
Liar Liar


Kyungsoo woke up to the smell of blood. His eyes flew open, and he jolted up in his bed.




It was everywhere. Seeping from under the door, out of the solitary window, out of his desk drawers. The thick red liquid crawled across the furniture and floor. Kyungsoo pushed himself back, until he hit the wall. The blood begin to pool together, and only became thicker, slowly rising.


“S-Stay back… Stay back!” Kyungsoo gasped out, eyes wide.


The blood seemed to hear him, and it stopped flowing. Time stood still and Kyungsoo hesitantly rubbed his eyes, to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating.


He felt something wet and cold around his eyes. He pulled back his hand, and stared in horror at the blood dripping down his fingers, and at his lap where there was a growing pool of the liquid, colouring his sheets crimson. He blinked his eyes, but this only made the blood flower faster, pouring out of his eyes and mouth and nose and Kyungsoo tried to scream but only more blood came out until-


Kyungsoo woke with a start. His heart was racing, and his palms were sweaty. He immediately squinted at the morning brightness. There was no smell of blood. His hands were clean. The liquid dripping down his forehead was sweat.


It was a dream.


Kyungsoo took a shaky breath, trying to calm his nerves.


“Bad dream?”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he let out a shriek.


There was someone in his room. Kyungsoo blinked a few times, and eventually his eyes focused and he could make out a black figure standing by the door.


“W-Who are you?!” Kyungsoo yelled, pushing himself back up against the wall. The figure stepped forward into the light, and Kyungsoo immediately recognized him as Jongin, one of the contestants.


Jongin smirked at the sight of Kyungsoo fearfully shaking like a leaf.


“Sorry If I freaked you out.”


“H-How did you get in?!” Kyungsoo sputtered out, his voice cracking.


Jongin shrugged. “I have my ways.” He simply explained, which only angered Kyungsoo.


“Don’t give me that bull! Just get out. Now!” Kyungsoo demanded.


“You know, I really don’t think you’re in any position to be commanding me.” Jongin said, and instead of leaving, he made his way towards Kyungsoo, towering over him.


Kyungsoo swallowed dryly, “W-What do you mean?” He stammered, and then cursed under his breath, wishing his voice wasn’t so weak in the morning.


Jongin narrowed his eyes, his expression dark. “I know you lied, Kyungsoo.”




Luhan woke up thinking about Chanyeol. Not out of hate, or love, or anything similar.


Luhan didn’t trust Chanyeol. He wasn’t sure why, but something about the bigger man made him uneasy. It all started the day before, when they read the letter.


Chanyeol had it in his hand. The paper that was laying on the kitchen table when they had just come in the apartment 30 minutes prior.


“Is everybody here?” A man named Jongdae asked.


Chanyeol scanned the living room. 8 on the couches and 4 on chairs. They were all there. He nodded.


“Should we introduce ourselves first or…” Chanyeol started.


“Let’s read it.” Sehun cut in, gesturing to the paper in Chanyeol’s hand. Each of the 12 contestants had their eye on the paper since they walked in. There would be plenty of time to learn about each other. What was on the paper could potentially immediately change the game.


Chanyeol cleared his throat, reading aloud. “‘To the 12 contestants. Firstly, I congratulate you on passing the preliminary interview process. Each of you were chosen based on your strengths and weaknesses alike. By now you may have realized, but the chips in your neck have been activated. They are connected to your spine and heart, and can detect any changes in your heart rate, as well as any fluctuations in your nervous system. We will know when you are lying, so please do not fight back.’” Chanyeol said, glancing up at the men. They all had their hands to their neck, where there was a small bump. He continued. “‘The fridge and cupboards will be restocked with food every week, so don’t worry about going shopping for food. You cannot leave the apartment complex without permission. Finally, one of you will be receiving a chip to place in your ear. In it is a microphone and speaker, and it will be used to communicate with us, the producers of this show. That contestant will be Park Chanyeol.” Chanyeol widened his eyes. The men were all silent, confused.


“Why?” Kris asked, his eyes narrowed.


Chanyeol shrugged. His gaze returned to the letter, where there were only a few more lines to read. “‘You are probably wondering why Park Chanyeol. All we can say is that from our interviews, we have determined Park Chanyeol to be the best candidate for us to communicate with. Good luck to you all. Signed, the producers.’” Chanyeol finished. He passed the paper to Tao beside him, who read it over himself.


Luhan had read over the letter twice. Something didn’t add up, but he wasn’t sure what. Either way, he would find out soon. In this game, things didn’t stay hidden for long.






“I know you lied.” Jongin repeated. “You did, didn’t you?”


Kyungsoo pointed a finger at him accusingly. “Y-You can’t ask me that!” He exclaimed, pushing himself back up to the edge of his bed, away from Jongin’s towering figure.


“Then don’t answer it. I know I’m right.”


“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was three years ago, I was with my cousins, and they wanted to go to a haunted house and-”


“Who said anything about a haunted house?” Jongin interrupted, raising his eyebrows. Kyungsoo swallowed thickly, realizing his mistake.


“W-What do you mean, I-I just-”


“I didn’t say anything about a haunted house. I just said I know you lied. You’re the one who started blabbing about haunted houses.”


“J-Jongin y-you’re wrong, I’m not-”


“Which would mean that you were lying. Really Kyungsoo, how long did you think you’d last?” Jongin said, rolling his eyes.


Kyungsoo found a moment to breathe and calm himself down. He slowly sat himself up, painfully aware of how he was just in his boxers. He held the sheets up, covering his top half and thighs.


“How did you find out?” Kyungsoo asked, his voice shaky. There was no point in hiding it now.


Jongin shrugged. “I have my ways.” He simply said. Kyungsoo almost lashed out at Jongin’s smugness, but bit back his anger. Jongin was right. He really was in no position to yell at the other man.


“What do you want?” Kyungsoo asked, trying to keep his voice steady. He stood up off the bed, facing Jongin, their height difference obvious. Jongin’s expression softened at the sight of a defiant Kyungsoo, standing almost below him at his height. He took a deep breath, his lips forming in a small smile.




Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t bull me. What, do you want?” Kyungsoo asked again, his tone sharp. He could feel the power returning to his body and voice.


Jongin seemed a little taken aback by Kyungsoo’s intensity. “Hey… Really, I don’t want anything.” He repeated.


“Are you going to tell everybody?” Kyungsoo sharply asked. If the other contestants knew that he lied already, they would pounce on him like wolves. His time in the game would be hell, he would be forced to truthfully answer cruel and pointed questions, all with the purpose of forcing a lie out of him.


“No.” Jongin answered. “I won’t tell everybody.”


Kyungsoo felt himself calm down, though now he was confused. What was Jongin playing at? He was menacing earlier, yet now, he seemed almost, kind?


“I’ll see you later.” Jongin finished awkwardly, lifting his hand in a wave. He turned around, and headed to the door.


Kyungsoo still didn’t understand how Jongin found out. How was he able to deduce that Kyungsoo was lying from so little information? Was he really that obvious when he lied? No… He had practiced lying so many times in the mirror before, keeping his expression natural and limiting any obvious tells. So, how… Unless…


“You didn’t know.” Kyungsoo realized, looking up at Jongin. Said man turned around in surprise.




“You didn’t know I lied. You had no idea.” Kyungsoo said. “You guessed, and from the way I reacted, you immediately knew you were right.” He added, somewhat in awe.


Jongin raised his hands in mock defeat. “You got me.” He said.


Kyungsoo frowned, the pieces still not making sense. “But… Why? Why take that risk? If you were wrong, I probably would’ve told other people that you accused me, and then you would have a target on your back.” Kyungsoo said.


Jongin shrugged. “I guess, it was a risk I wanted to take.” He quickly explained. “I gotta go.” He added, then left the room before Kyungsoo had a chance to respond.




Jongin closed the bedroom door behind him, and then leaned against it, letting out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.


What was that?


He had gone in there, as planned, to confront Kyungsoo. And his plan had worked. Kyungsoo confessed, and now he was in control. Yet, why did he feel pity? Kyungsoo was a stranger to him, someone he met yesterday. Yet, Jongin couldn’t get rid of the image of Kyungsoo’s face out of his mind. Something about the other man tugged at Jongin, tugged at a place inside him that hadn’t felt anything for a long time. He suddenly wanted to help Kyungsoo, to protect him.


“So? Did you get it out of him?”


Jongin turned in surprise to the familiar sound of Baekhyun’s voice. The man was leaning against the doorway to his own room, watching Jongin with a snakelike smile.


Jongin swallowed nervously, his previous confidence with Kyungsoo vanishing.




He forgot about Baekhyun.


The night before, after the Question Game, Jongin headed to the kitchen for dinner, hoping to eat before anyone else did. But someone else beat him to it.


“Jongin, right?” The man asked. His voice was smooth like butter.


Jongin nodded. “And you’re…”


“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun” The man introduced himself, slightly smiling. He opened a cupboard and pulled out a pack of ramen, holding it up to Jongin.


“Sure.” Jongin accepted, and sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. His foot involuntarily bounced on the metal stool legs.


“So, who do you think is lying?” Baekhyun asked, and Jongin’s leg stopped.


“I don’t know. It’s too early to tell…” He started, trailing off.


“Really? I think I already know who.”


Jongin leaned forward on the counter, suddenly interested.


Baekhyun continued. “Haunted house? For kids? Doesn’t it seem a bit too convenient?”


Jongin shrugged. He hadn’t noticed anything too suspicious about Kyungsoo’s answer. But Baekhyun seemed convinced.


“I’m positive he’s lying.” Baekhyun concluded pouring water into a pan and setting it on the stove. He turned up the heat.


“So, why don’t you confront him?” Jongin asked. He sensed Baekhyun was leading him somewhere, but wasn’t sure where.


Baekhyun chuckled, his laugh like wind chimes. “Sadly that’s where my weakness lies. I’m not the kind of person that can barge in and start interrogating others. I’m more of a behind the scenes kind of guy, you know?” Baekhyun said.


“Why are you telling me this?”  


Baekhyun turned to face the other man. “Because you’re the kind of person that can.”


Jongin froze, letting Baekhyun’s suggestion sink into his mind. “You’re saying I should confront him about it?”


“I’m saying, that you know something now that you didn’t know before. The rest is up to you.” Baekhyun said, his voice dripping with implications.


Jongin stayed silent, considering the offer. Baekhyun wanted him to do it, to confront Kyungsoo, that much was clear. And after the confrontation, Baekhyun would obviously be there, asking Jongin questions about the result, and as per the rules of the game, Jongin would have to answer. So in the end, the only variable that was different was Kyungsoo. He would believe that Jongin was behind it, while Jongin would know it was Baekhyun’s idea.


And that was the attraction, Jongin realized. If he was right, then Kyungsoo would essentially be under his control. Once a contestant lies in the game, they become extremely vulnerable, with no way to defend themselves. Baekhyun was offering him a piece of control, of power over Kyungsoo. And Jongin had no reason to refuse.




Jongin was jolted out of his memories by a curious Baekhyun, still standing by his bedroom door. Jongin swallowed nervously again. Why couldn’t he get the image of Kyungsoo out of his mind? Of the soft, chubby cheeked doe eyed man who was so scared and worried. Suddenly Jongin’s lips were moving without his mind processing the words.


“He wasn’t lying.” Jongin responded, and then widened his eyes in surprise.


What did I just say?


Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“The haunted house story was the truth. It wasn’t a lie.” Jongin repeated.


What am I saying?


Baekhyun hummed, running his hand through his hair. “Really…” He muttered to himself, and then turned around, stepping into his room and closing the door behind him, not bothering to wave goodbye to Jongin. Said man immediately dropped to the floor, his heart racing. He was beyond grateful Baekhyun didn’t notice his lie.


His lie…


Why? Why did he lie? The image of Kyungsoo’s face flashed in his mind again. Jongin shook his head trying to get rid of the image, but it persisted.


If Baekhyun knew Kyungsoo lied, he would’ve pounced. Kyungsoo would’ve been out of the game all too quickly. His defiance, and resolution would’ve been crushed in a second. And when Jongin thought of that, thought of Kyungsoo’s soft and warm expression morphing into trembling lips and teary eyes, he couldn’t stand it. He didn’t want to see Kyungsoo look like that.


Jongin eventually found the energy to push himself off the floor, and through the door to his bedroom. He dropped onto his mattress, already exhausted even though the day had only begun. He started off believing he was going to move forward in the game, to have power over Kyungsoo and hopefully make a friend in Baekhyun. But now he had lied, was under Baekhyun’s radar, and wanted to protect another contestant when he himself was defenseless.

And the game was only beginning.


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 1: Very interesting story. I’m eager to find out the truths.
jiyongisseunghyun #2
Chapter 1: Omg this is so good! But I’m a little confused about chanyeol’s character. Who is he really?