Bears & Notes

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It was her first time in a fair in Korea, and Sana looked around with excitement. She was walking around with her little brother who was looking at everything with bright eyes and fought to be away from his sister's grip to run freely.


“Kenji, be quiet.” Sana said again to the boy only to be ignored.


She felt like bringing him with her didn't let her to enjoy the place like she wanted. However, one hour later she finally allowed herself to look away from her little brother to enjoy a magic show, but then she saw her brother who was getting lost among the crowd. Sana groaned in annoyance and went after him.


“Kenji?” She scanned the crowd but there wasn't sign of him. “Kenji!?”


Her brother was nowhere to be seen. A shiver went through her body and her mind quickly got thoughts of Kenji being kidnapped


It was wrong, very wrong. Her mom was gonna kill her. Sana could feel tears start to get in her eyes when suddenly... a miracle.


“Uhm, excuse me. Is this yours?”


Sana looked up and found a girl around the same age as her, standing in front of her holding Kenji's hand.


“Kenji!” Sana exclaimed relieved.


“Thank you... I thought I wouldn't find him.” Sana said sincerely.


“No problem, that's my job.” 


“Your job?” Sana asked. “You work in this fair?”


The other girl raised her eyebrows in surprise.


“No, I live around here but this fair comes here every year so.. they know me already and I help around here.” The black haired girl explained with her hands in her pockets.


“Oh.” Sana whispered, while the little Kenji tried to get away from her again. “Stay quiet!”


The kid frowned and sat on the floor with a sour face.


“Sorry about that.. I'm Sana and this is my little brother Kenji.”


The girl raised her eyebrows again surprised at the foreign names.


“I'm Dahyun.” She said with a smile. “Well.. I think I better get going. Don't lose him again.”


And just with that, Dahyun left them. Sana dragged Kenji back with their parents and she sent back to look around and enjoy the fair. Also Sana couldn't help but notice her hero from earlier helping other people. She saw Dahyun giving a dog back to its owner, returned a lost wallet and helped a little girl to find her parents. 


“You're going back to the fair tomorrow?” Her mother asked surprised.


“Yes, me alone. I'm not taking Kenji with me this time.”


And she did. The next day, Sana went back to the fair just with her father and luckily she got a chance to see Dahyun again.


“Where's your little brother? Is he lost again?” Dahyun asked her, confused.


“No. I came here alone. Well, with my dad actually.” Sana said with a smile.


“You like to enjoy the fair by yourself? I get it, me too.”


Sana analyzed the question before answering.


“I actually don't know. Yesterday was my first time in a korean fair.. but so far it has been more fun without Kenji.”


Later when Dahyun asked her how many teddy bears has she won in the booth games, Sana said zero. Dahyun almost gasped hearing that and decided to do something about it, disappearing for a few minutes and once she was back, she approached Sana who was leaving with her father.


“Hey, Sana, wait!” Dahyun said loudly and Sana turned to her. She saw a teddy bear right in front of her face being held by a blushing Dahyun.


“No one should leave their first fair without a teddy bear.” Dahyun said softly.


“How..?” Sana was shocked. Dahyun just shrugged her shoulders.


“I'm good in those games.” The korean girl said finally giving the bear to Sana and turned around to leave. Sana looked at the teddy bear with a smile on her face. It was the first time someone won a prize just for her. She sure was going to treasure it.


Then, she noticed there was something attached to the toy. A note. 


She took it and read: 'You're fun. I hope you come back next year!'


Sana quickly looked up, trying to spot the Korean girl.


“Dahyun!” She yelled, even surprising her father. The younger girl turned when she heard her name, looking at the bright smile on Sana's face.


“I will!” 


Dahyun smiled.


It was a promise.


A promise she

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DunDunDuuuuun #1
Chapter 2: Quick question: if a reader loves a certain story and you hate or like despises that said story’s storyline, let’s say for example, you thought the author was click baiting putting saida tag when it’s a “het” story, would you block that reader?
Ps. It’s not a het story and the author never click baited anyone cuz if they only gave the story a chance and actually read the story, y’all know.
Chapter 3: 🎼 I fell in love with the pizza girl, now I eat pizza every day 🎼
Chapter 7: This is so cute ♥
Chapter 5: Funny how I upvoted this series after I read this specific story. I mean all the others before this were wonderful (I enjoyed them all, really), but this one is just so close to home I actually felt the bittersweet relief after she stopped pretending.

Great job. Your stories may be cliché, but they're all so relatable. :)
Chapter 7: Whaaaaaat? You're back? Thank you so much. Please update your other stories
Chapter 7: Omg you're back author andall of ur story i really really love it, thank u so much for update
Chapter 2: Awww that was so cute!
Chapter 1: Uwu :'3
Chapter 7: Saidaaaaa uwuuuuu