Chapter 4

Not Meant To Be: Never End

Jin didn't know what to do as Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok gaped at each other.


Hoseok finally breaks down, falling onto the floor of the porch and crying hysterically. Jin goes to his side immediately, trying to calm him.


Namjoon covers his mouth and Yoongi lets out a shaky breath. They knew that their old friend was alive but never expected to see him again. As for Hoseok... he thought the opposite.


"You... you guys are alive!" he cries out. "All these years I... I-" He jumps up and the three hugged each other so tight.


Jin finally sees Taehyung off the porch, waving at him to come over. When he did, they walked behind the house.


"What is it?"


"Jimin managed to find a way for us to be seen by everyone else," Taehyung says. The fairy nods; he had to speak to many other spirits from different villages to find something useful.


"Taehyung and I have to speak to all of them," Jimin refers to his friends.


"So how are you going to do it?" Jin asks. Hoseok's voice was heard, calling for his son.


Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other.


"It's difficult to explain," Jimin shrugs. Taehyung places his hands on Jin's shoulders.


"Try to be present tonight, okay?"




Jungkook would be home any minute now.


Jin brought a tray of tea for Namjoon and Yoongi, who still gave him looks of astonishment.


Hoseok then motioned Jin to sit next to him. Yoongi was the first to bring up Seokjin again.


"Hoseok, it must be some kind of magic that your kid looks just like him," he said. Then, sarcastically but sadly, he whispers, "I won't be surprised if I see some boys identical to Taehyung and Jimin then."


"Actually-" Jin stops himself. Should he mention that Taehyung and Jimin are spirits? Everyone else in the room stared at him and after thinking, Jin decided not to say anything, at least for now anyway. "Never mind."


"I'm home!"


Everyone whips their head at the person at the door, who didn't noticed that he had guests until he took a few more steps into the house.


There's another shocked reaction, but this time, the air felt different. Thick, tense, and definitely not good.


"What are you two doing in my house?" Jungkook said through gripped teeth. He glanced at Hoseok before stepping in front of him. He pulls him up and wraps an arm protectively around him.


"Did they say anything to you?" he asks his husband. Other than expressing their relief of seeing each other again, they didn't get time to say more. Jungkook takes Jin behind him too.


"Jin, they didn't hurt you?"


His son shakes his head, confused about his father's worry. Namjoon and Yoongi don't even look a bit close to dangerous.


Still keeping his family close behind him, Jungkook asks once again what the men's businesses were.


Namjoon speaks up, sighing, "We didn't know that you and your family live here. Yoongi and I... we just wanted to see Seokjin's home again."


Jungkook notices him staring at Jin and knew what he was thinking. He actually can't explain how Jin is born with the same body as Seokjin. He didn't really think about it through the years until his son started going through puberty. That was when he took a closer look, and realize that the resemblance was there.


"Jungkook, why aren't you happy? They're alive," Hoseok steps out a little from behind his husband to look at him.


Jungkook turns to look at him and Hoseok is shocked to see the saddest expression he's ever seen on the man's face. He got the message that something bigger in the past must've happened.


"Jin, could you please go to your room while your dad and I speak to Mr. Min and Mr. Kim?" Jungkook says without looking at him.


"But I-"


"Go!" Jungkook yells. He can't bear having his one and only son hear whatever is going to happen sooner or later. "Now."


Jin, who decides to obey, looks down at the ground before shuffling to his bedroom.


Once Jin is gone, Yoongi steps closer to Jungkook, unafraid. He raises his hand.


The sharp sound of a slap cuts through the house.


Jungkook didn't bother rubbing his cheek, which was still stinging. Hoseok looked angry.


"Yoongi! I won't accept any sort of violence here right now!"


"Just be glad that I used my palm instead of my fist," Yoongi says calmly. "He knows that he deserves more than a slap, but I'll leave it here."




"Hoseok," Jungkook turn to the man he loves most. "Before anything else is said, I want you to know that I love you, so, so much. I love you, I love our child, everything I had with you."


"Why are you saying this?" Hoseok says as he brushed the hair that had fell over Jungkook's eyes. "There's nothing wrong, right?"


When Jungkook didn't say anything else, Hoseok shakes his head. He turned to Namjoon.


"What's the meaning of this?"


Namjoon wanted to see if Hoseok still believed Jungkook's lies over the years. "Why did you think all of us died? Why was it only us and not you and Jungkook?"


Hoseok had to think hard to remember what Jungkook told him a long time ago. Then, trying to recollect his memories, he says:


"Well, from what I remember, Jimin couldn't be saved, you and Yoongi were killed in order to make Seokjin admit to being a murderer. Then Taehyung went off, going crazy and he was killed too."


Yoongi almost laughs. Almost.


"You believe that?"


"I know I'm wrong now," Hoseok says with a bit of irritation after feeling like he's been mocked.


Namjoon holds his hands up at Yoongi and Hoseok. "Let's have Jungkook explain the truth, just like he did before."


Jungkook meets his eyes. Namjoon doesn't blink, "Remember what you told me, Yoongi, and Taehyung when the three of us were in jail."


Hoseok waits for an answer. Jungkook looked back and forth between his husband and Namjoon before giving in.


'Hoseok, Jin, please don't hate me,' he thought.


"It was my fault," he mumbles incoherently. "I worked with the chief to frame Seokjin of being a murderer-"


He could see Hoseok's getting angry already.


"Please hear me out first," Jungkook felt so ashamed of himself. "Remember when we were way younger and I was in love with you?"


Hoseok nods; Jungkook was very young and he had his first crush.


"But you loved Taehyung, and I felt so heartbroken. I hated it so much when he didn't accept your love. You were hurt badly from that."


"Jungkook, I moved on!"


"I know that. But I wanted Taehyung to know how it felt to be heartbroken too. So when he started to like Seokjin, I took it as an opportunity," Jungkook looks away.


Hoseok clenched his jaw, "Go on."


"Seokjin is my friend too, but I need Taehyung to know to feel what love can do to someone. Someone got murdered and I talked with the chief, pointing a finger at Seokjin. I manipulated everything, everyone. I thought that it would all end nicely, simple. But it got worse when Taehyung can't let go of Seokjin and all of you want to save him. I had to participate too or I'll be suspected," Jungkook takes a big breath in.


"I told the chief where we were going and that was why they found us, shot at us. I didn't know how far this would go, and when I found out that Jimin died, I..." his voice shakes as tears pool in his eyes, "I felt like I am the murderer."


Hoseok's legs almost gave out. Yoongi went to help him but he was shrugged off. Jungkook was afraid that Hoseok would neglect him too.


"Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung were put in a cell while Seokjin's fate was being determined. He got the death sentence. Namjoon and Yoongi were banished from the village afterwards," Jungkook feels his hot tears run down his face.


"Then one day, Taehyung came out of nowhere, attacking me..."




"I killed him."


Hoseok sobs, falling backwards into Yoongi's waiting arms.


"W-Why? How could you?!" he shakes violently. "What about me then? I took part of this too! How come I'm free?"


Jungkook winced at this. Quietly, he says, "Because I told the chief that you helped me."


Hoseok lunges at Jungkook. But Yoongi holds him off as Namjoon steps between them.


"I didn't help you!! You did this all by yourself! I didn't.. I didn't do anything," he cries. How could he married such a man?


Jungkook moves Yoongi and hugs Hoseok despite him trying to hit him.


"I love you, Hoseok. I love you, I love you," he repeats the phrase over and over and Hoseok felt even more confused when he realize that... he still loves Jungkook.


He calmed down after a few minutes and Jungkook kisses the top his of head. "You have the right to hate me, but please don't."


Hoseok will probably need to spend some time away from Jungkook after this but he can't hate him. "Even if I want to hate you, I can't."


"Um, dad? Father?"


Everyone turned their heads and gasped.


Jin was holding hands with Jimin and Taehyung.


Yoongi mumbles something to himself about needing to see a doctor.


Jin looks at Taehyung with a worried expression but he kisses his hand to assure him that everything will be fine.


They let go of each other and Jimin and Taehyung walked forward in unison.


Namjoon cautiously lead his hand up to Jimin's happy face but scares himself when his hand went right through him.


"I'm sorry. The only person who is able to touch us right now is Jin," Jimin says apologetically.


Yoongi walks up to them and waves his hands frantically, "No, no, no. This is more than enough."


Jin feels himself starting to tear up. Earlier, Jimin mentioned that his time has finally come, and any trace of him will be gone before midnight. But it's a good thing though, because he can be reborn as a new person.


Taehyung stares at Jungkook, who felt awkward. He's facing the man he killed with his two hands. The angel smiles because tonight is Jimin's last night here.


"We'll talk about us later," he said to Jungkook, who hoped that it's not a bad thing.


Hoseok is surprised when Taehyung went over to speak with him. While they talked, Jin went to his father.


"Father," he sits them down on two chairs, "I heard everything you said."


Jungkook groans, hiding his face but Jin stops him. "I don't hate you. I mean, what you did is wrong but you're my father and you'll always be my father. I love you and I'm positive that dad will forever love you."


Jungkook pulls his son in for a tight embrace. "You are still kind as always, Seokjin."




"Nothing, Jin," Jungkook smiles softly.


Namjoon and Yoongi were heard exclaiming and Jin and Jungkook separate.


Jimin is slowly disappearing. Little lights as small as dust were surrounding him as he walked to Hoseok to say goodbye. Then it was Jungkook's turn. Jimin forgave him and even managed to make him laugh a little.


"You don't need a hug, I'll probably see you later anyway," Jimin skips Taehyung, who acts offended. "I'm just kidding, come here."


By the time Jimin got to Jin, the lights were swirling up to his waist. "And you, Jin."


His smile is even brighter than the lights. "Be happy alright? Take care of your parents and yourself. I'm sorry for scaring you the first time we met," he and Jin laugh. Jimin stares at Jin sweetly and his lips begins to tremble, "I'm going to miss you so much."


Jin knows that the fairy is talking to him and Seokjin.


He gave him a final hug before moving to the last people. Now, the light has reached his chest.


Jin couldn't hear the conversation between the three since it was hushed, but it was something special only for them.


Taehyung wraps his arms around Jin from behind and he turns to hug back, sniffling against his chest.


About a minute later, the light is fluttering around Jimin's head. Namjoon and Yoongi were a crying mess and Jimin still kept a smile on.


His hands reached out to caress the two men's faces even though they won't be able to feel it.


Jimin's voice is fading out but they all heard what his last words to Namjoon and Yoongi were.


"I love you, Namjoon, Yoongi. Foreve...."


His voice is completely gone now, and the light is gone too.


Jimin the fairy, will go on to his next life.

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Aapark #1
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 5: Having read the first part of this trilogy, my heart is so broken yet apprehensive. I cried so much while reading this T^T. You have such a way with words that just hit me in the feels. Thank you for taking the time to write this beautiful story. Although it had a very bittersweet ending, I hope one day taejin can be together.
Chapter 5: Wow such a melo drama
Beautifully scripted
Thank you for penning down
Chapter 4: I could literally imagine every word you described this fantastic chapter
Thank you so much for your hard work
Chapter 3: Now the drama begins.
Chapter 2: I hope this story will have a happy ending.
Chapter 2: Waahh..taejin
Chapter 2: Interesting...he's the reason why....
Chapter 1: So Seokjin reincarnated as Jin here. In the previous story, did Tae die along with Jin?