First story: The group of the nation. Part 1.

Ice Princess.
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The girl was wearing a simple white shirt, with black jeans and white sneakers. She look at the entrance of the royal auditorium, fortunately at this time there is no one, due to what it is lunchtime, quickly entered before they are left watching. There was a beautiful sky, only with some clouds in it, the sun was not strong, perfect day to spend with friends, or just go for a walk alone. But she was always very busy, her "house" keeps her busy, also her duty as a princess. If she is not studying, she is in a boring meeting with ministers or dukes of Korea, and if she is not doing any of those, she is just going to sleep, since the day is always quite exhausting for her.


Quickly by the audience, she climbed the stairs and reached the top, where nobody ever goes, so the guards would not find it so easy, right ?. When she get to a seat, check again that no one is looking. Nor is it recognized what the Korean princess is, due to the lenses she is wearing and her mask. After sitting down, he takes out of his backpack her mobile phone. When she unlock your cell phone, see what has countless calls from your mother and maid, who is also your only and best friend, Irene. She decides to apologize to her later, now he only wants to do one thing.


"Please, what happened?" Says the girl in a low voice. After wandering through the network of videos, she discovers what is really what she wanted to see, the comeback of the nation's group in Korea, Girls' Generation. Despite being the princess of that country, she has never been able to see them in person, or she has even been able to tell the world what she likes in that group, because the others could be affected.


As soon as she saw what had come out, she quickly put on her headphones and connected them to her cell phone, and started enjoying the music video, called "Oh!" She sees the group of the nation, so perfect, she thinks. The truth is that all of Korea knows what its Heir Princess is beautiful, what princes from all over the world expect to marry her and all the princesses envy being her, but also everyone knows why her nickname is "Ice Princess". The girl is cold, being a princess, she was taught not to trust almost anyone, but the girl developed it so well that now comes naturally.


She is so focused on the song, she does not realize that the guards had found her. When he realized this (due to the steps) she started to run quickly, but in the attempt he collided with someone. The person with whom she collided had brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes, also slightly lower than her.

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