
I'm not your anti

He looked around at the house he was leaving behind. It’s the house he grew up in. All of the memories of his childhood will forever be trapped in here. Seventeen years of cheerful memories and embarrassing moments. That now, looking back, they only add the novelty of it.

He remembers how when he was four years old and his mom accidentally pushed him off the counter and he was rushed to the hospital for a broken collar bone. That was when his parents decided they would never have another kid, he was enough work for the both of them. He remembers when he got his first bike at age 6, and his father left him unattended for a single minute, which led to him toppling over.

His parents were young when they raised him. His mother and father were high school sweethearts and gave birth to him at 21. They were taken aback by shock when the pregnancy test came back positive, and they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. They would always talk about how everything is going to be so good in the future. They had a rocky start, but he turned out okay.

Up until age 13, everything was going perfectly. He was an ultimate mommy’s boy and loved getting the attention. He would have friends over and they would have sleepovers staying up until 2 am watching movies, which was considered late for him back then. His mom was an amazing chef, and he loved to show that off. He would come into class with a fresh and homemade meal everyday.

His dad was also very important to him. He was a younger dad, so he was able to relate and understand Baekhyun’s excitement and love for pokemon. He’ll never forget the days when he would run home once he got off the bus to find his dad standing there, holding a brand new pack of cards. The cards are probably in a landfill somewhere. He lost track of where they went.

He considered his life amazing, and fun. Nobody could wish for a closer family. Until his mom got pregnant again. It was totally unexpected. He wasn’t disappointed about it but he wasn’t thrilled either. It became more difficult for his mom to make his lunches, so he was stuck buying slop from the cafeteria like the rest of the kids. His dad was too busy taking care of his mom to give him any attention or pokemon cards. Not to mention he had to work more to afford the house once his mom was too heavy to continue her job for a while.

His parents missed his middle school science fair. He was left with a lot of disappointment once he realized it was no use staring at the door anymore, they weren’t going to come. He was told to find a carpool to soccer practice and they will be there for the games he has. Once his team made it to the championship and his parents decided that it was too far for them to travel to, he quit the team. He didn’t see a point in playing if there was nobody there to encourage him.

He decided he would hate this baby. The thing that was tearing his family apart, and taking all of the attention away from him. He felt like he didn’t exist, like he could just disappear and nobody in the world would notice. They would go about their day and not even think about the lonely 14 year old.
On one night three weeks before the due date, his perception was changed. He went to bed early because of a test he had the next day, too early to hear his moms agonized crying in the bathroom, and his fathers soft and worried words. An ambulance was called and Baekhyun could guess what it was for, his mom was giving birth. Something didn’t feel right though. This whole situation was a little off. Dad wasn’t as happy as he should be when he was about to gain another son, something they’ve been waiting for for a while now.

“What’s going on?” He remembers whispering, only to be silenced. “It will be okay,” his dad assured. “It will all be okay.”

He wishes that’s what had happened. His mom was in pain, and he had to hear it. Throughout the delivery process, he could feel the tension and fear radiating in the delivery room. After a few hours of disappointment, they decided to do a c section.

“What’s going on?” He repeated, his dad looking less calm now. “Your mom has an infection. We tried to take care of it before the baby came but we ran out of time.” He said, refusing to give Baekhyun any details. “What will happen?” He asked, now worried. He didn’t know his mother had other issues. “I don’t know”

Two hours later, one life began as one ended. His mother died giving birth to a baby boy, who was now a four year old named Minjun. They spent a while mourning their mother, having her funeral two months after. Their dad had to work a lot, so Baekhyun was left babysitting Minjun a majority of the time. He didn’t have time to do things he wanted anymore and his friends slowly started to not want to hang out anymore because he was never free.

Two months ago, dad came home stressed. He lost his job. Since then, he found a new one but it required them to move out of their beloved house. It sounded like a good option to all of them. Their new home would be a small apartment in the city, so everything would be more convenient and Minjun could be put in daycare. Baekhyun will finally get a new start at school, and he was more than ready.

He didn’t know his life was about to be wrecked by a tall boy with curly hair.

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