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Final Goodbye
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"I kind of miss how we used to talk every minute of the day and I was able to tell you everything on my mind. I miss our conversations."


"Love we'll see each other tomorrow right?" Momo asked her girlfriend Mina while holding her both hands. "I'm weak already you know that and I want you to be happy for me. Okay?" Mina said

"No please don't. I don't want to hear that! I know your going to recover." Momo pleaded and holding back her tears "Momo my love as much as I want to be positive we need to accept that I'm dying. But always remember that I love you."

"You're not dying love. Please don't leave me I don't know if I can continue my life without you." Momo started to cry "Love shhh don't cry please. I don't want to see you crying. Let me rest for awhile. I'm tired."

Momo tried to be strong even if it hurts already seeing her girlfriend lying at the bed getting weaker and weaker everyday. She didn't care if she had no sleep at all and all matters is her girlfriend to recover.

Momo and Mina were best friends since highschool. They knew each other to the point that they were comfortable sleeping in one bed and in the morning they find themselves hugging each other.

Momo is the one who confessed to Mina realizing that she wants more than friends. They were very happy and their relationship getting stronger.

Mina acting strongly infront of Momo because she doesn't want to see her girlfriend cries. It crushed Mina when she knew that sooner she have to leave her girlfriend.

Momo felt that Mina is acting strange lately but she didn't want to overthink things so she just let it slip. Spending time with her girlfriend is more important.


"Love we have this recitation that we need to write a eulogy for our love ones but guess what I cried alot and my professor gave me perfect points." Momo proudly said "That's good love. How about you write me a eulogy too so I can still hear it from you." Mina asked

"Not yet love as if you're dying already." Momo was confused with that question but she tried to stay calm "Momo love we don't know if when we are going to die. It's just a eulogy and nevermind forget about it." 

​​​​​​"Why are you like this all of a sudden? Love tell me are you hiding something from me? Momo was afraid of her answer but she's been waiting for this moment "Love I'm sorry. I'm sorry love. I don't know if I can make it. Love I'm really sorry. I'm sorry love." Mina cried and hugged Momo

"What are you saying? What do you mean you can't make it? Please tell it to me straight. I'm your girlfriend and I deserve to know the truth. Whatever is that I'm going to accept it. Please love tell me what's wrong." Momo tried to comfort her even though she's confused 

​​​​​​"Listen to me love okay. I have stage 4 cancer and I don't thi--." Momo interrupt her with a kiss on the lips. A soft kiss. A soft kiss that wants to ease the pain. "That's enough love. But when will you tell me this? Why did you hide these from me? I knew it there's something wrong with you." Momo said

"I'm just finding a right time. I don't want you to worry about me and I'm fine." Mina explained "How can I not worry about my girlfriend? Love cancer is not a joke. I believe you'll still recover okay? Smile now love I hate seeing you sad."

"Thank you love. Thank you for everything and thank you for taking care of me." 

                              End of Flashback 

Momo didn't noticed that she fall asleep while holding her girlfriend's

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 1: Reading this again on 2021 ^^
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Thanks for this story :3
Minatoseci #3
Chapter 1: NAKAKA PROUD PAR ?? update mo ako sa next fic mo ha, hehehehe
Adrianasyahidah2413 #4
Chapter 1: its great ♡ but its so sad TT i hope you will make another fic and the ending mist be happy ending ^^ fighting!