
{Kpop Domination Roleplay - OPEN} *^*


Don't worry, the rules are very easy to follow! :3


S u b s c r i b e     Please subscribe to this story for future updates! :D (This is optional) * 

B e  N i c e     No one likes it when there's a nasty person around, right? .___. And learn to get along, please! =w= Do not make anyone feel like they're not part of the roleplay. Talk to everyone. If I find that you're ignoring people and only talk to your own group of friends, I'll hunt chu down and eat chu! D:<

O n e  P e r s o n  P e r  A c c o u n t     Yeap, please only create one account. It's more fair to the other roleplayers. If I find out that you're roleplaying two people, I'll take a chopper and hunt chu down. D:<

K e e p  S m u t  I n  P M     The reason of this roleplay is not . So please keep your in PM. There are innocent people around who do not wish to be corrupted yet. o3o

B e  A c t i v e     Please be active! There's no point in this roleplay if no one is active, right? It's fine if you're busy with real life stuff like school work and wish to go on a hiatus. But please do inform the admins about it. Inactives are kicked out every month.

D o  N o t  A d d  R a n d o m  P e o p l e     I must emphasise. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT ADD OTHERS NOT FROM OUR ROLEPLAY. Only add those who have @KpopDominationRP in their About Me! If I find out you're adding random people, I'll give you a warning. If you continue, I'll probably kick you out of the roleplay. I can't tolerate people adding random people who are not from our roleplay. -w-
R e s e r v i n g     We will give you a week to make your account when you reserve. Please remember to make your account after reserving. Do not disappear and never be seen again. We'll simply open the slot for others to roleplay if you do not make your account within a week.
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Can I be B.A.P's Daehyun?
iluvsungyeol #2
can i be jiyeon
jOkwOn_107 #3
i want to be jo kwon pls...
Can I be hyuna?
can i be chorong? ^^
Can I be Teen Top's L.Joe ?
i made the account for julianne
julianne is here!/profile.php?id=100003485412964