Chapter 2

Not Meant To Be: Never End

"Jimin! Don't tell me you're-"


"Yes. Yes, I am going to leave. It's been years since we're like this. I don't like it," the fairy, Jimin, says with a broken voice.


"You yourself know how painful it is."


Taehyung couldn't say anything to counter that because it's true. It's painful knowing that he and Jimin can't be with their loved ones like before.


"How much time do you have left?" the angel asks. Jimin shrugs.


"I don't know."


They both sat in silence. Jimin then asks, "How's Jungkook and Hoseok?"


Taehyung spoke without looking at the fairy, "They're fine."


"Don't tell me you're still planning to get revenge," Jimin groans. "Can't we just leave everything in the past?"


Taehyung whips around. "I can't let someone do this and get away with it. Nothing’s going to change my mind."


Jimin sighs. "Oh, Taehyung. You and your stubbornness never change. That's why you're what you are now."


Taehyung looks at his hands. What he is now...


"I miss Namjoon and Yoongi..." Jimin says after a while. "If I hadn't wash their memories of me away, I'd be singing while Yoongi and Namjoon dance." He giggles sadly.


Yes, Jimin made Namjoon and Yoongi forget him, but only his fairy form. The three knew each other even before Jimin turned into a fairy so they'll still remember him as their old friend, a living human.


"I miss Jin," Taehyung says. "I think he's still waiting for me. If there's nothing else, I have to go back to Akiyona."


Jimin goes and sit by the windowsill again. "Jeez, Taehyung. Why do you still want to live in that village, especially with what happened to all of us?"


Taehyung stands up, ready to go home. "I have to take care of some business with Jungkook, Hoseok, and Seokjin."


"You mean Jin?"


Taehyung freezes. Then, he exhales, "Ugh, Jimin, you know what I mean."


When some people die, they will usually reincarnate. But there's exceptions like being a spirit or turning into some part of nature first before being reincarnated. It's strange why things happen that way to random people.


Taehyung and Jimin assume that Seokjin is reincarnated because they don't see him anywhere. But there's Jin, who looks just like Seokjin. They theorized that he's a reborn Seokjin, but they can’t confirm that yet.


"If you think you're going to leave, tell me so I know when to come by," the angel says to Jimin before fading into a darkness.


The fairy looks at the moon again, thinking to himself.


People like him can stay here until they want to leave but no one has ever stayed forever so Jimin doesn't know if there really is a time limit. They all assume that there isn't but if there is...


'I really can't be a fairy anymore. Taehyung must hurry too before it's too late.'




Jin is at the verge of falling asleep when he hears someone. His eyes open and Taehyung is back.


"Jin, go back to sleep," the angel brushes his hair but Jin shakes his head.


"It's okay. I wasn't asleep in the first place," he smiles. Taehyung sits on the edge of his bed. Jin decided to ask about Seokjin.


"Taehyung, who's Seokjin?"


He thinks that Seokjin must be someone very important because Taehyung became alert very quickly.


"You don't need to know," he says. His eyes were panicked, which made Jin very curious.


"But you're in love with him. You want to confess to him, don't you?" Jin tilts his head.


The guardian angel sighs, "Jin, you really don't know anything and it's better that you don't."


Taehyung stares at Jin. His thoughts drifted to when his Seokjin was still alive, back to when he had first confessed to him. He remembers their first kiss the same day and how soft Seokjin's lips were. He misses them so much... he misses Seokjin so much...




Jin's voice is cut off when Taehyung kisses him. He is so shocked that he couldn't move as the angel presses their lips together even more. It's even more confusing to him that he felt some connection, like he had kissed Taehyung plenty of times before.


Taehyung's eyes open slightly and that broke the kiss. The angel flung himself away from Jin, who is still paralyzed from head to toe.


"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you," Taehyung covers his lips. His thoughts about kissing Seokjin somehow escaped into his actions.


Jin finally shakes out of his frozen state and blinks.


Before he could ask about what happened, Taehyung left in embarrassment and shame.




Jin wants answers. He doesn't know Taehyung's past and he has never ask about it because he didn't want to invade anything. But the kiss last night... Jin feels like there's a bigger story behind this.


He goes into the woods next to his house, walking to his special spot with Taehyung. His parents are home, so he needs to talk to the angel without them hearing or knowing.


The angel is already there, expecting this. When Jin sits down across from him, Taehyung apologizes for the incident yesterday.


Jin forgives him, but asks him more about Seokjin.


"Who is he? Is he an angel too?"


Taehyung shakes his head. "No, he's not an angel. He's my lover."


Jin is surprised. He can't believe that he's still just finding out more things about his best friend after all this time together.


"Your lover? Where is he?"


"I'm not sure if I can say anything else. It'll affect you and your family," the angel says. He folds his hands together and rests them on his knees.


"Why did you kiss me?"


Taehyung looks up at Jin. "What?"


Jin repeats himself, "Why did you kiss me? It's more than an accident, isn't it?"


Taehyung's lips tremble. He and Jimin never confirmed what Seokjin is now, but Taehyung's gut is telling him something.


"I kissed you because... you're Seokjin."




Taehyung didn't regret saying this. It felt right, that Jin is Seokjin. A different person but in the same person. He still doesn't know if this makes sense.


Jin, is more confused. "What do you mean?"


Jimin said that it's best for Jin not to know anything, but Taehyung couldn't help it. He needs to let Jin know.


“It's a long story," he warns. "An old story too."


Jin didn't care if it's long or old. As long as he understands Taehyung better, it's fine.


"In your previous life, in my previous life, we were in love with each other," the angel says. Just thinking about it made his heart fall, remembering what he had endured. "You belong with me."


Jin's eyes widen as he stares at Taehyung. "What?"


"It's true. I understand if you don't believe me," the guardian angel reached to hold Jin's hands.


Jin couldn't choose which question he wants to ask first; there's too many.


"Does this involve you becoming an angel?" he finally said after jumbling with words in his head.


Taehyung takes a deep breath.


"Yes. It also explains why you're now Jin."




"You did what?!" Jimin yells. He groans and ran his hand through his hair.


Taehyung ignored his frustration. "It's confirmed. Jin is Seokjin."


"You still shouldn't have told him," Jimin says as he walked towards Taehyung, making the old floorboards creak with each step.


"All I told him today is that we were lovers in the past," the angel folds his arms. "I plan to let him know the truth."


Jimin turns Taehyung around to face him. "Its a bad idea!"


"I don't care!"


The fairy pushes Taehyung back a little. "Get a grip, Taehyung! We've all been hurt enough already. Don't make it worse!"


Silence fell upon the angel and the fairy. Jimin still has his hands clenched but Taehyung has already made up his mind.


"I'm sorry Jimin. But I really can't let it go," the guardian angel says before stepping away. He disappears into the darkness of night.


Jimin looked pained by his friend's decision.




Jin rests his head on Taehyung's chest as they lay in bed together. The angel protested at first but Jin found a way to persuade him.


"Want me to tell you how we met?" Taehyung said as he looks up at the ceiling. Jin nods, snuggling closer to the angel.


Jin has accepted the fact that he is Seokjin. He has been reborn but is still him. It made him confused on many levels but he thinks he has it handled now. It's kind of like he lost his memories and Taehyung is helping him gain them back.


"You were a mute. We lived in the same village, Akiyona," the angel smiles softly. "I didn't like you at first."


Jin looks up at him even though it's too dark to see. Taehyung closes his eyes as he pictures the setting, imagining the smell and sounds.


"My friends took an interest in you and became your friends. I didn't like that either. Remember Jimin, my fairy friend?" he glances at Jin, who nods. How could he not forget him?


"He forced me to stay with you for a whole week. I thought he was crazy but he says that he knows what he's doing," Taehyung giggles. "Anyway, we spent so much time together. I didn't even notice how fast time was going until the week was over. And when I found out, it was strange to me that I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with Seokjin, with you."


Jin is glad that it's dark because Taehyung would definitely for blushing. He asks the angel to tell more, but Taehyung pretends to be tired and insists that they go to sleep.


Taehyung does not need sleep, food, or other things like that. He can if he wants to but it's not necessary.


Jin whined for more because the story was just getting started but Taehyung said that he'll save it for later.




Lately, Taehyung has noticed that Hoseok is very alert about his surroundings. He keeps looking around like something is stalking him. Jungkook would tell him that he needs to calm down, that nothing dangerous is going to happen.


Hoseok shouted at him, saying that ever since they've moved back to Akiyona, he's been feeling and seeing strange things. Jungkook is mildly shocked when Hoseok claims that he saw Namjoon in the village. He says that Hoseok is just hallucinating.


They got into an argument, scaring Jin because it's something that hardly occurred. He hid in his room, hoping that his parents would stop soon. Taehyung stayed by him, assuring him that they're just stress. He smiles a little, "They've been like that since we were young."


Jin turns to the angel, wondering what he meant. "You know my parents since you were young?"


Taehyung got a bit flustered at his mistake but answers. "We were very close friends... used to be a family."


"Used to? Did something happen?" Jin sits up, interested in his parents' relation to Taehyung.


"They were with us, you and I. Jungkook was actually the first one to befriend Seokjin," Taehyung says, leaning back while his hand supported his weight. "Believe it or not, Hoseok used to be in love with me."


Jin made a disgusted face as the angel cackles. "You didn't need to tell me about that."


"I do. It's part of the reason why I lost you," Taehyung grew serious. He looks at Jin's features over and over. Always beautiful, always handsome. The peaceful moment is interrupted when Jin grows nervous.


"Taehyung? H-How did I... die?" Jin whispered. He looked so afraid yet curious about it.


The angel caresses his face, showing that he'd be safe. "Shall I tell you this story now instead of later tonight?"




Jin pays close attention to each and every detail that Taehyung said. He tried not to ask any questions to keep the angel from being interrupted or disturbed. He kept quiet while he discovers Taehyung's past, emotions, and memories, good and bad.


(Author: If you read the first part of Not Meant To Be: Silence already, you don't need to read the next part in italics. It just sums up the story.)


As Taehyung said, he didn't like Seokjin at first. But of course that changed and he developed feelings for the man, who is a mute. Though he can not speak, can not let out a voice, Taehyung loved Seokjin even more just for who he was. All was well, their friends were happy for them, and everything is perfect... or so they thought.


Seokjin has always been avoided by the people of Akiyona. It's funny how Taehyung used to keep his distance too but now, he can't leave Seokjin's side.


One night, they had been informed that the chief is after them, after Seokjin. Why? Because the mute man had been accused of committing a crime. Murder.


They took Seokjin away, away from Taehyung's pleading voice, ripping them apart painfully.


Taehyung and his friends manage to save Seokjin soon after, planning an escape, far from Akiyona. He only got to hold Seokjin in his arms for only a short time; the chief had found them once again.


Jimin passes away from being attacked and becomes a fairy, following Namjoon and Yoongi, who were then banished from the village. Jungkook and Hoseok moves away too, getting married a couple years later before having Jin.


As for Taehyung and Seokjin...


Seokjin is sentenced to death. Taehyung makes it in time to see him, but is too late to save him.


"You left me right outside of this house," the angel nods at the window. Jin feels Taehyung's hold tighten. "I was all alone..."


Jin presses his face into the angel's chest. They stay like that for a while, listening to each other's heartbeat.


After thinking about the story, taking it all in, Jin asks, "So if Jimin became a fairy after he died, what happened to you?"


Taehyung tenses at the question, like he is still deciding on how to explain it. But before he can say more, Hoseok enters Jin's bedroom.


"Jin, dinner's ready," he says softly. But his tired eyes went slightly wider and Jin follows his stare.


He was still hugging Taehyung, but because Hoseok can't see him, it may have looked extremely strange. Jin flings up from his bed and laughs nervously. "Dinner's ready? Let's go. I'm starving."


He takes Hoseok and tries to leave the room with him but the father kept his feet glued to the floor. "Dad? Is something wrong?"


Hoseok shakes a little and his eyes were still focused on Taehyung, who must've noticed that he sensed him again. The angel fades away and Hoseok finally moves, looking around the room frantically.


"Where is he? I know he was here! He left just now!" he spins around Jin's room. Jin couldn't think of what to do so he yells for his other father.


Jungkook comes in in less than five seconds. When he sees Hoseok, he tells Jin to wait outside in the kitchen. Jin obeys and leaves his parents together.


Taehyung is waiting for him in the kitchen with an apologetic expression. One of his hands rest on the table, next to Jin's chair. "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for your parents."


Jin slumps down into the chair, sighing. He can hear Hoseok crying and turns away. His father never sounded so broken and confused.


"Jungkook is good at taking care of his family," Taehyung states. His face made Jin wonder if he was being sarcastic or not. "I wished he had been a good person like that before too."


Jin gets a bit angered at this. He cares about Taehyung very much but Jungkook is his father. "Are you trying to talk bad about my dad? I don't like that so please stop."


He thought that the angel would apologize and say that he's wrong but Jin's is surprised when Taehyung slams his hand on the table.


"I have the right to say whatever I want about him," he says lowly. "I hate Jungkook."


Jin stands up from his chair and pushes Taehyung slightly. "What did my father ever to do you?!"


The angel grips both of Jin's arms and pulls him close enough that their faces are inches apart. Jin could see the pain in his eyes.




Taehyung pants heavily and a few seconds later, he starts to sob. Jin's slight anger dispersed into thin air as he becomes guilty for making the angel like this. But at the same time, he couldn't believe what he heard.




"It's Jungkook's fault... We were close friends. We lived together before I moved in with Seokjin," Taehyung quiets down.


A part of Jin still wanted to defend his dad but he chose to be more open-minded. He'll just wait until Taehyung explains more. The angel looks right into Jin's orbs.


"He's why I became an angel."

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Aapark #1
bluebird17 #2
Chapter 5: Having read the first part of this trilogy, my heart is so broken yet apprehensive. I cried so much while reading this T^T. You have such a way with words that just hit me in the feels. Thank you for taking the time to write this beautiful story. Although it had a very bittersweet ending, I hope one day taejin can be together.
Chapter 5: Wow such a melo drama
Beautifully scripted
Thank you for penning down
Chapter 4: I could literally imagine every word you described this fantastic chapter
Thank you so much for your hard work
Chapter 3: Now the drama begins.
Chapter 2: I hope this story will have a happy ending.
Chapter 2: Waahh..taejin
Chapter 2: Interesting...he's the reason why....
Chapter 1: So Seokjin reincarnated as Jin here. In the previous story, did Tae die along with Jin?