Chapter II.

Points With Infinite
The young girl quickly scanned through the piece of paper she received this afternoon in the mail from her school. Many may just say this was a piece of white paper with nothing but blank ink-- which was true, but to Lee Taeri, this piece of paper meant much more; the blank ink finely printed out her test grades and her current ranking. She looked down to the middle of the paper, since test scores seem to usually be there, and looked for the sentence with a percentage in it. Taeri's eyes quickly scanned every single word like a copier machine and finally smiled when she saw her test percentage.
Lee Taeri : Chemistry - 99%.
So that means I only missed one? She asked herself. Wait, then what rank am I? Taeri diverted her eyes away from the ugly test scores she received and looked at the bottom of the paper.
Lee Taeri : Ranked 2/874 students.
After seeing that she was ranked two, she crumpled up the piece of paper, threw it onto the ground, and kicked it around like it was a soccer ball-- or better yet, the face of the person who beated her. Taeri would've been fine if she didn't know who was ranked number one-- but she knew. She knew who beated her and she obviously wasn't happy about it; Kim Myungsoo. The guy who gives everyone that cold, distant aura, and obviously seemed like the type of guy who could careless about school. He beated this young girl who studied her off everynight and made sure she knew everything that was going to be on that test.
Taeri began to wonder how in the world he could beat her. She knew he was smart, but she never would've thought that a guy who didn't study and rarely payed attention (or showed up) to class could beat her. Did Myungsoo cheat? She questioned. 
"Satisfied with your test scores?" Myungsoo slid into the seat next to her and placed his head onto his right hand that was basically his base. He slightly chuckled knowing that Taeri wasn't too happy especially since she was the type of student who was known as the overachiever in all her classes. But you can't blame her for wanting a better future, right?
Taeri slightly looked over and grinded her teeth while loudly sighing. Just seeing this man aggravated her; she wasn't too sure why, but perhaps it was because he always beated her? Or was it because he would endlessly and never leave her alone until he gets what he wants? Taeri always wondered why he treated her like this, it obviously wasn't because he had feelings for her-- she just knew it couldn't be that.
She rolled her eyes and pretended to smile, "Just go way, Myungsoo."
"Can't, we're partners, remember?" He chuckled and sat up straight, knowing class was going to start soon. "I don't understand why my parents have to celebrate their anniversary tonight. I mean, it's not even today, it's next week!"
There he goes once again, complaining about his 'sad' and horribe life, Taeri thought as she ignored him and kept thinking about the question she missed. As weeks passed, Taeri slowly learned how to block a certain someone's words and only hear what she wants to hear from him. Honestly, everyone would do the same since majority of the things that come out of his mouth are useless bullcrap anyway.
"--life , huh? Anyway, my parents are taking me to this one restaurant tonight. I heard a student here, enrolling into our school, works there." He paused, wondering what Taeri would say or do, but she remained silent so he kept going. "Don't you wonder who this girl could be too?"
-02/22/12 ; sorry for not updating for like...a week or two? it's been a while-- in my opinion at least. anyway, hope you guys enjoyed chapter two! i actually rushed through this last night and didn't get a chance to polish it, so sorry for it was-- once again, horrible.
congratulations to the fourth character, Lee Taeri (mintaex). ahaa, next chapter will be the first girl chosen, then the second. then afterwards, the story will hopefully slowly develope and...yeah. (: ahaa.
oh, thanks to foreverparadise for sending me a little comment rushing me! i actually like those. if she didn't send that...then who knows when i'll update. also, thanks for those who subscribed and commented! ♥
well, time to go to bed. so tired...ahaa, nights! (:
-YippieM ; Thanks for wishing me luck on my test! I surprisingly (and luckily) passed it with a C. Yes, this is good news for me since everyone hates her way of teaching. No one really passes her tests, so yeah.
-foreverparadise ; I know you love poop...well, Soojin likes poop. :D You're so nice. You think my chapters are amazing and you rush me. CAN I LABB YOU?
-priscilla ; Indeed I did. For some odd reason, I have an obsession with...poop. So beware, you might read a lot about poop. -_-
-taemcunt ; Nope, none of these girls jobs are strippers. I was hoping one would be like that; it's very creative. :D Ahaa, oh wells. I mentioned her working at a convenience store in the first chapter.
-lblue ; Wait, I confuse you? Like, my writing...or the story...or something? Oh no, hopefully it's not my writing. Do you want me to clear any of your confusion? O_O
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priscilla #1
WELL, it's not the update I was hoping for, but this is good too! (: Yay! And I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your fic.
YippieM #2
Congratulations to all girls got chosen :)
Oh well, I guess it is a start for you to write more about them really....for chosen people :)
I'm bit sorry that I cannot vote it for your friend, because I'm not familiar to Tumblr...I'm sorry.
Anyways, good luck :)
Actually I seriously need to do my work for school, since I've been busy recently because I just became a student a lot of meetings coming up and also peer mentor for year, I'm sorry.
Anyways, I would like to say again....GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS. BLESS YOUR SOULS~
congrats! sorry, i'm on mobile and can't really type a lot :D
Creamy-Tofu #4
Congrats on the reveled girls and Congrats to the mystery girls :)
Sorry Cant write a long comment I'm at work lol
foreverparadise #5
OK, EVERYONE. LETS TAKE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TO PRAISE JESUS BECAUSE SOMEONE FINALLY UPDATED. AHEM. COUGH. SHAWMOO. COUGH. :D ALSO, congrats to mintaex ! LOL I would have ignored myungsoo too. He would have given me a headache with all his life stories HAHAHA.

"Don't you wonder who this girl could be too?"


congrats to mintaex~ XD whoa, 99% on Chemistry ? cool, i would probably get,.. dunno, i hate Chemistry.. T__T XD
whoa, L.. what will you do Taeri!?!? will HE go to where you work? gasp... good luck.. kekeke :)

@Author: XD nah.. not your writing ~ i love how you write it and it's enough explanation i guess~ the thing that confused me.. what was it? oh yeah, you are making me confused of which girl was chosen ~ you know the 1st and 2nd girl yeah~ :O
Congrats to mintaex! And now I will have to help foreverparadise help nag and hurry you up as well ;3
mintaex #9
OH OH OH ~ Thanks for choosing me~! ♥
I don't know why, but I don't like it when I get 99% on a test, LOL. It's a good score, yes, but it makes me feel upset because I was /this/ close to a perfect score. HAHAHA! I reacted like this the last time I got a 99% on my math test and my friends yelled at me for overreacting. :X
Oh Myungsoo - pestering me because he beat me, huh? Why /is/ he treating her that way, huh? Because he has a secret too, right? Right? Riiiight? ;D & He's trying to get to me by talking about working at the restaurant, isn't he?
Anyway, I didn't think it was horrible! I swear that this hit so many points in her character; it's amazing! ^o^
There were times where I felt like I wanted to ask you to update, but I felt like it was being pushy, LOL. I guess not, hm?
Okay ~ Can't wait for the revelation of the other two & the start of the story! GOOD LUCK ~! ♥
priscilla #10
awh, congrats to the 4 chosen characters (even if two dont know it yet, although i already have a feeling that i know who it is xD)

sigh, so much effort onto everything. oh well, it's good to see, uh, aggressive people out there LOOOL.