
Kidnap My Heart


Living in a big, cozy house in the central part of Seoul with rich parents and smart brother, people considered you lucky. People didn’t know the things happening behind. Your parents being politicians was pretty much a hard thing for you. You needed to get out into the public without getting noticed or the paparazzi would definitely attack you and of course, making sure that every move you make is right or else, the public will snap and your parents will be humiliated. Once, you were asked out by your group of friends to go clubbing. You asked permission from your parents but they gave you a negative response. You decided to sneak out of your house. When you were sure that everyone in the house was asleep, you immediately passed by your window using your blanket like how Rapunzel would let down his hair. You successfully made it out of your house so you immediately went into the club. You were enjoying your time there, dancing here and there, grinding with different people and getting drunk like there’s no tomorrow. You were using alcohol to drown all of your family problems and you got a little bit carried away with the alcohol and you started to make a scene, kissing different people not caring whether if it was a girl or a boy. People then started to realize that you were the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kim so they took pictures of you which the next day, came out in the television and newspapers which caused your parents to get hard on you more. They thought that would get you into your senses but it didn’t even a bit. You never forgot about that experience. You call it revenge to your parents for it stained their name.

Despite the so called, perfect family that you have, you actually envy your brother for he’s the cream of the crap in the family. He’s got the brains and he follows your parents’ orders. Who wouldn’t like a son like him? At times, your parents would compare you to your brother, degrading you and making you feel useless. It has been going on ever since you entered high school. You couldn’t have stood your parents but in the middle of high school, you met your boyf-- best friend. He helped you get through those years of hell. You thought you were going to survive until you finish studying in the University but they got to the limit and you’ve decided to take a walk outside to calm your nerves and to stop yourself from going away from your family.

“Why can’t you be more like Jonghyun? Look at him! Working now as the president of his own company! You need to stop being so hard headed. That won’t do you good. Remember that you’re from a family of politicians and mistakes aren’t allowed. So this is what you get from hanging out with that best friend of yours?! That Myungsoo guy! GET AWAY FROM HIM AND DO YOUR BEST TO FIT IN THIS FAMILY WITH THAT BRAIN OF YOURS!”


The words of your father stung. It never occurred to you that he was thinking of you like a useless thing. You were in the verge of crying then you realized that there’s only one person that can help you. You called him and asked if you can stay with him for the night. He immediately said yes knowing that you needed him at the moment. When you got to his apartment, he has already spread his arms wide ready to hug you. “I can’t take this anymore, Myung. They’ve gone too far.” You were sobbing in his chest while he was hugging you tightly. Whispering things like “It will be okay” “Just another year” and “You’ll be out of that hell soon” Him saying those things, calmed you down.

You were now on his bed, he was already fast asleep, while you were staring on the ceiling, thoughts still lurking back to what happened earlier that night. You turned to look at Myungsoo and with a sigh, “You might not know how lucky you are to have a family like yours. Myung, I’m also lucky to have you. What could I have done without you? I just hope my family would realize how much I’m worth. I hope even just for a week, I’d disappear and then they’ll realize what they lost. After all, we never know what we have until it’s gone,” and then another sigh “good night, Myung. Sleep well.” You were about to face the other side when you heard him talk, “I’ll always be here for you. Go to sleep and forget about what happened. Good night.” He kissed your forehead and you both went to sleep thinking that things will be okay again right when you wake up.


Prologue/Chapter01 is up! I'll update as soon as I reach 5 subscribers and you guys need to comment for me to gain inspiration!! That's an easy task, right? :D Comment & Subscribe!

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