Elementary School (Part 2 of 2)

Slow Burn

    Months pass and Mina can finally say she has adjusted to life in South Korea. She found best friends in Sana and Momo, her new dance studio is pushing her to her full potential, and she was ending the school year with the highest marks. Everything that had her feeling insecure has fallen into place. Summer has finally come around again and she now has friends to share it with.

    Third grade also finished peacefully for Chaeyoung, she had joined a poetry club, often adventured with her best friends, Dahyun and Tzuyu, and came second in her class. She lost first place to Miss Myoui Mina, a girl who had just transferred recently. Chaeyoung can’t deny that she's impressed, the girl isn’t even fluent in Korean and managed to earn perfect grades. ‘That’s alright’ Chaeyoung thinks, she is going to study hard during break and take back first place next term.  


     Summer has come and gone, tans have faded, friendships have strengthened, and Chaeyoung just learned that Mina was in a different class this term. All her late night study sessions were for moot, first place won’t be as satisfying now. To add to Chaeyoung’s bad first day she also found out that Dahyun is joining Mina in class 4A. At least she still has Tzuyu. With a sigh she links arms with the taller girl and they head off to their new classroom. 


   One rainy March day during recess Chaeyoung notices that Mina is all alone. She asks Dahyun if she knew what Mina was doing all by herself. Dahyun then explains that both Sana and Momo caught colds and were absent. Once again, Chaeyoung feels a familiar pang of sympathy for Mina. She asks Dahyun to invite the lonely girl to come play with them until Sana and Momo get better.    

     They spent the rest of recess laughing. Chaeyoung learns that Mina also loves Pokemon, is a dancer, but isn’t athletic, and that she has a cute gummy smile. Chaeyoung would have never guessed that Mina was so easy to be around. 

Chaeyoung also never guessed that would be the last time she and Mina would directly interact during elementary school. Quick smiles in the hallway, occasional waves goodbye, but that was the extent of it all. That rainy recess day still fresh in both their minds. 


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short, but its setting the tone for the rest of the story! Next we'll see Mina and Chaeyoung in middle school, finally in the same class again! Expect longer chapters from here on out! (im really excited)


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Distyna #1
Chapter 1: Cant wait
Chapter 2: Awwww~~~ they are so cute! Continue it, please :33
Chapter 2: this is adorable wtf
and LMAO aid momo and sana are in mina’s class, what is going to happen to dahyun? i pray for that child
dlnswghek #4
Chapter 2: looking forward to the next :)
Chapter 2: Cant wait for the next chapters!!
Chapter 1: what if i told you that this is super adorable lolol