

“Wendy is what?” Irene appeared out of nowhere, startling Seulgi and Yeri who were unaware of anything that was happening around them. Irene accidentally heard bits of conversation between her two friends about Wendy and now she has this look where only certain people would get it, unfortunately ‘certain’ doesn’t include Seulgi.


“She didn’t tell you?” Seulgi asked. The bear was looking at the girl who was making weird faces, afraid that she might tore her face muscle or something.


“Tell me what?” Irene demanded, this time dragging a random seat and immediately sat on it, hands already curling into a fist.


Ah yes. Irene. Wendy’s ex-girlfriend.


“That she’s going on a date with Eric again, later.”


“What?” What was used to be a confused tone now turned into an angry one.


“So she really didn’t tell you huh?”


“No Sherlock.” The black-haired girl gnashed her teeth tightly, closing her eyes a taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.


Wendy and Irene had broken up for a few months now, and Irene is more than happy if Wendy meet someone who’s better than her. But, somehow, whenever this ‘Eric’ guy crossed her mind, the girl couldn’t help but feel like punching that guy. Everyone, everyone is better than Eric. Eric gives her the creeps, and to know that Wendy chose every other of her suitor for Eric, just made Irene angrier.


“Huh.” Yeri butted in, looking at Irene amusedly. “I thought she’d tell you. You’re her ex anyway.” The girl cackled and effortlessly avoid Irene’s punches towards her.


Exhaling angrily, the girl immediately stood up, going god-knows-where, leaving the two friends looking at her back curiously. They could only pray that Irene wouldn’t do anything ridiculous, again.




“Woah woah woah. Where are you going dressed this beautiful?” Irene asked as she saw Wendy walking out of her room to the kitchen, grabbing some plain water. The older of the two was peacefully watching some random TV shows before she was disturbed by a well-dressed Wendy, not that she minded anyway.


“I’m meeting Eric later.” Her ex-girlfriend said calmly as she drank empty the glass of water, looking everywhere except at Irene.


“Dressed like this? Hell no.” Irene stand up quickly and gritted her teeth hard, immediately walked towards Wendy. There’s no was in hell was she gonna let anyone see Wendy dressed this beautiful, no one but her alone.


Wendy was dressed in a simple white t-shirt with some small symbols on it and complemented with a red skater skirt, not too short but not too long either. Just nice, as Irene would say it.


“Unnie, he asked me out for a date, alright? Of course I need to wear the best I can.” The brown-haired girl looked at Irene with a raised brow, feeling weird on why on hell does Irene act this, protective. They aren’t even dating anymore, Wendy thought.


“Wendy, he’s not good for you.”


“Unnie, you don’t even know him personally. Give him a chance, will you?” The younger of the two couldn’t do anything but to hold her ex-girlfriend on the shoulders softly. A sigh could be heard escaping .


“Personally? Pffttt.” Irene scoffed. “I know him well enough just by looking at his face. He has this boi look on him.”




“Wendy, trust me.”


Sighing once more, Wendy rolled her eyes, and let go of her grip on Irene’s shoulder. The clearly irritated girl just ignored Irene and walked out of her apartment, their apartment. “That was what you said last time.” Wendy said, a hint of disappointment could be heard, before finally closing the door, leaving a very frustrated Irene inside.






Irene flinched a little, knowing that Wendy was really mad since the girl chose to call her by her name instead of calling her ‘unnie’, a habit of her whenever she was angry.


“This is the second time you’ve ruined my date with Eric!” The brown-haired girl said angrily while glaring at Irene who was standing there, defenceless.


“He’s not good for you Wendy.” Irene defended herself. After all, she knows how bad Eric is actually, and Wendy was too blind to see.


“Just like how you’re not good enough for me?”


“Woah,” Irene said, feeling bothered on how Wendy choses to use her words. “Let’s not go that way.”


“That way?” The other girl asked, feeling the turmoil building up inside her as seconds passed. “You’re the one who is pushing my button, and now you choose to play victim?”


“I did not choose to play-“


“Listen Irene, I want to move on okay? I really do. So I would appreciate it if you don’t bother me anymore after this.”


“Don’t you dare say that.” The black-haired girl scoffed in disbelieve before continuing, “I was there when you were the happiest and stayed when you’re on your worst.”


“Stay?” Wendy chuckled pathetically, as if she was mocking every words that came out of Irene’s mouth. “How dare you say that. You broke up with me, don’t you remember? Just because of what? Just because of some dumb excuses. I received some dumb love letters and you decided to break up with me? You should be ashamed of yourself, Bae Joohyun.”


Hearing everything Wendy had said, the older of the two was so close to tears. She was feeling as if someone was stabbing her heart tons of time, then leaving it on the floor, bleeding to death.


“I don’t need your help okay? Just mind your own business. Go some random girls like you always do.” Wendy said for the last time before walking into her room, slamming the door in process.


And Irene was left there to cry her eyes out.




“Seulgi…” Irene said, monotonously. Both of them are currently hanging out in a café nearby their campus. Ever since the argument that happened few days ago, Wendy doesn’t evet glanced at Irene, even for a second, although they’re literally living in the same roof. Much to Irene’s dismay, Wendy’s relationship with Eric are going better and better. They aren’t dating yet but the black-haired girl accidentally heard from Eric’s friends that the guy was planning to drop the question during their next date, which was a few days from now.


“Seulgi,” Irene said once more, she was feeling nothing but remorse right now. Her best friend can only look at her pitifully. “If it doesn’t hurt, then tell me why am I crying?”


The bear could only sigh as a reply and pat the latter on the shoulder. “Maybe it’s because you still have feelings for her? I mean, I may be dense, but I can see it.”


“I just don’t want anyone hurt her just like how I hurt her, especially Eric.”


“Aww c’mon Hyun.” Seulgi smiled at Irene warmly and looked at her best friend softly. “Eric is a good guy. Just give him a chance.”


“I don’t know Seul.” The older of the two sighed and massaged her temples calmly. “I just have this weird feeling whenever an image of him smiling crossed my mind.”


“That is called jealousy, Hyun. It’s normal.” The bear kept smiling, eyes never leaving Irene’s sad expression, before continuing, “Don’t worry, it’ll pass.”




It was one of those days where Irene’s concern was right after all.


She was sitting on one of the benches in the corner of the gym, where no one could find nor see her. The girl was reading her favourite book peacefully before she was interrupted by some noises coming from the entrance of the gym. Looking towards the entrance, the girl’s eyes were wide as she saw Eric with his basketball teammates, looking as jock as they can ever be. But what caught Irene’s attention was the conversation that they were having, where it doesn’t fail to make the girl fumed in anger.


“Hey Eric, how’s it going with your girl, Jieun?”


“Never better.” Eric said, with a proud face that Irene sure love to punch. “Today’s our fifth anniversary together.”


“Damn, lucky you. But what about your other girl, what was her name again, Wandy, Windy?”


“Wendy.” Eric scoffed as soon as the image of Wendy crossed his mind. “Don’t worry.” The guy said while smiling smugly, before continuing, “I’m gonna leave her the second I got into her pants, which is tonight, if I’m lucky. But, I sure am lucky as hell.”


All his other teammates laughed in agreement as they walked into the locker room, mocking Wendy in the process of doing so.


Closing her book ‘calmly’, Irene clenched her fist as she stood up, storming inside the locker room, feeling her anger raising every second that passed. She was so gonna punch the cocky guy in the face.


Bursting into the locker room furiously, the girl immediately searched for the , not minding every other guy that was topless or even . They immediately cover whatever they can as they saw the angry girl walking inside the room out of the blue.


“What the-“ Eric said but was cut short when he was pushed and immediately pinned on the locker.


“I’m so gonna kill you son of a bi-“


“Well well well.” Eric said proudly, not even feel threatened by the girl in front of her. “If it isn’t the famous Bae Joohyun.” He smirked. “What do you want?”


“Don’t pretend as if I didn’t hear what you said just now.”


“Oh, and what are you planning to do? Tell Wendy about it?” Eric said, tone full of confident as he kept looking at Irene in front of him. “Go ahead and try. See if she believes you.”


“Don’t you worry, she will.”


“How confident are you? She did tell me what happened between you two. You broke up with her over a silly love letter. How dumb can you be, Irene?” Eric scoffed and kept his annoying stare at the girl. “She has moved on now. She doesn’t love you anymore.”


“Shut up you piece of .”


Pushing Irene away from him effortlessly, the guy smirked at her with a cocky expression. “Don’t worry. After I’m done with her, I’ll get into your pants too.”


Hearing that, the girl was furious and immediately punched Eric on the face, making the latter winched in pain and stumbled to the floor, covering his face with his palm. Looking at his palm, Eric realized that his nose was bleeding, and probably broken.


“You’re lucky you’re a girl, Irene.” Eric said as he was trying to stop his bleeding nose and stand up after a few seconds, towering Irene. “You just made me want to break Wendy’s heart as much as I can.”


Eric pushed Irene, who was too absorbed in her own emotions, towards the locker, and left her there. The jock then went into the shower while his friends were whispering towards each other, feeling bewildered at what just happened.




“Irene! What happened to your hand?” Seulgi asked in shock as she saw Irene walking towards her locker with a bleeding hand.


“I punched Eric in the locker room.” Irene said, not looking at Seulgi as she opened her locker angrily, taking a roll of tissues to clean her wounds on her own.


You what?” Seulgi whispered-shouted. “Are you out of your mind??”


“Seul.” Irene said desperately, looking at Seulgi with a painful expression. “I knew it. He’s an . He said that he would leave Wendy the moment he got into her pants.”


“Hyun, you might be wrong…” Seulgi was trying to be positive.


“Wrong? Seulgi. He has a girlfriend already. That .” Irene was getting angrier as the flashback of the incident at the gym crossed her mind.


“Then tell Wendy.”


“And what? Expect her to believe me?”


“Irene, you wouldn’t know unless you’ve tried.”


Sighing in defeat, the older of the two just closed her locker in anger and walked away from there, leaving a worried Seulgi standing alone there.




Inhaling a huge air, Irene walked into their shared apartment and sighed in relief as she realized that Wendy was still getting ready to her date with the guy Irene loathed.


After a few minutes, Irene could hear the door of Wendy’s room was opened and the girl immediately walked towards the latter’s room.


“Wendy, we need to- woah.” Irene was holding her breath as soon as she saw Wendy who was beautiful as ever, wearing an all-black dress with some smokey makeups. How could she let go of this beautiful woman in front of her?


“You look beautiful.”


Wendy was taken-aback at her ex-girlfriend’s out of the blue compliment. She was blushing.


“T-Thank you. W-What are you gonna talk about? I’m late for my date.”


“About that.” Irene have no idea why was she trembling but she has to do this, in order to protect Wendy from whatever Eric was planning to do. “Can you not go?”


“Unnie, what do you mean?” Wendy raised her eyebrows at Irene and proceed to walk towards the front door.


“Wendy, listen to me please!” The black-haired girl said desperately as she was holding both of Wendy’s shoulder, preventing the latter from making another step forward. However, its Irene’s hand was what caught Wendy’s attention.


“I-Irene, what happened to your hand?” Wendy asked as she held onto her ex-girlfriend’s bandaged hand.


“That’s not the point right now.”


“Irene, tell me please.”


“I…” The girl hesitated to answer, but she has to, because sooner or later Wendy would find out anyway. “I punched Eric earlier today.”


“You what?!” Wendy asked, shocked.


“Wendy, that’s because he’s an !”


“Joohyun, you’re the here.”


“Wendy please listen to me!” Irene begged, she was literally shaking as she was trying her hard not to burst into tears. “He’s going on these dates with you just because he wants to get into your pants. I’m telling you to protect you, don’t you see that?”


“Joohyun, stop, please. I don’t have time for this.” The other girl just sighed in anger and closed her eyes, breathing hard to calm herself down.




“That’s enough, Joohyun.” The brown-haired girl said in annoyance while wearing her shoe in hurry, not minding whatever Irene was saying.


“Seungwan! He has a girlfriend for god’s sake! Why won’t you believe me?”


“Because the last time I chose to believe you, you made me regret it.” Wendy said for the last time before shutting the door in anger, leaving Irene once again to cry by herself.




“I’m sorry I was late, got into an argument with Irene, again.” Wendy said as soon as she sat down in front of Eric who was smiling charmingly at her.


“That’s okay, arguments happen.”


“Can you believe that she said bad things about you?”


“Well, she must be jealous then.” The handsome lad just laughed Wendy’s words off nervously, before excusing himself to the restroom. “I’m going to the restroom for a while, excuse me.”


“Yeah, sure sure.” The brown-haired girl said cheerfully as Eric stood up, walking to the restroom, leaving his phone on the table.


A bad mistake.


Eric has been in the restroom for a while now and naïve Wendy just scoffed it off, assuming at Eric was probably nervous or something. However, her date’s phone which was on the table sparked curiosity inside Wendy. After all, Eric has never let Wendy touch his phone.


Picking the phone up, the girl pressed on the home button and an image of a girl kissing Eric’s cheek was the first thing that greeted her, along with a few unread messages from Eric’s contact that he saved as ‘Love’ with a heart emoji.


Feeling all sorts of emotions swirling inside her, the poor girl was trembling as every words Irene had said to her came back like a wrecking ball inside her brain.


All this time, Irene was telling the truth.


Feeling as if she could burst into tears any time now, the girl stood up, and immediately left the restaurant. Walking outside the restaurant, Wendy dialled onto her phone, waiting for the person from the other line to pick up.


Fortunately, it did.






Driving as fast as she can, Irene arrived at the bus stop in just a few minutes. Stopping her car, the girl immediately run towards Wendy who was a crying mess, doesn’t even care about the traffic that she was making.


“W-Wan-ah.” Irene said worriedly and immediately engulfed her ex-girlfriend in a tight hug. “A-Are you okay? Did anything happen to you? I swear to god I’ll kill that guy if he laid a finger on yo-“


“I’m sorry.” The crying girl squeaked, so soft that it almost made Irene didn’t hear anything that she was saying, or was trying to say.


“Shush, Wan. Don’t be.” The black-haired girl assured and opened her jacket, then giving it to Wendy, who was freezing cold. “At least you’re okay.” She added before making the latter wear her warm jacket. “Let’s go home now.”




Wendy was sleeping soundly, after Irene helped her getting a warm shower and changing into a warmer outfit. Looking at the clearly emotionally and physically tired girl, the older of the two could only sigh heavily as she clenched her fist hardly, trying hard not to scream right there and then.


I’m so gonna kill you, Eric Nam.


As she was about to stand up and walk out of there, Wendy stopped her. Irene looked at Wendy who was holding her hand tightly.


“Sleep with me tonight, Hyun.” The brown-haired girl said, eyes were closed tightly, as if she’s trying to prevent tears from streaming down her face.


Without saying a word, Irene laid beside her ex-girlfriend softly, and immediately wrapped her hands around the latter’s neck, as what she always does when they were still dating. Oh how she missed this feeling so much.


“I miss you.” Wendy said with a cracked voice as she looked at Irene right in the eyes, hands slipping around the latter’s waist, pulling her closer to Wendy.


“I miss you too, Wan.” Irene whispered as she was wiping Wendy’s tears away using her thumb. “Now stop crying over the stupid guy.”


Wendy chuckled sadly and stare at Irene right in the eyes. “I’m not crying because of him.” She sighed softly before continuing, “I’m crying because I just realized how much I miss this, how much I miss us.”


Not replying anything, the older of the two just stared at Wendy back, with those warm eyes, those warm eyes of hers that Wendy missed so much, she missed how right she feels whenever she was with Irene. How happy she was when she spends time with Irene. How happy she felt when Irene always, always welcomed her with a warm hug whenever she finished her stressing day at university. And how happier she felt every time Irene kissed her. Oh, how she missed the feeling of Irene’s soft, warm lips felt against hers. If she could turn back the time to feel those things once again, she would do it thousands of time.


“I miss you, Hyun. So much.” Wendy whispered.


“I miss you too Wan.” Irene whispered back, and leaned her head close to Wendy.


Irene kissed Wendy on the lips, and the latter felt as if time stopped the moment she felt Irene’s lips on hers. The kiss sent electrifying feelings at all angles of Wendy’s body. The kiss was slow, not too needy. It felt just right. The younger of the two finally kissed Irene back, so soft. Every seconds that passed, Wendy could feel her broken heart melted and was mould into a new one. Pulling Irene closer, the brown-haired girl kept kissing the latter slowly, savouring every tastes that she had missed these couples of months. She wanted Irene’s love, she needed Irene’s love.


After a few minutes, both of them broke the kiss due to insufficient of oxygen. Irene looked at Wendy, with a warm smile that made Wendy’s stomach feels butterflies inside it.


“I love you.” Wendy smiled widely and pecked Irene on the lips before burying her face on the latter’s neck, inhaling the fade vanilla perfume Irene was using, the one Wendy gave her as a present.


She never stops using the perfume even after all this time.


“I love you too.” Irene hugged Wendy close to her, not planning to let go of her. Not again.


This time, Irene is planning to stay for a long time.








A/N: Woah, how long have it been. Four months? Dang I didn’t even realize I’ve been gone for so long. It’s just that I have no motivation to write lately, and that makes me sad. I want to write but whenever I sat in front of my laptop, no words can be expressed by me so I ended up staring at the blank page for hours before closing my laptop in disappointment.

Anyway, I made this oneshot in like, four hours? I vomited every word that I can to create this rubbish. Sorry if I disappointed any of you. But, I hope you enjoy this! :D


Follow me on twitter: @ quivernoldsaff

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: WR endgame 🥳
Chapter 1: remind me to punch Eric on the crotch 🙂
hi_mitochondria #3
Chapter 1: 🥺💗💙
Chapter 1: i’m glad that wendy found out that eric is trash
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute ^^.
aglaonema #6
Chapter 1: Daang, I’m happy for wenrene
True love. Sigh I'm happy they got together again (:
Usmonsters94 #8
Chapter 1: I’m soft with the ending. After everything, it still feels right. Them butterflies. Ish ish ishhh nice update authornim :D fluff fluff fluff. And screw Eric.
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww. Happy endinnnnngggg ♡ im sooo happy :D as usual, job well done!! I love this one ^^
Gr33nPow3r #10
Chapter 1: Awww im a er for a happy ending.