Bad Press

The Heart's Desire (Lee Euijin (Unit B+) x OC)

Euijin stood, in total silence, too stunned to move or speak. Feeldog placed a hand on his shoulder, biting his lip.
     "You okay, man?"
Euijin swallowed.
     "Who would tell them? Aish, Katori, get back to work, this isn't good for you, I---"
     "Isn't good for me? Euijin, what am I supposed to do? Everyone will see this. Look, it's spreading. I'm getting messages in my fancafe asking me why I'd lie to them," Katori's voice rose, "who the hell leaked it?"
     "I don't know," Euijin snapped, "stop speaking to me like that. I worked my off trying to keep this private - what if I get kicked out of my group?"
     "What if I lose my contract deal?" Katori hissed, "you're not any more important, Lee Euijin."
Jun quickly intercepted the pair, firmly calming them down.
     "Don't argue," he said gently, "this isn't a big deal, you're both overreacting. Look, you love each other, right? Right. So you can make this work. Release statements, apologise for not telling your fans, and soon it'll all die down."
Euijin looked off, suddenly ashamed at himself for snapping at Katori.
     "I'm sorry, Kat, I'm just shocked."
The younger woman reached forward, curling her fingers through Euijin's to clasp his cold hands.
     "I understand," she breathed, "it's okay. Your group is more important than my contract, I know that."
     "No, no," Euijin sighed, "look, I'll release a statement tomorrow, and you should too."
     "We'll apologise, like Jun said, and then we'll explain to them why we felt we needed privacy," Katori nodded, "hopefully our fans will understand."
Kijoong bit his lip.
     "It's the news stuff you need to be careful about...they can get really personal and really biased. You should know that, Kat."
Katori flushed a bright red, thinking back to when it was rumoured that she and Jungkook were dating.
     "They can be brutal," she admitted, "but let's hope they're on our side."
Euijin closed his eyes.
     "Let's hope."

     As the pair packed up to leave, hours into the night, they said goodbye to their groups and then returned to each other at the front doors. Immediately, both felt relief to see each other, tightly embracing and sharing a soft kiss.
     "We can leave together, now," Katori said softly, smiling shyly.
Euijin's eyes lit up, and he twirled a strand of her long, black hair around his finger.
     "Ah, we can, jagiya. Hand in hand."
They pulled up their mouth maks, and their fingers entwined, before sharing a loving look and stepping out into the dark. It was unlikely any reporters would be out at this time, but there was always a small possibility. As they hurried to Euijin's car, they were fully aware of bright lights flashing every now and then out of the corner of their eye.
     "Ignore them," Euijin murmured, noticing Katori's flustered eyes.
     "I'm trying," she whispered, "but this isn't like usual, I feel like we're doing something wrong."
Euijin sighed, ushering her into his car, before shooting the reporters a sharp glare. He slipped into the drivers seat, slamming the door shut, making his wife jump.
     "Euijin? Are you okay?"
He merely grunted, starting the engine and beginning to drive, his expression steely and cold. Katori bit her lip, suddenly anxious, and rested one hand on the older man's arm.
     "What's wrong?"
Euijin shrugged her off, shaking his head.
     "It doesn't matter."
     "Jagiya, we're married, we need to talk."
     "I...I just...this makes you so uncomfortable, and you feel like we're doing something wrong. That kind of hurts. I'm sick of people getting involved in my personal business - I don't want to ruin this, Kat."
Katori smiled, her heart warming.
     "Oppa~" she teased, "nothing could ruin this. I'll always love and stay with you."
Euijin bit his lip, meetin Katori's eyes for a split second.
     "We could...we could say that it's not true? We could tell them we're not actually together, I--"
     "No," Katori said firmly, "I want them to know. We can't keep hiding forever. We'll finally be able to breathe."
Euijin swallowed.
     "I'm nearly 30, Kat," he murmured, "is it so wrong for me to love you?"
Katori laughed, sweetly.
     "No! Of course not. They'll warm up to us, I know they will."

The next day.

     Kim Katori's agency YG Entertainment + Lee Euijin's agency HO Entertainment releases an official statement concerning the recent marriage rumours:

Earlier today, YG Entertainment officially released a statement concerning the rumours circulating the internet of a secret romance between actress and model, Kim Katori and The Unit's Lee Euijin.
     "Katori would like to address that these rumours are indeed true. She and Euijin are very happy and are a loved couple in the industry; she apologises for the secrecy and would like to explain that they had to seek a private marriage because of Euijin's involvement in the idol rebooting programme, The Unit. They had been dating 3 years prior, and didn't feel the need to release the information to the public, as they wanted it to be serious before it was officially let out to the press. Thank you for your patience and we hope you'll continue to support the two in their future endevours."
HO Entertainment also released a statement, saying that Euijin was sorry for keeping it secret, and that he loves his fans, and also loves Katori.
Ah. How very, sweet...Or is it?
Many fans are devastated that their favourite idol has now tied the knot - and a lot of people are pointing out that it was Jeon Jungkook of the famous boy group, BTS, who was thought to be dating the loved actress, Kim Katori. These rumours first surfaced after she was seen spending vasts amounts of time with him at coffee shops and at BigHit Entertainment. After their music video was released, and it was admitted that Katori and Jungkook had grown close during shooting, many fans were excited that the pair could be possibly on the way to dating.
Now, let's examine the facts, shall we? Katori and Euijin had been dating for 3 years prior to the wedding - so they were dating when the rumours involving Jungkook and Katori circulated. Could it be, that the upcoming actress was indeed cheating on The Unit's beloved Lee Euijin?
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

     "Have you seen this?!" Katori said angrily, slamming her phone down next to Euijin at the table. He looked up, sharply, meeting his wife's flashing eyes, and slowly picked up the device to read. His brow furrowed, visibly concerned.
     "Aish, I guess luck isn't on our side. Kat, it'll die down, I promise. Just ignore it."
     "I'm getting accused of cheating on you," Katori muttered, "this is ridiculous."
Euijin shrugged, getting up to put his dish into the sink.
     "You wanted to tell them the truth."
Katori's eyes narrowed.
     "Oh no, you're not blaming me," she snapped, "for all we know, it could have been one of your friend's who told them! Marco? Jun? One of them?!"
     "They'd never," Euijin said quietly, "watch you mouth, Katori."
The young woman froze, and she felt her stomach sturn. He'd never spoken to her in that tone before.
     "Excuse me?"
     "You should be careful about what you say," Euijin said coolly.
     "Or what?" Katori said coldly, "you're going to hit me?"
Euijin let out an angered yell, throwing the kitchen towel across the room and making Katori's body jerk in shock. Leaning against the side, he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
     "I'd never hurt you," he hissed, "what is wrong with you? Some bad press and you're acting like this? What have I married?"
Then, pushing himself away, he snatched up his coat and stormed out, leaving Katori alone in their apartment, stunned and upset. Euijin was right; she kept snapping at him, and accusing his friends wasn't okay. Was she going to let this tear her marriage apart?





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