Chapter I .

Points With Infinite
Tightly, Han Soojin clutched onto her stomach groaning loudly in pain. She squirmed around in her seat, banging her head lightly onto her desk, ignoring what everyone thought of her. Many thought she was just simply crazy while others thought her period had arrived and she had horrible cramps. Neither one of those were true, she wasn't crazy nor did she have cramps-- she had the horrible case of something called actingSoojin didn't plan on doing this on purpose, but once she checked her phone-- she noticed she had ten missed calls from Mr. Park, her boss, and had no choice but to find an excuse to temporarily leave the room.
"Mrs. C-c-c-choi," she quietly stuttered, calling out for her teacher. "It hurts," Soojin said slightly lifting her head up, pointing towards her stomach, "I think something watery is going to come out soon."
It took a while for everyone to process what Soojin had said, but once they did, they all stared at her disgusted. They knew Soojin was the type of girl who was disgusting and weird, but they never thought she would openly announce she needed to go and poop. But now that they think about it, they should've known she would say something along the lines of her and poop in front of her classmates.
Soojin's teacher, Mrs. Choi, used her left hand to slightly cover her nose, hoping she wouldn't offend the young lady in any way, and used her right hand to quickly shoo her towards the door.
"Just go home. I'm sure we all would rather have you take care of at home."
"I hate that man!" Soojin loudly screamed as she waited for the bus to arrive. She shuffled through her book bag for her bus pass, hoping that she'd locate it before the bus arrived. This was her millionth time wishing her boss, Mr. Park, would give her at least an hour notice instead of a ten minute notice for her to work a shift that wasn't even hers. Originally, Soojin worked night shift at a convenience store because she attended morning classes and had to do homework and study, but because of her stupid coworkers who get drunk off their asses and can't go to work, she had to fill in for them.
"I don't understand why he can't fire them and find new employees," she said, still shuffling through her bag. Soojin quickly glanced over to her left, seeing bus number 58, which goes to a few housing complexes located half a mile away from where she worked.
Why is it so hard to find my card? She asked herself. "Screw it," she said bringing her black waterproof wallet out, "I'll just pay in cash."
As the bus slowly opened its doors, she boarded the bus, slipping in $2.50 into the little box near the driver and sat down on the first seat to the right. Usually, she would sit in a seat near the door when she was in a rush just because it was easier and quicker for her to exit.
My paycheck better be doubled.
-02/15/12 ; how was chapter one? my apologies if it was horrible. i wanted to make it a little longer, but since i want to slightly skim study for my test tomorrow and practice the piano (maybe), i had to shorten it.
also, i was planning to do two more teasers (for character three and four), but i decided to get the story started and...yeah. :D well, this is character number three. i decided to start there since i did a teaser for one and two. so next chapter will be on character four, then one, and two. just so you know, all four characters are enrolled into the same school, so they'll be friends. just in case if you guys were wondering if i was doing two characters per chapter or one...or something like that.
Anyway, congratulations to character three, Han Soojin (foreverparadise).
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priscilla #1
WELL, it's not the update I was hoping for, but this is good too! (: Yay! And I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your fic.
YippieM #2
Congratulations to all girls got chosen :)
Oh well, I guess it is a start for you to write more about them really....for chosen people :)
I'm bit sorry that I cannot vote it for your friend, because I'm not familiar to Tumblr...I'm sorry.
Anyways, good luck :)
Actually I seriously need to do my work for school, since I've been busy recently because I just became a student a lot of meetings coming up and also peer mentor for year, I'm sorry.
Anyways, I would like to say again....GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS. BLESS YOUR SOULS~
congrats! sorry, i'm on mobile and can't really type a lot :D
Creamy-Tofu #4
Congrats on the reveled girls and Congrats to the mystery girls :)
Sorry Cant write a long comment I'm at work lol
foreverparadise #5
OK, EVERYONE. LETS TAKE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TO PRAISE JESUS BECAUSE SOMEONE FINALLY UPDATED. AHEM. COUGH. SHAWMOO. COUGH. :D ALSO, congrats to mintaex ! LOL I would have ignored myungsoo too. He would have given me a headache with all his life stories HAHAHA.

"Don't you wonder who this girl could be too?"


congrats to mintaex~ XD whoa, 99% on Chemistry ? cool, i would probably get,.. dunno, i hate Chemistry.. T__T XD
whoa, L.. what will you do Taeri!?!? will HE go to where you work? gasp... good luck.. kekeke :)

@Author: XD nah.. not your writing ~ i love how you write it and it's enough explanation i guess~ the thing that confused me.. what was it? oh yeah, you are making me confused of which girl was chosen ~ you know the 1st and 2nd girl yeah~ :O
Congrats to mintaex! And now I will have to help foreverparadise help nag and hurry you up as well ;3
mintaex #9
OH OH OH ~ Thanks for choosing me~! ♥
I don't know why, but I don't like it when I get 99% on a test, LOL. It's a good score, yes, but it makes me feel upset because I was /this/ close to a perfect score. HAHAHA! I reacted like this the last time I got a 99% on my math test and my friends yelled at me for overreacting. :X
Oh Myungsoo - pestering me because he beat me, huh? Why /is/ he treating her that way, huh? Because he has a secret too, right? Right? Riiiight? ;D & He's trying to get to me by talking about working at the restaurant, isn't he?
Anyway, I didn't think it was horrible! I swear that this hit so many points in her character; it's amazing! ^o^
There were times where I felt like I wanted to ask you to update, but I felt like it was being pushy, LOL. I guess not, hm?
Okay ~ Can't wait for the revelation of the other two & the start of the story! GOOD LUCK ~! ♥
priscilla #10
awh, congrats to the 4 chosen characters (even if two dont know it yet, although i already have a feeling that i know who it is xD)

sigh, so much effort onto everything. oh well, it's good to see, uh, aggressive people out there LOOOL.