Chapter 9

The Bodyguard's Krystal

Chapter 9

Amber’s POV

“Sorry… huff… I’m… huff… late.”

“It’s okay Yuri. We just started anyway.” Lui hyung said to the girl as he stood up and gave her a glass of water.

“You okay now, Yuri?” D asked her.

After drinking all of the water in the glass, she took a deep breath and answered D. “Yep, I’m fine now. phew! So what did you call me here for? You said it’s urgent. Well it better be, cause Sica doesn’t know that I’m here.”

“You didn’t tell her?!” the trio exclaimed in unison.

“Yah! You guys said it was urgent, and since she’s in a meeting, and I was left alone in our dorm, I wasn’t able to tell her. Anyway where’s the new kid.” She then picked an apple in the fruit basket on the center of the table before sitting down.

“Whatever. *sigh So Yuri, this is Amber. Amber, this is Yuri. She’s your unnie.” Ard hyung introduced us to each other.

“Pleased to meet you unnie.” I stood up and reached out my hand to her for a handshake then bowed to her.

“Pleased to meet you too dongsaeng.”

We then both went back to our seat. There’s an awkward silence after that. But as I observed the four sunbaes, I somehow noticed that they’re looking at each other’s eyes, like having a mental telepathy conversation. They will take a glance at me occasionally. After a couple of minutes, Yuri unnie finally spoke up.

“So… Welcome to the Jungs’ Musketeers Club Amber. We’re happy to have you in here, especially me.”

“You unnie? Why? Because you’re the leader of the club?”

“Uhm… 50% yes.”

The four of them laughed. These sunbaes are really weird. Lui and Ard hyung then stood up.

“We have to go now. It’s getting late already, and we still have to prepare for tomorrow.” Ard said.

“Yup. See you guys some other time. It’s nice seeing you guys again, especially you Yul. It’s been a while since you left. Goodnight guys.” With that, they just left, leaving me with Yuri unnie and Doc D.

“Oh yeah unnie, can I ask you a question?” I asked her.

“Yup. What is it dongsaeng?”

“Before you came in, Dr. D told me that you were Ms. Jessica’s bodyguard before. Dr. D’s about to explain when you arrived.”

“Oh that.” I saw D and Yuri having another eye talk.

“Well what D said was right. I WAS Sooyeon’s bodyguard before.”


“Sooyeon is Jessica’s Korean name. Only those who are really close to the Princesses are allowed to call them by their Korean name.” D answered.

“Ohh… I see.” What’s wrong with the Miss’ Korean name? It doesn’t sound bad at all.

“Well, they’re just not that comfortable with people calling them with two names so they had to stick with one name. Only few people can call them by their Korean names, since it’s kinda confidential too.” Yuri unnie said, as if she read what’s on my mind. Now that I think of it, if Ms. Jessica’s Korean name is Sooyeon, then what’s Krystal’s Korean name?

“Soojung.” D mumbled.


“Krystal’s Korean name is Soojung. Jung Soojung.” WTH?! con8.gif How can they read my mind like that?

“It’s a special trait of a true, full-blooded Jung Musketeer. You’ll learn how to read minds, too sooner or later.” Yuri unnie uttered. Woah, they can really read my mind.

“Going back to the topic, why did you quit being a bodyguard unnie?”

“Hmm… How should I say this.” She looked up in the ceiling while tapping her fingers on her chin.

“Because she fell in love with Jessica.” D answered for Yuri unnie. Falling in love huh. I saw Yuri unnie blush and smile shylycon21.gif .

“Yeah… One day I just decided that I want to be a full-time girlfriend to Sica. I wanted to prove and show her that I wanted to take care of her and to protect her not as a bodyguard, but as a girlfriend. I want to express my love for her more. So I gave up my life as a bodyguard and started a life on my own… a life with my best half.”

“Aww… please forgive Yul for being too romantic suddenly con19.gif .” D jokingly said, earning herself a slap on the arm.

“Yah! What was that for? I’m just telling the truth. Anyway you guys have been together for 2 years already. You guys are now in college, studying in the same school, going to the same class, and living in the same dorm. You guys can no longer be considered as mere girlfriends, but as a married couple. Don’t you have any plans on proposing to her con2.gif ?”

“Of course I have plans. It’s just not yet the right time. We’re just starting our college, but aside form academics, she’s already started studying every corner of the company. The meeting she attended today is a board meeting regarding the expansion of the Jung’s banking business in Southeast Asia. Even though she’s just there to observe, it’s a great opportunity to know the Board of Directors and the future plans of the company.”

“Woah! Didn’t know that she’s that busy already con1.gif .”

I looked at my watch only to be surprised on how fast time flies by.

“Unnies, it’s getting late already. If you don’t mind, I would like to excuse myself. I’m sorry, but I have to sleep now.” I stood up and walked my way to the door. As I was only a few steps away from the door, I felt something coming towards the back of my head. It’s coming very fast. Acting on my reflex, I tilted my head to side and caught the thing with my hand. An apple?

“Oops, it slipped in my hand. Sorry.”

As I turn towards the direction of the voice, I saw Yuri unnie and Dr. D smirking at me. I remember Yuri picking up this apple on the table before. Nice throw, but why did she throw this to me?

“Nice catch Amber.”

“What? What was that for?” I was surprised and confused with happened.

“Now I know why Soojung trusts you. Trust isn’t something that you win; it’s something that you build. Your relationship to her as a bodyguard is just starting. The most important part of our work is building a strong bond and trust with our masters. As well as the people close to them. You’re not just an ordinary person Amber. You will already gain my trust by just dodging that, but you didn’t only dodge it, you even caught the apple. Thanks to you I will not be at peace, knowing that YOU are my future sister-in-law’s bodyguard. I know she’ll be safe. I hope this will lessen Sica’s worries. I’m counting on you Amber.”


“You can go to your room now. Don’t worry, I won’t throw an apple on you again.” She smiled as she assured me.

Today’s been a long day. That’s all I can say. After getting into my room, I grabbed the watch I bought earlier and picked up my phone. I then took a picture of it and sent it to Nicole.

Nicole, I have a favor to ask you. I want you to do something to this thing… I mean put something in here. Can you do it? Are you free tomorrow? Would you mind if I go to your workplace so I can give this to you?

After a few minutes, I received her reply…
Sure, as long as it’s for you. You can drop by my workplace tomorrow at lunch.

As I lie down my bed, I felt something in my pocket. It’s the flash drive Vic unnie gave me earlier. Cáo Mengde… I’m just starting to look for you. It’s been a while Uncle Cáo.

“It appears that the day before your parents were murdered, Cáo Mengde was able to leave the country bringing along with him a large sum money. He left using a private plane to UAE. From there, he used the name Wu Taizu. Two days after the death of your parents, some news broke out that Cáo Mengde, your father’s partner, died when the yacht he’s staying at that evening exploded. His body’s burnt and was hard to recognize, but according to the investigators, the fabric they found in the corpse’s skin is the same fabric from the man they said that Cáo Mengde’s wearing.” Vic unnie explained to me.

“What? How did that happen if he was in UAE?” I asked Vic unnie.

“The yacht’s explosion was just a story… It was just for show. Cáo Mengde used it to stop the men who killed your parents for looking for him. In reality, Cáo Mengde’s men paid the “witnesses”, detectives, and forensic investigators and tell the public that the man who died is indeed Cáo Mengde.” Vic unnie continued.

“Aha… What did he do in UAE after that?”

“Since he’s already dead in Korea, he changed his name to Wu Taizu. He was also able to access his bank account in Korea because according to Cáo Mengde’s last will and testament, since he doesn’t have any family, all of his properties, assets, money, will go to his 3rd degree cousin Wu Taizu. He is really Cáo Mengde’s 3rd degree cousin but Taizu was already dead when he was brought into this world… Taizu was a premature baby, but because his parents weren’t able to arrange his papers, like the birth and death certificate, Cáo Mengde used it as a new identity for himself.”

“My father’s right… Uncle Cao is really smart.”

“He got his money and a new identity. All he needs to do is to change his face. From UAE, he flew to Thailand to undergo plastic surgery.”

“He really is something. He was able to do everything necessary to evade Death.”

“In that flash drive is all informations I’ve gathered about Wu Taizu so far. I’ve done my part, everything’s up to you now Amber.”

“I know… thank you unnie. You’re the best! One of the best hackers Interpol has ever had, though they don’t have any clues that you’ve been hacking them. Hahaha!”

End of Flashback

I grabbed my phone on the corner table.

M: Thanks for everything again unnie. You’re the best! Goodnight… I love you ^^

Queen Victoria: Aigoo! No problem, as long as it is for you. Goodnight and unnie LOVES you too. :-*

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1155 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.