Chapter five - second chance

Chance for love

Donghae’s POV

I don’t know why but I was trying to fall asleep and I couldn’t. All I can see is Eunhyuk. I saw him in school, but he was the biggest nerd in our class and I was the coolest kid. But now after four years I don’t need to act cool and can be with him. I can’t wait and sneaked out of our flat. Mom is sleeping and I run to Eunhyuk’s flat and wait behind corner. At first I see their father going away and when the lights turn off I know that it is my moment. After while I have enough courage to knock on their door. When he opened the door I suddenly don’t know what to say. My tongue is like dead. I play with my fingers and stutter but finally I asked him if he wants to have coffee with me. He is confused but I see that he is thinking about it. After while he said that he has free day with his brother and I can go with them. I happily agree and dance whole way back home. I lay in my bed and think what we will do tomorrow. I fell asleep with huge smile on my lips.

I get up earlier, so I can buy something for breakfast. I am waiting in front of their restaurant and finally they are here. I proudly lift the box with muffins, but my smile disappeared when I see bruise on Eunhyuk’s cheek and bruise on Yesung’s forehead. Yesung is hiding behind his older brother and Eunhyuk is faking smile. I opened the box and Eunhyuk took one but Yesung is shy or scared and stays hidden behind his brother. Eunhyuk whispered something in his ear and then Yesung reached his small hand to the box. Sleeve of his T-shirt pulled up little bit and I see dark purple bruise around his thin wrist. He quickly snatched one muffin and nodded at me. They are eating the muffins and we walked down the street to main street where is bus stop.

“So what do you usually do during your free day?”

Eunhyuk took another muffin.

“Well we usually go to aquarium. It is free on Sundays and Yesung likes it there.”

I nod and looked at Yesung who immediately moved his eyes away.

“So you likes sea animals? Which one is your favourite?”

Yesung pulled out small black diary and pencil. He writes something and showed it to me.


There is written only one word, but I have to admit that he has nice handwriting. I babble some things which I know about turtles, but I don’t think that it is true. We are at the bus stop and better I shut up about turtles because Yesung doesn’t look like he is listening. I started to speak with Eunhyuk about his school. He is speaking about his college and how he is top student. It is no wonder, he was always the smart one. Our bus is here and we get in. Yesung and Eunhyuk are sitting together so I sit on seat in front of them and turn back so I can face them.

“But enough of my school, what about you Hae?”

He immediately blushed because of the nickname, people used it at school. So I started to speak about times when I was in army and about everything what happened in the four years. We are in the aquarium and it is my first time here. Yesung is still shy but doesn’t look away from me. Eunhyuk has still the nicest smile and I am trying to ignore the bruise on his face, but it is hard. Eunhyuk must noticed how I am staring and stopped. He watches Yesung in front of us and then turned to me.

“Father was drunk and angry.”

I gently his arm.

“Why don’t you leave?”

Eunhyuk laughs bitterly.

“And what? We will live on streets or what? I am still studying and people see Yesung as retard because he is mute.”

I sigh because this is true. People are so cruel.

“It is harder Donghae than just say leave him. I am going to graduate next month but before I find job it is impossible.”

Eunhyuk is distraught so I leave this topic and better stopped next to Yesung who is standing in front of tank with turtles. We spend two hours in the aquarium and I avoid questions about his father and we speak about our favourite movies, books and music groups. Then we walk around the city and Eunhyuk stopped in front of Pizza hut and dragged me inside.

“You bought breakfast, so we are buying lunch.”

Yesung pointed on corner table close to window so I go there and sit down. They are standing in line and I see Yesung writing something in the small black diary and shows it to Eunhyuk. I see how is Eunhyuk smiling and patted his back. After while they come back to the table, Eunhyuk put down tray with pizza and Yesung is carrying cups with drinks. We sit down and start to eat. The pizza is really good, but I am feeling bad that they paid for lunch. I want to buy them something but they both refuse. It is almost evening and we take bus back home. We are walking from the bus stop and how we are getting closer to their flat Yesung is walking slower. We stopped in front of their restaurant and Yesung is almost crying. Eunhyuk tells me goodbye and Yesung shyly waved at me. I am standing in front of them and don’t want to leave. I don’t know why but I want to kiss Eunhyuk. I am staring at his lips so intensively that I almost haven’t heard what Eunhyuk said.

“I was really nice. Maybe we can repeat it next week.”

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406 streak #1
Chapter 10: thank you for this beautiful story autor-nim~ Upvote~ <3333
406 streak #2
Chapter 3: author-nim really likes making Sungie suffered T___T
cherrycloud #3
Chapter 10: awww a happy ending ... thank you i really love thid history
Chapter 9: NOO YESUNG
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 9: no T T yesung keep fighting your brother needs you
Chapter 6: Yesung is breaking my heart *cries* please do something about their bastard of a father!
cherrycloud #7
Chapter 4: awww poor yesung ;-; ... i hope donghae brings some happiness to eunhyuk and yesung too
darexvyn #8
Chapter 2: Poor Yesung :(
Didsdods #9
pls pls pls chapter 1! :))