When Yong Choding strikes, Hyun Choding fights back

When Yong Choding strikes, Hyun Choding fights back


June 28, 2010

Round 1

NEWS: Jung Yonghwa in a y photoshoot with a Japanese model for Holika Holika.

Reporter: Does Seohyun know of this Yonghwa-ssi?

Yonghwa: She doesn't. (smiles shyly)

Reporter: Omo, what will she say when she learn about this?

Yonghwa: She's going to understand this since it's only work.

Somewhere in a quiet dorm where nine girls are residing, the maknae named Seo Joohyun is seething in anger. It's her special day, the day she will finally be a lady. She's an adult! A lot of her friends and people close to her greeted her on this day....except for one person. To be exact, a guy who is famously called as her Yong nampyeon. She munches her sweet potato crackers in an angry manner while huffing dejectedly.

"Jung Yonghwa...no text nor a call greeting me Happy Birthday..." She whispers menacingly, her nose flaring at an alarming size. She glares at the television angrily. "......You're so dead."

Jung Yonghwa didn't meet his death that day nor the next day. In fact, we can say he went back to Seo Joohyun's good graces with his birthday surprise, a two row goguma field. So all the death threats she was spitting and throwing at his picture hidden carefully inside her wallet were put down the drain when she realizes his gift.

All her irritation for him quickly evaporated and her heart went dugeun dugeun dugeun oh so loudly that she's sure her Yong nampyeon can clearly hear it. But if he really did, she's thankful he's not teasing her or else she will die in mortification and would not have the strength to give him her gift.

"Hmp...you tortured me by not greeting me on my birthday and now you're smiling so charmingly there because of your surprise gift! Yeah...just be smug there. Let's see who's going to smile goofily later." Seohyun thought smugly.

And Jung Yonghwa's reaction on her Love Light event is epic. His cheek bursting smile made her pat herself on the back. She silently cackles in glee when he starts to read her selfmade Yongseo story and is further tickled pink when he had another cheek bursting smile when he saw the rings.

"Woah! Panjak panjak!" He bursts out in his loud Busan accent. She giggles in mirth as she watches him stare amazingly at their rings.

"So you like this things huh? You liked that you're being surprised. I will keep that in mind." Seohyun thought to herself.

The night ended becoming one of the best episodes ever of Yongseo's story in We Got Married. Episode 27, the first time that Yongseo couple FINALLY held hands. Gogumas around the world were creaming their lungs out in front of their PC while typing madly in Twitter, shouting their spazz to the whole world. It was a surprise that Birthday Episode wasn't trending at that time. Darn.

That night, a freaked out Jung Yonghwa is sitting in front of his work table as he stared at the silver ring Seo Joohyun has secretly custom made for him. A sudden dugeun dugeun dugeun startles him from his reverie. He whirls around in his room in shock, looking for the sound.


Jung Yonghwa's eyes widen when he realizes what that sound is. He clutches his chest and gasps.

"That's my heart."

Hyun Choding: 1 vs Yong Choding: 1

# ---- #

August 29, 2010
Incheon Korean Music Wave

Round 2

"Two can play at this game." Seo Joohyun whispers grimly.

"The hell what?" Hyoyeon asks her, startling her from her self talk. Seo Joohyun composes her expression and smiles sweetly at her unnie.

"Ahniyo. It's nothing unnie." She quips.

"I'm sure, she's plotting of ways to torture Yong seobang more." Tiffany tells Hyoyeon loudly as the make-up artist unnie hurriedly applies make-up on her face.

"Ah..right! Uri maknae is still pissed with Yong seobang's mildang thing. Hahaha." Sooyoung sneers teasingly at Seohyun. "It's cute actually. Kyah! I want a boyfriend!"

"It's is not funny!" Seohyun insists, her nose flaring dangerously again. "And he's not my boyfriend!"

"Whatever." Hyoyeon retorts back. "Maknae-yah, how long are you going to pretend that you have no idea that today is your freaking 200 days? I cringe whenever I read his texts. He sound so pathetic appeasing your anger."

"Omona! He does?" Tiffany screech. "What a boyfriend!"

"Unnie! Why are you reading my messages? And again, he is not my boyfriend!"

"WHATEVER!" All her eight unnies shout back at her.

"Why are you being like this?" Seohyun whines on her seat but her unnies didn't fail to notice her perking up when that designated Keroro ring tone suddenly plays, indicating a message coming from Yong seobang.

"Our maknae is such a terrible actress." Taeyon notes. Jessica, Yuri and Sunny nods in agreement while they watch Seohyun giggling quietly as she types a reply to Jung Yonghwa.

"Ahniya. She's only a terrible actress to us." Yoona says wisely. " But if she's with Yong seobang, she can clearly mask what she really feels."

A collective sigh emanates from the group. Sooyoung stuffs the cakes in before screaming.

"I want to get married now!"

A series of "Yah!" "Watch it!" "Close your mouth!" "Yuck, saliva!" follows after Sooyoung's desperate statement.

Later that night, Jung Yonghwa almost died of frustration and disappointment when Seo Joohyun still continued her act that she clearly has no idea what that day really mean. 

Why is she torturing him by the way? That handsome, did she say handsome? No, scratch that. That brat Jung Yonghwa decided to pull a mildang on her after their birthday trip. Oh boy, she's very pissed. The dimensions of her widely flared nose is the testament to that.

She can't understand why her Yong nampyeon will do something like that. Did he not like her birthday surprise for him? She really thought they had gotten closer after that trip.

"We even held hands!" She thought sadly.

So again, she plotted numerous ways to kill Jung Yonghwa inside her mind but the brat clearly knows how to soften her heart. She whimpers inwardly when he gave her the Japanese Guide Book he made by himself. Funny, but her tears were threatening to drop any minute when she began flipping the pages Jung Yonghwa meticulously made. And just like that, her anger was appeased.

But that doesn't mean she'll just turn into goo and let him go home in his smug glory.

Later that night, Jung Yonghwa was lying on his bed with a wide smile on his face. His efforts with the guide book earned him Seo Joohyun's forgiveness. Pabo him on initiating that mildang. His plan backfired on him big time. Instead of learning of Seohyun's true feelings for him, he instead lost all the precious goguma points he painstakingly tried to earn.

"Pabo, Yonghwa-yah." He whispers in the dark.

He felt a buss beside him and he quickly snatched his phone in childish eagerness. He knows for sure who is texting him. His one and only, Hyun buin

"Yong oppa, actually I still have a gift for you but since you said you don't need it so...."

"What is it, Hyun?" He quickly types back.



"I was going to tell you that it's okay for me to speak Banmal with you but since you said it's not needed and we're already close..........Erm...I'm happy then. Thank you Oppa! I'm relieved now. Goodnight. ^^"

Jung Yonghwa could only bite his pillow and scream his frustration there.

"Seo Joohyun, chincha!!!"

Hyun Choding: 2 vs Yong Choding: 2

# ---- #

Yongseo's stint in We Got Married has ended. A lot of fans were devastated. But what can they do? Yongseo's group and individual schedules are too much that although they still wanted to stay, they can't because they too have their dreams to catch.

So Sonyeo Shidae conquered Japan while CNBLUE swept Korea with their First Step album. When SNSD decided to return to Korea and greet their homeland fans again, CNBLUE embarked to Japan and dominated the Japanese rock scene.

Yongseo stayed true to what Yong once described to their relationship. They are indeed the Seagull Couple, always apart from each other but their hearts? 


How many times were they tempted to reveal to the public that the two of them are indeed together? A lot.  It was too many that they can't count. But what's stopping them? A lot of reasons too that they can't count.

Seo Joohyun's heart would swell and is on the brink of bursting whenever she sees placards of fans saying "Yongseo is Real" during SNSD concerts. As much as she wants to say, "Yes, we are real!" she just opted to smile, wave and and say "Kamsamnida", hoping that those loyal Yongseo fans will be able to see her gratitude.

But sometimes.....Heck, who is she kidding? Netizens are sharp! These days, she can't help but have a slip of her tongue or forgets to control her actions whenever a certain Jung Yonghwa is being mentioned or his commanding presence is felt nearby.

If Jung Yonghwa will have his way, he would proudly declare to the world, "Seo Joohyun is MY girl!". But unfortunately, he can't. He can't bear the bashing Seohyun will receive from his fans if that happens. Let all the bashings be poured on him but not on his girl. 

But not all hates Yongseo. There are fans who loved her and him so much. To show that he's thankful of their support, he religiously wears the couple gifts the fans gave to them. His famous cheek bursting smile would pop out when he sees a picture of his Hyun buin wearing also the fan's gifts.

In this way, Yongseo fans will know how much the two of them are grateful of their support.

But sometimes.....scratch that, most of the time he can't control himself. His eyes finds it way to zoom on her whenever they are on the same stage. He can't help it. He's hopelessly in love with her and fancams zealously captures it, all his feelings reflected in HD.  Aish, netizens are damn sharp!

# ---- #

January 26, 2012

Round .......... (there have been a lot)

Seo Joohyun knows the moment she entered her boyfriend's room, a huge wave of negativity wafted towards her direction. She scans the whole room in slight disdain. The blinds are down, crumpled sheets of paper littering on his table and floor and her dear boyfriend sitting on his bed, his face bearing this ugly scowl.

She carefully walks towards her boyfriend's bed and quietly sits beside him. Jung Yonghwa remains unresponsive even when she puts her head on his left shoulder. He still continues on ignoring her and just stares at the laptop sitting on his lap. Seohyun takes a peek and giggles immediately.

"So you think it's funny?" Jung Yonghwa whispers grumpily, his scowl turning uglier by the second.

"You're angry because of my new pictures with Hyunjoong Oppa for The Face Shop?"

"And he's an Oppa now?" Yonghwa spats childishly. "Last time I checked he was still Kim Hyunjoong sunbae for you!"

"Eh? I can't call him sunbae all the time! We have to work regularly so we have to be comfortable with each other." Seohyun argues back.

"I hate it!" Yonghwa exclaims resentfully. 

Seohyun rolls her eyes dully. Yong choding is on a tantrum again. She takes the laptop away and proceeds to sit on his lap. She smirks when she feels his hands automatically wraps on her waist. She pats him soothingly on the head as he leans his face beside her neck.



"I'm upset."

"Ah chongmal!" She scolds her boyfriend with a slight pinch on the arm.

"But I'm really upset." Yonghwa retorts childishly, his lips lightly brushing her neck as he talks.

"Aigoo...waeyo? She grabs Yonghwa's to face to make him look at her. She snorts seeing him pouting, strongly resembling a duck.

"I'm upset because Kim Hyunjoong sunbae hugged you." Yong whines pettily.


"Why did you let him hug you? I'm the only one who could do that." He complains while hugging her possessively.

"It's just work, Oppa! Come to think of it, I never complained to you when you had that y photo shoot with that Japanese model for Holika." Seohyun chides her boyfriend, her nose flaring slightly.

Yonghwa stares at her, taken aback with her statement but resorts to being childish again and huffs in annoyance.

"What is this? You're payback?" He looks at her with his puppy eyes accompanied with his famous duck pout. Seohyun giggles at her boyfriend's childishness.


Yonghwa pouts even more with her answer. Seohyun laughs loudly before hugging her manchild boyfriend. She squishes him slightly to let him know how giddy she is with his childish ploy.

"You don't love me anymore." Yonghwa points out gloomily. Seohyun leans back and raises an eyebrow at her boyfriend. "Ka. Go to your Hyunjoong oppa while I wallow myself up in misery."

That's it. Hyun "sneaky" Choding should come in to play.

"Aigoo, it's a bit hot in your room Oppa, don't you think?" Seohyun shifts on Yonghwa's lap and nonchalantly slips one side of her off shoulder sweater to the side, revealing her creamy white skin and  the cute mole on her shoulder.

She smirks in satisfaction sensing her boyfriend's eyes glued on her exposed shoulder. She unties her the scroongie that was tying her hair and let her long black tresses tumble behind her shoulder.

"Should I fix the air conditioner........Oppa?"

She's about to leave his lap when Yonghwa quickly seizes her by the waist and places her back on his lap, effectively straddling him in the process. She giggles mischievously as she encircles her arms around his neck. She eyes her boyfriend's calculating look quietly as she waits for his next move.

"Hyun.....You made me upset so you have to do something to make me feel better." Yonghwa declares after a few moments of staring.

"What will I do?" She asks innocently thought she already knows what it would be. Yonghwa puckers his lips towards her.

"Bobo! Palli!"


"Andwae! Bobo!"

"Hmmmmm........" Seohyun pouts and pretends to think about it.

"Yah! Are you refusing me? Pfft! I knew it! You don't love me anymore. You--"

"Only a kiss, Oppa?"

"You don't want to kiss me anymore. Go! Have fun with your Hyunjoong Oppa-- What?"

"I said you only want a kiss? Only a kiss?" Seohyun taunts him with a teasing smile on her face.

Jung Yonghwa face turns bright red when he finally understood what Seohyun means. The gall of this girl baiting him with her sparkly eyes and creamy skin. Why does she have to look irresistible today? 

"This is all your fault Seo Joohyun!"

He abruptly grabs her face and swoops in for a heated kiss he knows she won't complain. He pushes her to lie on the bed as he continues to fervently kisses her passionately. Seohyun seems to be not complaining judging by her soft moans and eager reply of kisses. 

He freezes in place when he hears her giggling. He raises his head and finds her smiling triumphantly at him. It finally dawns on him, Seo joohyun, his naughty streak of a girlfriend is playing with him again.

"Damn it, Seo Joohyun!"

He resumes on kissing her heatedly and shows her how Yong choding "punishes" a certain Hyun choding. And by the looks of it, she's not complaining.

Hyun Choding vs Yong Choding: DRAW

The End

Author's Note:

LMAO. This is the effect of having too much spazzing. Japan is indeed Yongseo's love place. The KISS even fan accounts were GOLD. Go-chun baby! Anyways, I hope I can make you smile with this little gift. 

Yongseo is Real! <3

Enjoy reading!


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choineny #1
love, love, looooooooovee your stories,,, yongseo always real, we know it, kekekeeeee,,
Chapter 1: Yup, yongseo is real
Chapter 1: Omg! This is so cute. No wonder this is a good story, you are the author of my fav fanfic, the girl by the window. I hope i can read a lot of fanfics from you
110 streak #4
Cute <3 Your stories are really great :)
deep_sea #5
great! love it!
BlackDragonYong #6
HAHAHAHAHA! This is just OZZUM! Can't help but giggle along with Hyunnie. HAHA! Yong got pawned!

More fics please! You know what I mean.... *glares*
faisazali #7
hi noona.. =)
wow, it's been such a long time right?
since the last i read your story and you read my comment.. miane-yo~

but as expected from my noona..
your sparkling talent in writing such an epic story is still worth the praise..

that spazzing effects is ASDFALshgLDSHGLHG oOMMGG!!!
love the last part the most! seriously, i can't stand Yongseo Choding!
and you are right.. nobody's win...
between Yongseo, they always know how to tackle each other..
thanks again noona..