Talking And Admitting

The Silhouette Of Your Voice

"Talk." Junghyun demanded a week after Jin and Jungkook had their big argument, Jungkook was upstairs in his room.


"Talk. Did you hurt Jungkook's feelings?"

"In technical terms, yes-"

"What the hell did you do?" The normally cheerful Junghyun said, his voice low.

"...I did nothing. But that is the thing that triggered him."

"What do you mean?"

"I stopped talking to him like before...I-I decided this was business, so I stopped being more..friendly."


"Because this was business, not some sort of silly baby-sitting game."

"Bull. Who the hell told you that?" Junghyun asks, his eyebrows furrowing together."

"Well, a co-worker of mine who had quit had told me that.."

"Look, you might not know this, but Jungkook is ing depressed. He won't eat much, starting to skip a few meals to draw, sleeping in a lot."

"...I mean I knew he wouldn't be exactly happy but-"

"Why the hell did you do it if you knew it would make Jungkook so upset? You promised me you'd make sure Jungkook would always be happy!"

"Well, I thought it would be for the best, after all this was business."

"It's not that important. And to be honest, the main reason I hired you was not because Jungkook was helpless, but he was lonely. He doesn't know the real reason, and you didn't either. So, there you have it. Are you finally going to admit to yourself that you like my brother?"

"I don' him..I just.." 

"What? Jin, for a handsome guy, you really are clueless when it comes to love."

"I do know I like Jungkook. I was just afraid."

"Of what? Rejection?"

"Partly," Jin admitted. "But because..many reasons."

"Oh? Why don't you list all of them for me?"

"Well..he might reject me. I thought you wouldn't support us. It would just become a hobby if I got attached. If I can't help myself with something as small as this, then how can I do something even more important? And..I don't.. I'm not experienced to such things. I rarely have experienced love besides platonic...and Jungkook and I would never work out..." 

"First of all, Jungkook and you have been shooting heart-eyes for weeks. Only a reclusive person wouldn't know what is going on. I've always supported you two. I've been rooting for you since day one. Also, you can date Jungkook, the reason why is because it's not important. That's the whole goddamn point. And I, technically am your boss, and I support it. And what do you mean you and Jungkook wouldn't work out?"

"I love him, but he can't hear what I say, even if I love him, I can never really express it. Paper is just a white thing that you can write on. You can't really express it. He won't hear me if I saw 'I love you', or 'You're my everything'. He doesn't know. And the thought hurts me a lot."

"But does that really matter? Would you rather have nothing then something? Do you not want Jungkook at all?"

"I do want him.."

"There's your answer."

Jin realizes how stupid he must've sounded. The answer was literally right there, ready to slap him in the face.

"What do I do now?"

"What do you think you're going to do? Go out for some ice-cream sundaes or something?"

"That would be nice."

Junghyun rolls his eyes. "No, you need to apologize to Jungkook, and tell him what you really feel about him."

"But how? He's deaf."

"You created this. Now you need to solve it," Junghyun shrugged. "If you want, you can go home and sort out your feelings."

With a sigh, Jin walked back home, trying to find a solution to this problem on the way.

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Chapter 3: But why does Junghyun wants Jin to take care of his brother when he himself can?