The Great Leap...Fail.

Peer Pressure


“Yunho get down before you hurt yourself.”

“Wha- who- Changmin, I am a grown man.”

“Yeah, a grown man who’s about to get himself killed acting like a child.” Changmin said lying on the poolside chair, watching Yunho crawl out to the edge of the branch.

“You know what? Stay on your side of the pool, ok?” Yunho grunted finally reaching the edge and attempting to stand up. Changmin watched from under his sunglasses with a blank look on his face. He sat silently while their dancers chanted out Yunho’s name.

The next thing Changmin knew there was a thud and a whiny ow. The chanting had slowly died down and all of their dancer’s rushed out of the pool and back into the house. Changmin waited a minute before he heard another more deliberate ow before deciding he should probably check on his leader.

“Grown man my .”  He sighed, laying down his magazine and pushing off of the pool chair he had been sitting on he made his way over to the set of bushes Yunho was currently laying in. He looked down at the man who looked back up at him with apologetic eyes. Changmin stare oh-so tempted to just slap the man, they say it helps with common sense. He heard a soft whisper of is he dead and turned around to see the dancers huddled up on the other side of the glass window.

“God Damn bunch of children. Did you break anything?” Changmin asked taking off one of his flop flops and throwing it at the glass causing the “men” to disperse. Yunho replied with a whimper, but quickly answered when he noticed Changmin had started to walk away.

“I’m fine just help me out of the bushes!” Changmin stopped and looked at Yunho contemplating something, before walking over to Yunho and sticking out his hand. When Yunho was finally on his feet Changmin took a step back before lifting his foot and kicking the older male into the water.

“People who do stupid stuff don’t get help from people who tried to warn them.”

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Chapter 1: Haha short but sweet ;)
congrats ;)
FancyPixie #3
Congrats on the feature
MyLittleXiumin #4
MinuteMaid #5
nikacho #7
congrats to you
i_am_the_mockingjay #9
congrats hun. <3
congrats, xo. <3