Weird Cravings

Things Pregnant People Do

Weird cravings are the most common thing people do when pregnant. And for Jimin, example;


Jimin was playing with his phone as he snack bunch of sweets and savory food. From oreos up to steaks. When he realized everything is in his belly, he screams "Min Yoongi! The baby wants more!"


Yoongi came from the kitchen a little bit panic. "What? What do you want, babe? What the baby wants?


Jimin giggles. "I want your mom's soup. It must be hot! And... more dumplings, rice cakes, milk, strawberry tanghulu, banana milk! Strawberry milk, cheese cake, and mac 'n cheese. And I want your double deluxe musubi. Is it, ok?" Jimin smiles and show off his puppy eyes to his husband. Yoongi can't help but kiss Jimin because of his last request.


In the end of the day, Yoongi bought his mom to his house to cook her soup for Jimin. She was in Seoul and Yoongi can't be more greatful or else he would be driving 148 miles away from his husband. But if he has to, he will do it. He can't say no to Jimin after all. He's too in love.

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