Part Three: Hades


Kai was not doing what most people imagined he would.

People thought of Hades as dark, evil, and regal, but that could not be farther from what Kai was. He was usually talking, always happy, liked to exaggerate, and enjoyed dance. And currently, he was watching Tangled.

His phone rang. "Dang!" Kai said in annoyance as he paused the movie and picked up the phone.


"Um, Jongin? Hi, this is Kris-"

"Yifan!" Kai shouted excitedly. "Hi! Do I get to go to the meeting this year?"

"Yes," Kris said slowly. "You can go, but don't say ANYTHING."

"That's no fun!" Kai said sadly.

"It's not supposed to be fun! It's a business meeting."

"It's a family reunion," Kai said indignantly. "You are all much too serious. You need to be happier!"

"Chanyeol isn't serious-" Kris began.

"Oh, come on!" Kai whined. "Even Chanyeol and Chen can be serious. Your meeting will be too boring! Can I please talk?"


"Yes!" Kai shrieked.

"You may say ONE sentence."

Kai hung up on him.

"Yifan is no fun," he pouted as he returned to his movie. Rapunzel was his favorite Disney character, but he couldn't even enjoy the movie. "He's too mean."

Then it occurred to him that Demeter probably wasn't that excited to see him. That ruined his day completely; he turned off the TV and sulked.

"Well done, Kris," he said, scowling. "You wrecked my day. I was having fun and you ruined it!"

Kai stomped off to his room and shut the door. "I wish I had a nicer brother!" He flopped on the bed. "Nobody on Olympus likes me. I wish I didn't have to live in the Underworld! All these dead people are so boring, and it's much too dark!"

Kai sulked for the rest of the day.

At night, he came out from his room and finished his movie, but he didn't have any fun. He returned to his bed after it and sat pouting, wishing Kris was nicer. 

Then he had an incredibly stupid idea.

He called Chanyeol. "Hello?"


"Can you please tell Kris that I died?"

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Chapter 5: This is fun so far!
Sounds interesting