Toxicroak I choose you!

Mark and his Toxicroak

Mark pov


Today is gonna be a great day, why?

It's the time I get a partner pokemon. Although I may look liek (mudkipz) a 51 year old pot head I'm a Christian 10 year old.

Oh boy who is gonna be my partner. 

Maybe Bulbasur or Pikachu... oh what about Froakie.

I look at The time , oh gee I'm gonna be late.

"Bye mom"I say as I run the house in my boxers cause pokemon masters don't have time to wear proper clothes and my mom is probs Gona give me some.

I arrived the the lab.

"Hey prof Kukui I'm here for my starter pokemon."

"Lolza they all gone."he said 

I gasped I wanted a pokemon 

"Here have this it's a Toxicroak."

Yeah a Toxicroak it's my second favorite pokemon first is always Sylveon.

He soon handed my a rotomdex and 5 pokeballs.

Damn kukui looked fine..

Stop being gay Mark.

Omg. It's a huh.

It ain't a pokemon but a man with fluffy white hair.

"Aye what was that for?"he asked as he rubbed his head.

"Who are you?"

"It's ya boi Guzma and that over there is Pulm."he said as he held me by the collar "hey punk what's your name.

"Mark I think.."

"Let's battle so I heard you liek mudkipz."

He sent out his weedle.

"I choose you Toxicroak."

Toxicroak came out The ball and hit Guzma in the stomach with poison jab and that's when I knew Kiawe has nice Abbs. 

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Chapter 1: Brst story ever m8