Chapter 50: Valentine’s (part 2): Passenger’s Seat

LOVE NEVER SLEEPS (My Heart's Candy)
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February 14, 2012....

Namsan Tower... 7pm...

She waited patiently for him. She was used to it, but admits that she was getting annoyed at it. All she hoped that he won’t bail on her this time around. She stared through the clear class window and was admiring the skyscrapers of Seoul when a waiter approached her with a pink box.

“Excuse me, miss... I was asked by Mr. Cho to hand this to you...” he smiled at her and she forced herself to smile back. She got the box and opened it. There was a letter and a brand new cellphone underneath the card.

“Why am I not surprised at all? He ditched me again...” she sighed as she opened the card.

“I’m sorry SunYe-ah... I am just really busy with this new project and Chairman would just not really allow me to leave without getting this done... I’ll make it up to you when I get the time... For the meantime, I hope this would lessen my sins... Happy Valentine’s Day, I love you...” it read.

She took out the brand new phone and examined it before turning it on. “This must be a model phone for the company... How could he give me an under-examination phone? Samsung S4 mini...? Really...?” She thought as she turned it on. But as soon as she turned it on, the wallpaper was a snaphot of a handwritten note of his. “Open the music library... and play it... <3”

She followed the instructions and saw only one music file, she clicked on it and his familiar voice started serenading her ears.  

~~A smile to put you on a high

A kiss that sets your soul alight

Would it be all right if I spent tonight

Being loved by you

Your love is released 

And you move me with ease

And you rescue me time after time

Oh Oh you give your all

And you take it all in your stride


To be loved by you

If everybody knows

It's only 'cause it shows


I know what it is I need, it's clear as a shallow stream

It's as it seems, my only dream is

To be loved by you~~~

She smiled as she enjoyed his song, loving his voice and his message, but she can’t help to feel sad that she’s just feeling his presence through a gadget. When the song ended, a call from him suddenly came. She hesitated to answer first as she felt disappointed at him, but the picture of the caller ID made it difficult for her to ignore the call. He had set it to a picture of the both of them acting cute for the camera, a first and maybe last cute photo of her serious boyfriend.

“Yeobuseyo?” she answered the phone.

“I’m sorry...” Kyu apologized in a gentle voice.

“I understand...”

“I’m sure you do, but it’s Valentine’s... I must have disappointed you again...”

“Have you had dinner?” she switched the subject.

“Yah, are you not gonna forgive me...?” he asked in an apologetic gentle voice.

“I’m not angry, oppa...”

“Then why do you have a frown on your face, your forehead creased and reddish nose, right now?” he asked as if he could see her face. She looked around to check if he was hiding somewhere but she couldn’t spot him.

“Stop looking around, Sun...” he smiled.

“Huh? How did you...?” she muttered but stopped when he popped in front of her with a long stemmed rose in his hand.

“Happy Valentine’s Sun...” he greeted and hugged her.

“I thought you couldn’t make it...” she was nearly sobbing as she missed his hugs.

“How could I... I already missed a lot of occasions... and do you imagine what your brother would do to me if I ditched you on Valentine’s???”

“So you mean, you’re only here because you’re scared of oppa?”

“No, it’s not like that... that’s just another thing that scares me, what scares me the most, is if you suddenly leave me because I’m not a good boyfriend...” he cupped her face and wiped the stray tears.

“I miss you oppa...”

“Three days was too long for us not to see face to face, huh...” he chuckled and she nodded. “I love you SunYe-ah...” 



Outside a cafe in Seoul... 8pm...

The two had just finished a sweet coffee break after they completed the love song they were assigned to collaborate on. It was already their fifth time working together on a song and they had just gotten close with each other.

He opened his car door for her as he was about to take her home. They got on the car and he started the engine. He was concentrating on driving when he suddenly started his plan. 

“SoEun-ah, can you open the glove compartment... uhmm, there’s a CD there that, uhmm, I kinda want you to listen to...” he stuttered as he blushed. She did what she was told and saw only one CD with no labels on it, aside from a heart drawn on it.

“What CD is this? Who’s the artist?” She placed the CD inside the player and it started reading the CD.

“Just someone...” he replied and the music started. The sound of the guitar strumming was just perfect for the starry Valentine’s night.

“Hey, this seems familiar... I loved this song, but isn’t it too old already?” she found the song familiar but was surprised to hear a different voice than the singer of the band Stephen Speaks. But the voice was too familiar and she glanced at the man beside her and smiled.

~~~We stop to get something to drink

My mind pounds and I can't think

Scared to death to say I love her

Then a moon peeks from the clouds

Hear my heart that beats so loud

Try to tell her simply

That I've got all that I need

Right here in the passenger seat

Oh I can't keep my eyes on the road

Knowing that she's inches from me

Oh and I know this love grow

But I'm bit slow, Ohh

Oh I've got all that I need 

Right here in the passenger seat

Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road

Knowing that she's inches from me

And I've got all that I need

Right here in the passenger seat~~~

“Wow, I’ve worked with you for months, but I never knew that you were this good in singing... You could’ve been a singer, you know?” SoEun complimented the man beside her as he continued avoiding her gaze.

“Really? Did you like it???” he asked glancing at her but immediately turns his eyes back at the road when she met his gaze.

“Of course, I liked it better than the original, since it was more sincere, more passionate and also more meaningful...” SoEun replied as she blushed.

“Actually... I uhmm, I actually wanted to tell you that uhmm, oh God, how do I say this?!” he grew anxious and she giggled finding his reaction cute. She knew what he was meaning and she also felt the same way but wanted to a little more. He turned at the corner and they reached her house in a few seconds.

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Chapter 62: happy ending for everyone yeayyyy...
thankyou for sharing this great story^^
Chapter 62: The perfect ending to an amazing story ^^ I love it <3
Chapter 61: It took ten days. Ten whole days for me to read through everything you've already written, from chapter 1 to 60, and it has been quite an adventure.

I'm honestly inspired by you. Your lasting dedication to this is really really impressive and something I'm sure that your readers appreciate immensely. I'm really glad that even when you had a lot of other things going on, you still put effort into writing. The story and characters you've created all have a special place in my heart, and I feel like I'll feel empty once it's finally over :'(. I don't know how you did it, but you managed to develop the individual personalities of twenty or so characters, and make them all relatable, while STILL writing a unique, interesting plot.

It's also been amazing to see how much your writing skills have improved since you started. With how you've been writing for the last twenty chapters or so, it's clear that you're on of the best writers in the community. I have no idea why this doesn't have more comments/subscribers/upvotes, maybe people just find it daunting to read sixty chapters from the beginning. All I can say is that I'm glad I did, and that I can't wait for the final chapter and for anything else that you write. Keep writing and I'll keep reading <3
Chapter 61: awww this update made me happy.
Chapter 57: Cheer bcz 2PM is back!!!! Hahaha lol XDD
Srsly I love this concept soooooo much ><

Anw thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 55: Awwwww finally you update^^
Ughhh yoona such an -_-
Hope taecfany gonna back soon T.T
Good job!!
TwinBEAST #8
Are u still going to continue this fic? Please continue this story author-nim. I really like all your fics. You're really great and amazing author! Two thumbs up! More TAECFANY stories ftw!
FanyGG #9
Chapter 52: Can u make more Taecfany pls :D there're not that much of their moment. Thanks for writing this story and I read all the chapter for almost 2 hours since the first chapter lol....
Taecfany + jealousy = cute lol I love it when taecyeon becomes a protective bf lol
WooU_couple25 #10
Chapter 49: Don't worry Jay oppa.. LOL!! Author- nim. Make WooU and TaecFany moments please.. Thanks ~~