Part 10

The Fair, Love at First Sight


"Kyung Rin-ah~ MyungSoo likes you~ Ever since before~"


Impossible~~~ sang in Kyung Rin's head.


The two continued dancing.


"Kyung Rin-ah... Do you really not remember me OR L?"


Kyung Rin looked confused. "Um... really?"


"The jail booth? Two years ago? That time, we werent really close to Hoya hyung yet..." Sungyeol reminded.




"Kyaaaaa~~~~ LET GOOOOOOO!!!!" Kyung Rin shouted, struggling and tried to escape.


"Mian, Kyung Rin~~~" Kyung Jin sang as he gragged his twin together with Soo Hyun.


They threw Kyung Rin in the jail and locked her in.


"10 MINUTES RINNIE!!!" Soo Hyun .


Kyung Rin sighed. "10 minutes... Great..." Kyung Rin mumbled.


Suddenly, a body slammed against hers.


"OOF!" Kyung Rin grunted as she fell back.


"OMG! IM SORRY!!!" a voice apologized.


"Urg... Its... okay..." she told the guys as she slowly stood up.




"Omo! That was MyungSoo oppa?!" Kyung Rin lowly shouted.


Sungyeol laughed and nodded.


"I was the one that pushed him!" Sungyeol admitted.

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mizukki #1
Chapter 15: Laughing hysterically at the last part. LOL!
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 15: aaawww, so cuuuteeee
babanga #3
good job!@@
LOL the special short part!!! <3 itt~~ i laffed so hard
m0zarts0nata-- #5
so cute XD!!!
@ThuyTranxD thnks~~~ hahaha~~ yea... t was pretty short! :(
The whole thing was so short D: <br />
But the special chappie was funny & cute!
@ELF_EunHaeKyuMinWook thnks~
Nice story^^ New reader(:
@SMILEplz2899 haha~ thnks~