK!! or yeah, whatever you like and she said THANK YOU VERY MUCH if you like her writing :'))



Authored by : @Haedic____

Translated by : @miK____

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privatecookie228 #1
Chapter 1: Lol, poor Kibum.
tsk, tsk, tsk, Donghae... -.-
hahaha! So funny! didn't expect the last part of the letter! naughty Hae! XD
HHisMNia #3
So cute!!!
I love it!!

PS. Plz write more kihae fics. hahaha~~~
It was nice but why did Donghae do that :(
Ah, donghae, that's so mean!
But cute cos it shows kibummie loves you~
Lol, donghae is such a tease :p
And I thought he was really gone
U know got sickness or sth
I can't imaagine what Kibum woul do to Donghae once the latter got home :p
this one is very funny, I love it :D
Snowyyy #8
Hae is so adorable yet Poor kibummie.... Please write more kihae fics.... :)
sapphirewing #9
I thought donghae's gonna die or something :P what a funny story >.<