Chapter 27

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 27


“Aren’t you going to watch Yi Yun’s concert later, Master?” the old man asked his master, who seem to be lost in his own world while standing in the balcony of his room.


“No… I’d rather stay here in the house for a while and maybe work on some files.” A middle-aged man answered.


“Okay, but why don’t you go inside for now? It’s getting cold now Master Wu.”


“I’m fine Secretary Wang… I’m fine… I’ll go in after a few minutes. I just want to feel the cool breeze on my skin.”


“Be sure you won’t have colds.”


“I’m already old enough to know that Secretary Wang.”


“Uhm… Master, can I not talk to you formally for now?”




“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about the past again?” He asked the sad-looking man.


The sad man released a deep sigh before closing his eyes. The sun is now setting and the air is getting colder and colder as minutes pass by.


“Coldness… I’ve always felt this way my whole life. Except those times that I had with her. She gave me warmth and taught me how to love. My life with her… was the happiest moment in my life… before she left me.” Wu clenched his fists as he spoke the last words, trying to contain the mixed sadness, heart-broken and anger. “Do you know what’s the most painful thing in this world, Wang?” He asked the old man as he faced him and opened his eyes. “It’s… It’s when you both love each other and yet you couldn’t patch things up… Where’s the pain there? It’s when one decides to end it and the other has no choice but to give up.”


“Wu…” the old man approached the sad man and gave him a hug while lightly patting his back.


“I… I know it’s my fault that I wasn’t able to give much of my time for her, but I only did it because I was already working for us. I wanted to secure a position in the company and prove father that I’m worthy to be his son… that I also have the right to be in the company.”


“But you left her for a year… She felt like you abandoned her.”


“But I didn’t! I tried to explain things to her… We argued a lot… until I found out that my brother’s been seeing her! Of all people, why my brother?!” He broke from the old man’s hug and faced the outside again, watching the setting of the sun. “I confronted her about what I discovered, and you do know how it hurt me… my whole world which revolves around her suddenly stopped… and shattered into pieces.”




“Do you really want me to be honest with you? Do you really want to know the truth Cao?!” The girl asked her lover eagerly with tears flowing on her cheeks.


“I’m falling out of love of you! You abandoned me! You no longer have time to me! I’ve always been crying and in those times that I needed you, Tian Lang saw me. He picked me up and made me felt that I’m not alone! I don’t want to say it this way but there came a time that I felt like I’m just using him as your substitute and I felt bad. I tried to stay away from him… I told him that I feel bad for using him until he confessed to me. I asked myself numerous times Cao… I thought about it… and I just realized that my heart… is no longer beating for you… but for him.” The girl cried out loud after because even she couldn’t take the pain. It also hurt her that she had to tell him everything. She loved him… She DID love him, but he suddenly became cold and she felt like he left her.


“Can I ask you a question Feng Lan?” The crying man managed to ask her, and the girl just nodded.


“If I… If I just came on that time that you’re thinking whether you love him or me… Would there still be us?”


The girl looked into his eyes and nodded.


He felt his knees weaken that it made him sit on the ground.


“I have loved you Cao… I really did. It’s just that… I’m… I’m sorry.” The girl was still crying while uttering the words that hurt the guy more.


“Enough… I’m sorry too… Now get out of my sight!”


The girl was taken aback with what he said.


“Get out now or I won’t let you go anymore!”


For the last time she wanted to hug him, to feel him in her arms once again just to make sure that she made the right decision. She herself knew that there’s still something left for him, but she has to choose. And she chose to turn her back on him and get out of his life.




Tears started to flow on Wu’s tears as he reminisced that sad moment in his life.


“It’s all in the past now Wu. It’s been seventeen years… Look at what the past did to you. You kept on living in the past and never moved on. You just let all of the bitterness and loneliness eat you up.”


“I-it’s enough. Let’s stop this conversation Secretary Wang.”


“I get it. Oh, we already found Lee Young Jae. I already did what you want. He already agreed and wants to close the deal immediately. I would also want to suggest that you return to China for a while, maybe a few months, and rest and continue your medication. I’ll stay here and be your eyes and ears when it comes to the Jungs and Yiyun. You have to be strong if you really want to take Yiyun with you.”


“I understand. Thanks for your concern.”




Months passed and it’s already October. Amber celebrated her birthday with her friends and family. It was the first time she felt so happy and complete. For the first time in her life after the murder of her parents, she felt complete and alive again. But now that her parents’ death anniversary is near, she’s starting to be out of her trance lately. And this didn’t leave unnoticed in Krystal’s eyes.


“Amber, is there something wrong?” She asked Amber one afternoon. After noticing how Amber’s mind seemed to be flying somewhere far away for weeks now, Krystal decided to confront her.


“Hm? What?”


“Amber…” Krystal released a sigh. “Can you please look at me and lend me your ears?”


Amber obeyed her and faced her. “What now?”


“I just noticed that you’ve been zoning out these past few weeks now. It started a week after your birthday. What’s wrong Amber? Is there something that’s been bothering you? You can tell me anything you know.”


“I-I’m sorry… It’s just…” Amber looked away and released a sigh before continuing. “You birthday… is also the day… my parents died.”


Krystal was shocked when she heard Amber’s revelation. Her supposed to be happiest day is Amber’s saddest day.


“I’m… sorry to hear that.”


“It’s okay. I think it’s better to tell you. I think it’ll be better if I let it all out right? You’re my bestfriend and girlfriend.” After realizing what she’s been doing these past few weeks, she felt bad that it’s as if she forgot about Krystal, and the fact that it’s also her birthday. She pulled the younger girl for a hug and apologized. “I’m sorry. Well… let me tell you a bit of my story.” She the younger girl around so she’s now back-hugging Krystal.


“My real name is Liu Yiyun. I’m a pureblooded Chinese, born with a silver spoon in my mouth as other people say. My father owns a mining company, and from what I can remember, it’s running well. I just turned four when it all happened. We heard a loud noise of cars coming inside our compound, just like this. I was busy reading a book that time when I heard a gunshot. After that, I heard screams. My room was on the third floor of our house but I could still hear our maids’ screams, the exchange of gunshots between unknown men and our guards. Moments later, my mom went in the room, followed by my dad. They told me it’s too late for me to go down and flee with Jason. Jason entered the room and informed my parents that the men were coming in the house. My father told Jason to hide in the ceiling of my bathroom while my mom pushed me inside the closet. My father somehow called somebody downstairs and told the other person on the line to get one of the cars and flee. After that, I heard my door flung open. I couldn’t see what’s happening outside but I could still feel the tension, the fear. I myself was so afraid that time. I heard my dad and a man talking. I decided to take a peak of what was happening outside and whom my dad was talking to. But to my horror, what I saw was my parents getting shot in the head.”


“Amber… You don’t have to tell me everything if it’s hard for you.” Krystal said when she noticed the tears on Amber’s eyes.


“Please Princess… just let me.”


“That was the day my world turned upside-down. I was broken, torn, lonely… devastated. My whole world just crashed into pieces. ‘What am I going to do now?’ I thought to myself. After the men left my room, I went out of the closet and approached my parents’ dead body. I felt my knees getting weak so I kneeled down. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing… my parents, bathing with their own blood. It was so terrifying that I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t move a single muscle. All I could do was cry. I then felt Jason carrying me in his shoulders as we stealthily escaped the house. Luckily, there was a secret passage that leads down to a mini forest at the back of our house. When we got out, I just saw our house… burning. I got down to my knees as I watched our house, with my parents’ body still inside, burn into ashes. From that moment on, there was only one thing in my mind… to find the person behind my parents’ death and avenge them.


“Jason took care of me for the next few weeks. He felt like it’s no longer safe to stay in China so he decided to flee and go to Korea. We were already in the airport when he told me he’d just go to the bathroom. Minutes passed and we already had to board the plane. Since I had my ticket with me, I entered the plane and just told the flight attendant that my guardian just had an ‘emergency’ but would follow right after. I never saw Jason after that. I rode the plane alone and landed to Korea… alone. I assumed that Jason was already dead. Now, I was stuck in a place I don’t know, with a language I don’t understand. I wandered in the streets of Seoul. There I met a girl named Lisa Lim. She knew Chinese so we understood each other. She taught me Korean and treated me as her ‘family’. We wandered around the streets of Seoul, day and night, struggling to get food. That was also the time when I started using the name Amber, though Lisa unnie calls me by my other nickname ‘M’ and dressing like a boy.


“Almost two years passed when something horrifying happened.”


“Hm? What happened?”


“It was one cold night when we were still on the streets. We just finished eating dinner and were on our way to our so-called ‘place’ when we were blocked by five men. Thinking that I was a boy, they threw me on the sidewalk and surrounded unnie. I tried to fight those men but what can a six-year-old girl do? Unnie just told me to stop and run away. I didn’t want to but in her eyes, I saw she wanted to protect me. If those guys discover that I’m actually a girl, they might do ‘something’ to me. I was left with no choice. I ran away. I tried to ask for help but they just ignored me. I’m just a street child, a kid… Who would believe me? I was hopeless. Once again, a person whom I considered family was taken away from me. Lisa unnie was and killed.”


“Amber… You’ve been through a lot in such a young age. What… What can I do to somehow ease your pain? Tell me…” Krystal was already in tears upon hearing Amber’s sad story. She embraced her tightly, telling the other that she’s not alone.”


“Now I’m afraid Princess… I don’t want to lose you…”


“No Amber… You won’t lose me. I will never leave your side, understand?” The younger girl pulled away and wiped her own tears before wiping Amber’s. “How do you feel now?”


“Much better I think… Thank you… for listening to me.”


“It’s okay Amber. Now, I got to know more of you too. Soooo… would you mind if you continue the story?”


“My story?”


“Yup… like, how did you meet Mr. Song and finally became his foster child?”


“I met unnie when she first got in Korea. Even though Mr. Song grew up and lived here, he left Korea together with his wife to get kung fu students and teachers who’s willing to teach here. Mr. Song’s wife died in a car accident one year after Vic unnie was born.


“Being her first time here in Korea, Vic unnie didn’t know how to speak Korean. She got lost one day in the streets. I found her struggled asking people directions. Since I’m a Chinese, I talked to her and eventually helped her. She introduced me to her father and being fond of children, Mr. Song took me in. I don’t know what’s gotten into him but after some time, he adopted me.


Sooo… yeah. That’s it.”


Krystal just nodded before turning around and hugged Amber. It was a comforting hug that tells the latter that she’s not alone, that somebody loves her, that she has friends.


“I accepted this job to get money for my own and start tracing the person responsible for my parents’ death and avenge them. But then there’s you. Somehow, I forgot everything about revenge. I was no longer lonely. I’m just sad when I remembered my parents’ death.”


“Mmmh… Do you want to go to the nearest Buddhist Temple and say a prayer for them?” Krystal suggested while still hugging Amber.


“That’s a good idea.”


Suddenly, they heard a knock on Krystal’s door. It was one of the maids informing them that dinner’s ready.


Since it’s weekend, Amber and Krystal continued their story-telling in the latter’s room again.


“So they told me before that I’m the second bodyguard that you approved of. I wonder who’s the first one…”


“Wae? Jealous of the first one?” Krystal teasingly asked.


“Hmm… not really. If that guy is as handsome as me, maybe I’ll get jealous.”


Krystal can’t believe Amber brag about herself. “Omo omo. And who told you you’re handsome?”




“And when did I tell you that?”


“When you told me you love me.”


“Huh? As far as I can remember…”


“Because if I’m not, are you going to be interested in me?” Amber cut her.


“Uhm… Maybe? Hahaha… Okay fine… you won.”


Amber just smirked with her win. “It’s unusual… for you to just accept loss like this.”


“Hmmm… Let’s just say… because it’s you?”


“I love you.”


“I love you too.” The two exchanged smiles as they look into each other’s eyes.


Amber sat comfortably beside Krystal and let the latter lean her head on the older’s shoulder. Amber held her Princess’ hand and intertwined their fingers.


“So going back to the topic…”


“Oh yeah… He’s actually my first bodyguard. He’s been my bodyguard ever since I was two, so I grew up with him. He’s really reliable and friendly. He’s not the scary and serious type because he always has a smile on his face. He became like an older brother to me. He looked after me and took care of me like a brother would do to his younger sister.


“One day he told me that he remembers his younger sister in me, so as he takes care of me, he hopes that his sister was also taken care of very well.


“But then one day, when our class went to the amusement park for a school event, I almost got kidnapped. I was four years old then, and I’m in preschool. The bad guys are already dragging me somewhere until he came to save me.


“While the guy holding me was distracted, I bit his arms so he let go of me. I ran towards him but he told me to continue running and ask for help. I obeyed him. A few blocks away, I heard series of gunshots. I panicked and continued to run away from that alley where he was.


“I ran and ran until I realized that I no longer recognize the place where I was. I contemplated whether I should ask the people around or not. For me, they’re strangers, and I was taught not to talk to them, especially when I’m alone. I ended up sitting in a corner and cried. I didn’t know how long I cried in that corner until I felt someone tap my shoulders.”




Krystal’s POV


“Hey… Why are you crying?”


I lift up my head and saw a boy having this concerned look on his face. He’s a stranger so I didn’t answer him.


“Are you deaf? Mute?”


I didn’t answer him still.


“You know it’s kinda dangerous here and it also looks like it’s gonna rain soon.” He told me as he took a seat beside me.


Rain started to pour and the boy remained seated beside me. I asked myself what’s wrong with him. Luckily, we’re sitting under a roof, but somehow, we still get wet because of the rain.


“Why are you still sitting here? Are you crazy?” I finally asked him. He looked at me and smiled, as if he was waiting for me to say something.


“You finally spoke. I really thought you’re deaf or mute or both…”





“I saw you crying alone here in the corner and it’s about to rain too. It’s not good to be alone in times like these. It’s lonely. I kinda know how it feels like so I think I’ll accompany you here first.”


“My father told me not to talk to strangers. You are a stranger… so I didn’t talk to you.”


“That saying again? Isn’t it ironic? How can you get help if you don’t ask a stranger? From the looks of it, I think you’re lost, aren’t you?” He asked me. I just nodded as I turned my gaze to the street.


“Call me M.” He then offered his hand to me. I hesitated at first before reaching for his hand and shook it. “K-Kle.”


“Kle? Hahaha… That’s cute. Okay, so now we are no longer strangers.”


End of Krystal’s POV



“W-wait… What did you just say? What is the boy’s name again?” Amber paused Krystal.


“M… Wait… Don’t tell me…” Krystal gasped as she realized something unexpected. “Y-You’re M?!”


“And you’re Kle!”


The two finally realized that they’ve already met when they were kids. Right after the rain stopped, M offered her hand to the little Krystal and they walked hand in hand towards the amusement park. Krystal safely returned to the area where she was before the men took her. She ran towards her father the moment she saw him. She told her father about M, but when his father was about to thank her, she was already gone.


“So what happened to your bodyguard?”


“He… died.”


“I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay. It’s all in the past now. Ever since that day, I felt bad that he had to die because of me. I felt sorry for his little sister, because her brother died from saving me. I hate the fact that someone has to suffer because of me.


“My dad hired a new bodyguard but the rest are just full of crap. I didn’t like them. They started to creep my classmates, and they’re annoying. That’s when I started firing my own bodyguards.”


“And then I went in the scene and then you fell in love with me.” Amber said with her goofy smile.


“Dork.” Krystal responded as she pinched the older’s nose.


Both of them laughed and laughed until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


When they woke up in the morning, Amber walked back into her room and pulled out her “chest box” from her closet. She pulled out a watch and kissed it.


“Dad, I think I already know and understand what you meant before. I miss you both…” She sobbed and cried for a while remembering her parents and the sad events that happened to her life.


It’s all in the past now Amber… Your mother and I will always be here right beside you.” A voice within Amber said.


After wiping her tears, she saw the handkerchief with the letters JSJ stitched on it.


“Eh? Kle… wait up… Krystal’s Korean name is… Jung Soo Jung…” After realizing it, she sprinted all the way to the younger Jung’s bedroom. After knocking, the younger girl opened the door and was startled to see Amber’s face as if she made a noble discovery of something.


“Y-you… Have you been in China when you were two?”


“Eh? Y-yes… Why?”


“Then… this one’s yours?” She lifted up the handkerchief that the 2 y/o Kle gave her before.


The younger girl furrowed her eyebrows trying to remember about it.


“Of course she won’t remember much, she’s only two that time.” A voice told them. Amber looked behind and saw Jessica with Yuri following behind her.


“Unnie!” The younger exclaimed as she hugged her older sister.


“Aww… How’s my baby sis? It’s been a long time since I last saw you. Sorry dongsaeng, unnie’s been too busy these days.”


“Hey, Yuri unnie, visiting?” Amber asked.


“Yeah, and we also agreed with D that we’re going to meet here.” Amber furrowed her eyebrows but before she could ask again, Yuri seemed to read her mind. “Some family matters. Hey, why don’t we leave these two here so they can have their catch-ups. It’ll be a long one since they haven’t seen each other for ages.”


Amber and Yuri left Krystal’s room giving time for the two siblings to talk to each other. They visited Jaejoong and the others who are busy preparing lunch. The two of them decided to help along the way.


D came after lunch and the Jung family had a sort of short catching up in the living room along with the rest of the gang in the mansion of course.


“Honestly, I have to tell you guys something.” D mentioned in the middle of the conversation.


“What is it unnie?” Jessica asked.


“Dad’s coming home. He’ll come back before Krys’ birthday to celebrate your birthday of course, and to hold the annual closed door meeting with the board members, share holders and other people with high positions in the company for the annual wrap up. It is also for the company’s anniversary.


“Dad also thinks it’s already time for the board members and the rest of the company to meet the next CEO.”


All people inside the living room turned their attention to Jessica, who was smiling and laughing before but turned serious when their oldest sister mentioned the word CEO.


Seeing how her girlfriend reacted, Yuri held her hand and squeezed it as if saying that she doesn’t have to worry too much because she will be right behind her. After conveying her message that wasn’t put into words, Yuri put her arms around the Ice Princess’ waist pulling her closer.


“When will he arrive?” Krystal asked.


“He told me that he’ll be here after a week. He’ll just make sure that everything is fixed in the office in London.”


“When did he tell you all of these unnie? I mean, why didn’t he mention any of this to us?” Krystal asked again.


“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I attended a seminar in London last month. I told him I was in town so we met there and told me that he’s planning to come back here. He was not yet sure of the date before so I didn’t tell you guys yet, and that’s also the reason why he didn’t tell you yet. Earlier this morning, Secretary Park called me and told me that he finally decided the date. I think he’ll call you two later, I just got a little excited so I told you guys already. Hehehe.”






In a café in London…


“I’m planning to go back to Korea.”


The girl looked up with a bit shocked but happy expression on her face.




“Yeah… It’s been a while since I last sat in my office. Hahaha! And besides, it’ll be Soojung’s birthday soon.”


“Yeah, I bet she’ll be happy to know that her father’s going to be present in her birthday this year. Remember how she cried last year when you greeted her on phone?”


“Yeah… By the way, Soojung’s birthday is also… You know… Have you visited him already?”


“You know I always visit him as much as I can, whenever I have free time. It’s almost thirteen years.”


“I bet your appa’s so proud of you.”


“Thanks Dad. I know that. He’s always been proud of me, right?”


“He never failed to mention you each and every day we meet. I miss hyung…”


“I miss him too. It’s just so sad that sometimes I just find myself inside of my room trying to remember how he looked like. I feel bad everytime I forget his face.”


“How about her?”


“She’s good. I know she’s been good lately. I’m sure these past few months were her happiest to date.”


“Really? Why? How’d you say that?”


“Hahaha… I’m not in the right position to say that. Maybe you can ask your youngest princess dad.”




“Hahaha! Seems like this old man in front of me missed a lot while being a workaholic here in London.”


“Yah! I’m not old!”


“Yeah right…”






I was finally able to update this!!! TT_TT *throws confetti*


ehem ehem... anyway, I know this might be a boring chapter but I did my best to write all of these. Actually a lot of clues are in here, if you guys can still remember the plot, the problems, etc.


I badly need your comments here so I may know what else lack in this, and also to keep me on track. Thank you all for waiting.

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1153 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.