ChunJi (1)



SORRY FOR ANY ERRORS (grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc) 


"ChunJi!" She cried out from the other end of the hallway. Aish this girl. She was squeezing through the crowd while I was at my locker. 

Guys looked at me with jealousy since I was friends with her. She's a much socialized person; anyone would love having a conversation with her. She's the president of the student body and her grades are perfect. People say that no one is perfect right? Well, she's never been in a relationship before. So basically she's a smart yet inexperienced girl. I laughed as i tried to calm her down. 

"ChunJi! ChunJi!" She squealed as she was jumping on the spot. 

"Stop jumping or the whole school might collapse!" I joked. 

Then she stopped jumping and gave me a look. I chuckled and moved my gaze to a piece of paper she was holding. 

"What's that?" I asked her, nodding my head to the paper as i closed my locker. 

"Oh! Right! ChunJi! ChunJi!" She started jumping again. I just smiled and waited for her to continue. 


"I'm accepted to Seoul University!" She spread her arms wide open and smiled. Obviously, she couldn't contain her excitement. My jaws dropped and ruffled her hair. 

"Good Job! You totally deserve it!" 


We started walking out of school and she was continuously talking about the fact that she was going to Seoul University. The two of us walked to the gates and as usual, the guys were waiting for me. Those jerks owe me for the drinks last night. I pulled her over to the guys and slung my arm around her, grinning. I was about to tell them her good news when i saw their shocked faces. I raised a brow. 

"What's with the face?" I asked. 

"You two hooked up?!" Ricky yelled. 

My eyes widened and pulled away, glaring at the younger boy. 

"What does he mean?" She asked me. 

"Uh...get hooked up as best friends." I lied. 

"Oh.. Well, of course we're best friends." She smiled. Can't blame her; She's too innocent growing up in a very mannered and well educated family. 


To fill you up on what's going on. I have a very obvious crush on her. Ok its not really a crush just that I'm madly in love with her but she's forbidden to get a boyfriend or even go out on dates. Her parents are strict about this topic and they would only allow seriously high classed guys around her and as for marriage, well they'll pick for her. I'm one of those 'High classed' guys since my family is doing very well in our business. I got a letter of approval from her parents from their messenger. Seriously! A letter of approval for being friends with a person. That's just mad. Anyways, that's why she's really not experienced. Her parents really take good care of her. I'm experienced since i meet these guys over here. They helped me break through the innocent barrier and i got to go hang out like real teenagers our age. 


"Anyway, guess which school accepted her?!" I cheekily asked the guys. 

"No we don't know. Which school?!" They played along acting dumb. 

All six of us looked at her. She smiled, "Seoul University." 

"WOW~" They chimed. I gave them a look and they started laughing. She was confused on why they did that and looked at me. I just shrugged and slung my arms around her again. 

"Well, I'm going to celebrate now. Bye Bye!" I waved good bye as i pulled her out of the school premises. 

"Go ChunJi Hyung! Go!" Niel Cheered. "Make a move already!" L.Joe hollered.


I just chuckled once more.

"Your friends have weird language." She innocently remarked.

"I Know." I replied then softly squeezed her arm, "Now, let's have some fun."





I told her driver that i was going to take out for a nice dinner. Well, to them, it was a more of classy type of dinner but it wasn't anything close to what i had in mind. I smirked as i lead her down the busy side of the city. She was stiff and hugging herself since she's been in these types of crowds once or twice. Well, she's a high class person's daughter. What would you expect? 


I was suffocating myself, so i quickly pushed her towards the small so-called restaurant nearby. It was filled with customers as usual and i quickly booked a seat for the two of us. 

"Don't we have to wait for us to be seated?" She innocently asked. 

I smiled and pinched the bridge of her nose, "You are so cute. Wait here while i order us some food."

I walked up to the counter while she was just staring into thin air. I let out a small chuckle and went to order our food from the counter. Actually there isn't a need to, there are waiters but i felt that it was much more considerate to order myself than to wait for a waiter to tend to us. 

After ordering the meals i walked back to the table and saw her clueless looking around. I went plopped myself back on my seat. 

"So, how's everything been?" I asked her.

"Uhm..Good? I guess." She bit her lower lip, "What is this place?" 

"Eatery?" I kept on smiling to her, "What are you going to do after we graduate this year?" 

"I'm going to Seoul University of course." She gave me a face. 

"Right...How about.." I paused and calmed my heart before continuing.

"ORDER!" Someone said and placed a plate full of meat, vegetables and seafood and turned up the barbeque pit. She then placed a pot full of gravy in the centre, "Enjoy your meal." 


Her eyes practically were so wide that it was going to fall of anytime. I placed the meat on the metal part and the sizzle sound filled the air. The aroma of the meat was tempting me to eat it already. I looked up and observed her. She was feeling unsure yet she was her lower lip. Yet again, I smiled.  After a few seconds, I held up a piece of meat towards her. She slightly jolted backwards and blinked at the piece of meat in front of her. 

"Say Ah~" I cooed as i moved the meat closer to . 

She mouth was slightly ajar as she said 'ah' but she ate the meat anyways. I watched as she chewed on the meat. 

"How is it?" I asked.

She chewed a little more then her face lit up, "It's SO good!" 

"Want more?" I tilt my head. 

She nodded. 




"WAAAH~ That was the best meal EVER!" She patted her tummy as we continued walking down the street.

"Where do you want to go now?" I rubbed my hands together. 

She tapped her chin with her index finger then pointed it up to the sky, "Ah! I want to go ice skating!" 

I stopped and stared at her. "Seriously? Won't your parents get mad?" 

"They won't if they don't know." She gave me a sly smile. 

I ruffled her hair, "Since when do you know how to disobey your parents?"

"I learn from the best!" She stuck her tongue out and skipped down the street.

"Yah! What does that mean?!" I raced after her. 


The two us went off to the outdoor ice skating rink. There was a small shop renting ice skates and I rented the two of us skates. When I was finished putting on mine i looked at her and chuckled. She was frowning trying to tie the laces. I knelt down in front of her and help her with her tie it. Then i looked up to her and smiled. Her cheeks were slightly pink and she was trying her best to avoid eye contact. I smirked; obviously amused.

"Let's go." I went over to the ice and skate.


There were other people there skating too but not that many. I turned back to check on her. She was still standing on the ground unsure on whether or not she should step on the ice. I shook my head and skated to her. I held out a hand to her and she looked at me. 

"Come' on. I'll help you." She was hesitant but she took my hand anyways. She clung onto my hand as i lead her to the center of the ice. Slowly i started to skate around the rink with her holding tight to my hand. 

"Aaah~" She was wobbling a little. 

"Just relax and do what i do. You'll get used to it." I assured her. 

She gave me a nod. After a while, she got used to it. I saw that she was now skating by my side but her hands were still holding on to mine. 


"Should i let you go?" I . 

"You wouldn't dare!" She half yelled. 



"3!" I let go of her. 


She was yelling and screaming but then she was skating. I smiled. 

"I'm doing it! ChunJi I'm skating!" She shouted. 

"Keep going!" I encouraged her as i just watched her from a far. 


She was gracefully skating that i could not keep my eyes off her. It was like a goddess was before my eyes. It was as though my adrenaline was pumping and everything was in slow motion. The moment was priceless as she smiled and felt the air brushing her skin. 


But i quickly snapped out of it when she was about to fall. 

"~~~~-ah!" I cried out and skated to her. Just in time, i caught her around the waist and she held on to me. 

"Thanks ChunJi." She smiled to me.

"Let's get something to warm you up.."




We walked around the park with a cup of warm coffee in our hands. We were talking, well, she was doing all the talking while i was just listening to her. Then i saw a playground nearby. I walked to it and sat one of the two slides that were side by side. I patted the slide beside me. She was unsure but she sat down anyways.

She began talking about the most random things and laughing. I laughed along of course but my mind was actually debating with myself. Should i or should i not?


"ChunJi." I heard her call out my name.

"Huh?" I turned to her.

"Were you thinking of something?" Curiosity was written all over her. 

I sighed and looked forward.

"You wouldn't want to know about it."

She pinched her eyebrows together and crossed her arms.

"Why would i NOT be?"

I shrugged, "I Just know you wouldn't be interested."

She pouted, "Can't you just tell me?"

I gazed at her, "When it snows i'll tell you."

"Why snow?"

"Just because..."



Suddenly, as though the sky knows how much i would want to tell her my true feelings. One by one, small white particles started falling from the sky. My eyes widened.

"ChunJi...It's really snowing.." She held her hand out and caught one of it.

I looked at the snow in her hand and then smiled, "So it is..."

"Now tell me!" She leaned forward.

"Really?" I again. She nodded her head. 


I leaned to her so that i was right next to her ear.

"I love you..." I whispered into her ear. I felt her stiffen and i backed away. 

She pointed to me, "Y-you like me?"

I shook my head, "I love you." 

She stood up.


"That can't be.." She was whispering to herself.

I stood up and held her elbow. "Why?"

"I had this exact same dream.. It was snowing and i was with you and you said the exact same words."

"Really now?" I was amused.

She nodded.

"What happened after that?" I came closer to her. 

"We...."   She thought for a while then her eyes widened and faced me. By then I was only an Inch away from her. She gasped. 

"We?" I whispered. 

"Kissed.." She mumbled. 


That's when i kissed her. Everything ended there. I felt all my emotions being released as i was kissing her. At first she was awkward but she grew into it. We kissed as the snow kept falling down from the sky...... 

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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 17: Oh god what why you put that y pic?!
I like alll of your story here ~~~ i like Ljoe <3
Chapter 17: Can I make a request 2 ^^
Chapter 14: Niel <3 I sol kove this guy.
yaniane #4
Chapter 10: awhhh~~~ that "after 6 long years" part was just sooo cute~~
brattysehun #5
annyeonghasayo~ can you make an ljoe one where he breaks up with his gf bc he thinks that he isnt good enough for her? but in the end they get back together please~ thanks yoouuuu
janale6 #6
Chapter 17: eeeyyyy changjo!! haha nice one shot btw
Chapter 17: aww. this is really good. i hope it'll be long story.
Chapter 16: The Chunji Missing U fic
Omg! T^T too awesome!
e4ever #9
Chapter 16: Omg you are one of the best authors ever I'm crying right now