t o g e t h e r ?

One More Chance

After 2408 days of dating, I decided to promise my entire life to you. I brought you to the rooftop garden. Do you remember the name? You don't? It's okay, Because I Do. When I knelt before you to ask the most important question of our lives, your eyes widened. You stared intently at the box I was holding. You touched the velvet box, and closed it! Indeed, I was shocked. Is it because you didn't like the ring I saved up for since 7 years ago? Or were you just too shocked at my sudden proposal?

"Jonghoonie, I-I am actually migrating to New York next week."

"But why?"

"I'm furthering my studies"

"We could go together?"

"But Jonghoon, we cannot be together"

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