Why Tremity was banned...

Roblox Meetings

Roblox admin 1: Tremity has created an ODER game. We must ban him. AlexNewTron: WHAT!? Ppl od on my game too! Why him? Roblox Admin 1: Your not an oder game creator. Roblox admin 2: Oh comeon Zack! Im sure it just so happens that people Od on his game. Zack: Becky trust me. Roblox admin 3: I dunno.. he seems innocent. Zack: MARK! HE ISNT! Roblox: ... Lets see the votes. 65 PRESENT: BAN HIM 45 PRESENT: LET HIM STAY. And so tremity was banned. AdoptAndRaiseACuteKidLovers: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Me: NOOO WHY ROBLOX WHY!? GRRRRR WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

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