사랑?-Sarang? >CHAPTER 1


POV Ho Jin

I woke up when I heard the doorbell ringing. In a situation like that I really wish that I was normal. I would have a normal job and holidays, sometimes a day off. That would be amazing. But I would get less money and that wouldn't be amazing. Because no money means that you have to worry a lot. And I like to enjoy my life. I don't have much time for fun things. But less time is still better than less money. And with this thought in my head I opened the door.

"I really have to hire a maid." I whipered.

"Good Morning, darling." My mum said. "I will make breakfast for you! Just get dressed. I will be in the kitchen.".

She entered the house and walked down the hallway. I was not really in the mood for her cooking but I should get dressed. So I went back to my bedroom and looked into my closet. I took out a pullover and a jeans for today. I would just go to the office and do paperwork, so I needed it to be comfy.

I went into the bathroom, took a shower and changed my clothes. After that I took a jacket and my keys for the car and went outside. My mum would make a bad breakfast and then throw it away because I won't be there to eat it. I took the car to the office and a driver drove it into the garage, while I entered the office. Everyone was bowing and greeting friendly. I locked the door behind me to avoid being surprised by someone. And then I sat back into my chair.

It is going to be a long, boring day.

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Chapter 1: Ho Jin seems to be a little too spoiled but warm hearted which is important since he is a good guy. Curious if his point of view on life will change.