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ready your tissues guys!! please listen to Right Here Waiting by Richard Max and How am I supposed to Live Without You when Jenlisa will sing. its a must!


Lisa doesn't want to sleep that night. She was just staring at her girlfriend sleeping and caressing her face and brushing her hair. Not in a creepy way. Tears falling down on her cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you."

Lisa kissed Jennie's forehead and faint a smile. She was hurting. She have to this for herself and for Jennie. She memorized every bit of Jennie's face. Her fluffy cheeks, her cat eyes, her mole under her brows, her lips on how it smiles every time she sang Jennie to sleep. She memorized it all. She wants to savor the moment. Her last time that she'll sleep with Jennie. Her last time that she'll sing Jennie to sleep. Her last time to hug Jennie when sleeping. She doesn't want to wake up tomorrow because she knows it will be her last time waking up with Jennie beside her. Her heart was already breaking of the thoughts when suddenly Jennie slowly opened her eyes and Lisa quickly wiped her tears.

"You still awake?" Jennie hugged Lisa tight and burried her face to Lisa's neck like what she always do.

"Can't sleep." Lisa simply said. Jennie looked up to her and had this smile on her face. Lisa furrowed her brows while looking at Jennie.

"What?" Lisa said confused.

"I'll sing you a song so that you can sleep." Jennie said with her infamous gummy smile.


"Y..yeah. I'd love that." Lisa sweetly smiled at Jennie. Jennie sat straight and let Lisa to lay on her tummy. Jennie brushed the younger's hair and sang her a song.

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

"Holy " Lisa cursed herself realizing what Jennie was singing.

"Really? You're gonna hit me with some old song?" Lisa faked a laugh while Jennie slap her forehead earning and 'Ow' on the younger girl.

", this will hurt so much. Why does she even picked that song?!"

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

Lisa was slowly relaxing while Jennie was singin and brushing her hair. She love this moment. She set aside her worries and listened to her girlfriend singing and closed her eyes.

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Waiting for you.

Jennie finished her song but Lisa's heart shattering didn't. Lisa opened her eyes and looked up to Jennie with a frown on her face.

"You're still not sleeping?" Jennie pouted causing Lisa to chuckle. Lisa dragged Jennie to lay beside her and hugged the older one. This time, Lisa was the one to burried her face to Jennie's neck and inhale the scent of her girlfriend. Lisa then kissed Jennie's neck causing Jennie to be surprised. Her lips traveled to her neck, to her collarbone, her jaw and finally, on her lips. Lisa looked at Jennie's eyes when she pulled away.

"Make love to me, baby."

That night, they spent their night traveling each other's body. For Jennie it was beautiful but for Lisa, it's her last way to make Jennie feel that she loves her.


Lisa was the first one to wake up. With a heavy heart, she looked at her girlfriend who's sleeping peacefully beside her with arms around Lisa's waist. Tears falling down from Lisa's cheeks as she began to hug Jennie tight. She stayed like that for like an hour looking and smiling at her girlfriend's face because she knows, it will be the last time.

Jennie then groggily opened her eyes and met Lisa's. A smile formed in Jennie's lips as she saw Lisa's smile.

"Good morning." Jennie greeted Lisa then kissed her lips.

"Good morning."

Jennie was about to stand up when Lisa pulled her to a hug and burried her face to Jennie's neck.

"Let's stay like this for awhile please." Lisa pleaded. Jennie chuckled and patted Lisa's head.

"Being extra clingy today huh?"

They spent their whole morning cuddling and kissing with their laughter surrounding the room but it soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

"You guys awake? Food is ready. Get up!" Rosé yelled. Lisa sighed not wanting to let Jennie go but they have to because they would still do her bucket list. Jennie stood up and tied her hair in a bun.

"Baby, let's go." Jennie offered her hands. Lisa pouted but soon held Jennie's hands and they both went to the dining room.


Their lunch was awkward or for Jisoo and Lisa only while their girlfriends are having chitchat talking about their trip later.

"It's cold we should wear something warm. I'm excited to ride an hot air balloon!" Rosé squealed. All of them smiled and nodded.

Jennie looked at Lisa beside her and whispered to her.

"Baby, is it okay that we'll only ride hot air balloon for now? because it's really cold. We'll ride the horse next week hmm?" Jennie held Lisa's hands.

"Next week." Lisa smiled to herself and looked at her girlfriend.

"Of course, next week then."


"You guys ready?" Jiyong asked the four of them seated at the back. They all nodded and Jiyong started driving.

After an hour of napping, they've arrived at the location. Jiyong got out of the car and talked to the guards. Jiyong gave a receipt and the guards nodded and let them enter the place.

"Woah" They all said at unison. It's a wide open space area surrounded by mountains. They went out of the car and saw a color rainbow hot air balloon ready to be inflated.

"Is that what we're gonna ride?" Jennie asked Jiyong while pointing at the balloon.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Let's take a picture inside there first!" Jisoo said. Jiyong chuckled and nodded. He signaled the men to stop doing it and the men obliged. The five of them entered the balloon, amazed.

"This is amazing!"


"I'm inside it what the hell."

"Come on guys, I'll take a picture of you." Jiyong offered. Lisa gave her camera same as Jennie. They say at the floor and looked at the camera. Jiyong opened first Lisa's camera.

"Okay look here. One, two, three." Then he switched to Jennie's camera.

"Another one. Alright. One, two, three!" After taking a picture, they all went out except by Jennie and Lisa.

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 44: Happy Ending!
Astraea21 #2
Chapter 20: This is cute
turtle88 #3
Chapter 44: Just found this story and finished reading it in two days..
Omg really love your story, author~
Theres up and down moment like in our reality life xD
Thanks so much for writing this lovely story~
binguyen1215 #4
Chapter 30: I'm re-reading this, although i knew all the plot twist, i'm still bawling my eyes out.
Take her to the moon is such a perfect bgm.
This fiction is too beautiful.
thank u so much for this masterpiece.
Chapter 44: Gosh cant get enough this...done rereading this bc y not hahaha
Chapter 45: Oops done reading this hehehe
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Okay it's me again. Ill just want to say this to you author that I really really really hate you...for making me cry in every chapter especially, chapter 29,37,39&40 I really cried a lot on this chapter. And also i hate myself for reading angst. Gosh i wasted many toilet mpaper. My nanay even scold me for wasting toilet paper for crying lmao. This ff is so beautiful I really love it. So, this is my second favorite angst, the first one is wut. Thank you thank you for sharing us your beautiful story author. If ever you'll write another jenlisa story in the future I'll support you :) happy new year <3
UnicornsAndRainbow #8
Chapter 45: Chapter 45: i cried a lot :( btw this ff is beautiful, love it <3
binguyen1215 #9
who's cutting onions? i cried when reading this and listening to Take Her To The Moon. this is perfect. thanks u, keep it up (y)
Chapter 22: author why you gotta be like this