Kang Seulgi = Personal Belonging

Property of Bae Joohyun

A/N: This really is a result of possessive Joohyun over her belongings. Plus there was a clip a long time ago where Seulgi was standing there. And you hear Joohyun say “please don’t show my belongings.” Not saying she was talking about Seulgi, but yeah she was probably talking about her. Please enjoy, I’m trying to get my writing mood back since it has been semi destroyed over recent events. I will say I have some of the nicest friends on here, and readers too. Thank you all.


Everyone who comes into contact with, Bae Joohyun knows that the woman is quite possessive over things that belong to her. If she says it’s hers. Then it’s hers. There are no questions asked, or any room for debate. You don’t attempt to fight this law. You either accept it, or face the consequences. Her close friends, found this out, by trying to claim her favorite color. Joohyun, didn’t take well to that. She made sure no one could touch anything, purple. Purple is hers, and only hers. If it even looked remotely like the color purple, then it was hers. You don’t even make it look like, you’re trying to reach for anything that has purple on it, or you’ll face death. They learned rather quickly they didn’t want to die, because they enjoyed living too much. It’s safe to say no one tries to claim her favorite color, again. They just hand it to her right away, so she doesn’t lose her mind.


Her belongings, are not just restricted to anything with the color purple, either. There is one more, quite important item that belongs to her. The law applies to her girlfriend, Kang Seulgi. You’re not even supposed to stare at her gorgeous, y, and sweet monolid, girlfriend for too long. You definitely don’t engage with her for more than a few moments, and you must be sure to keep it within the realm of platonic. Do not let, Joohyun think you’re doing anything even slightly romantic towards her. Also, what is probably most important is, you do not touch her! It’s just not done, never ever touch her girlfriend.


Seulgi, is one of her most precious belongings. People know this for a fact, and yet there are those who would still test the law. These people are either idiots or have death wishes. It’s not clear on which one yet, but one thing for sure is, Bae Joohyun doesn’t like anyone touching her most important items, as they are hers. Like tonight, they are at a party their friend, Joy is throwing for her girlfriend, Yeri. She has just graduated college, and it’s a huge celebration for her. Joohyun doesn’t normally like to leave Seulgi alone for too long. It’s not her fault she attracts people sometimes by just standing there. The shorter raven looks around nervous while they stand at the outdoor pool. Seulgi reaches over and wraps an arm around her. Joohyun calms down immediately when she feels her slightly taller girlfriend’s arm around her.


“Hyunnie, what’s wrong? You’re all twitchy.”


“I am not twitchy!”


“Yeah.” Seulgi laughs. “You are too. You adorable, jealous bunny.” She kisses the top of her forehead. Joohyun huffs in annoyance. It is true that their friends refer to them as the bunny and bear couple. As they both look like a human form of said animals.


“Listen, you silly, bear.” Joohyun begins and cups her cheeks. “I need to go to the bar and get our drinks. You know I don’t like leaving you alone.”


Seulgi does know. They have been together a long time. Joohyun is a jealous and possessive girlfriend. But, Seulgi has always understood, it’s because she loves her so much.


“I’ll be fine. You get the drinks.”


“Okay.” The raven nods reluctantly. She doesn’t leave before kissing her lips several times. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes when, Joohyun returns to see Seulgi is in conversation with some blonde girl. Oh, hell to the no! Her radar, is already blaring saying “Danger, danger! Must protect property.”


The blonde is conversing with, Seulgi and leaning a bit too close. That’s already a strike against her. Joohyun places the drinks down. She has much more important matters to deal with.


“So, do you have a girlfriend?”


“Yes.” Seulgi nods right away. “I have a girlfriend that I’m really in love with, and…”


The woman touches her bicep. That’s it she will pay. Joohyun gets over there fast and pushes her.


“Excuse me. You don’t put your hands on her.”


“Just who are, you?”


“Oh, no, she didn’t!” Several people in the crowd shout. Joy who was a matter of feet away notices too.


“No!” The tall, redhead shouts. “No, for the love of chicken. Joohyun-unnie, please don’t kill her! It’s, Yerimie’s party!”


“Babe.” Yeri, the smaller blonde taps her. She has two shots in her hands, one for each of them.


“We need the entertainment, and there is nothing like, Joohyun-unnies entertainment. Let’s just watch the show.”


“Sure, babe. Anything you want, it’s your party.”


All eyes are on, Joohyun as they normally are in these situations. This woman put her hands on her girl. There are consequences for every action.


“I’m, Bae Joohyun.”


“The, Bae Joohyun?” Other voices say in awe.


The blonde woman swallows nervously. She has heard the tale of, Bae Joohyun. She just thought it was urban legend. It never crossed her mind the woman existed.


“Y-you, you are, B-bae…”


“That’s right. I’m, Bae Joohyun, and you’re touching my girl. You don’t touch my girlfriend.”


 She pushes the woman, roughly into the pool. Joy and Yeri, are the first and loudest to start laughing, as they normally do. Other people in the crowd are too, but most are shook. Seulgi, isn’t surprised, as she has been used to things like this for some time. She apologizes repeatedly to the woman in the pool, and grabs Joohyun by the hand. It’s probably time for them to get going.


“Hey, let me go. I wasn’t finished with her.” The shorter raven complains. Seulgi doesn’t let her go until they reach her car. Seulgi uses the time to caress her face, before kissing her lips. She knows kisses usually tend to calm her girlfriend faster. It takes no time for, Joohyun to respond eagerly into those familiar, soft pink lips. God, those lips of hers. She could kiss Seulgi all day long and not get tired of it. She feels Seulgi slip her tongue into , and the muffled moan that escapes . Is the kind of moan that borders on what happens in their bedroom, or when they are just completely alone.


“Babe…” Joohyun whines in annoyance when Seulgi ends the kiss suddenly. She really doesn’t like when her taller, brunette girlfriend stops kissing her so suddenly.


“Hyunnie, you didn’t need to push that woman in the pool. She was pretty drunk from what I could see.”


“So?” The raven raises an eyebrow to her in question. It’s not her problem if that woman was drunk. She still should know the law. You don’t touch anything belonging to, Bae Joohyun. Kang Seulgi belongs to her, and only her. It’s quite a simple rule, and it’s not her fault if people don’t follow it.


“Hyun, you don’t need to be so jealous. You know I only love you.”


Joohyun gives a nod. She is well aware that Seulgi loves her. It’s not that she doesn’t trust Seulgi. She would trust Seulgi with her life, and she loves her too more than anything. It’s thirsty chicks she doesn’t trust. She never has and never will for as long as she lives.


“Seul, I protect everything that is mine.” She says ily into one of her girlfriend’s round ears. The whisper turns into a kiss against her ear. Seulgi feels her face heat up. Joohyun may be crazy possessive and jealous, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t beautiful, gorgeous, and hot all in one breath.


“Hyunnie, still just promise me you’ll try not to overreact anymore?”


“Fine.” She nods. “I’ll try, but people really do need to stop coming onto you. I won’t be responsible for what happens in the future. Let’s go home okay. I’m tired.”


Seulgi kisses her forehead then, softly. She knows most likely the loud music was a bit too much for her girlfriend to handle.


“The music was loud for you.” Seulgi whispers and turns her face to hers for a kiss. It’s much wanted and needed. Just being close to her girlfriend, always makes her the happiest.


“Yea. Can we go home now? I just want to be in bed with you.”


“Yeah, let’s go home. You promise to try and behave, Hyunnie?”


“Yeah, I promise.”


That is a promise not kept. Joohyun lasted for about 4 days, before losing her mind again. It’s just something about the way, Seulgi is flirted with that drives her crazy. They were supposed to be on a dinner date. It’s been awhile since they had a dinner date, mostly because the last time they went out. They were banned from a place, all because someone had to throw her soup at a girl she thought was flirting with her girlfriend.


“Now, Hyunnie, please be good.” Seulgi whispers from her seat.


“I’m always good, Seul. Don’t worry, now what are you going to order? I’ll get something different, and then we can split an appetizer.”


Well, so far everything seems fine. They place their orders. Joohyun happily feeds her like she normally would. All is going well as far as the brunette can tell. It doesn’t last long, because the waiter comes back with a glass of wine.


“We didn’t order any wine.” Joohyun lets the waiter know.


“It’s for her.” The waiter places the glass in front of Seulgi. Joohyun automatically looks pissed. The waiter explains the woman at the table by the window sent over the wine. Seulgi barely has time to warn Joohyun not to go over there. It falls on deaf ears. The shorter raven gets up, dragging Seulgi with her. The second they get to the table Joohyun slams her hands on the table.


“Listen to me, you! This is mine!” She gestures to Seulgi. “You don’t look at her. You don’t send her wine. She belongs to me!”


“You’re really over the top, miss.” The dark-haired woman tells Joohyun. “She’s quite attractive and I was only…”


The woman doesn’t finish because, Joohyun proceeds to throw the wine in her face.


“You !” The woman complains.


“Don’t you get any ideas! This is the property of, Bae Joohyun, and she belongs to me! Come on baby. We’re going home to have !”


Seulgi feels her face get red. Joohyun so boldy broadcasts that they are going to go have . Much to the surprise of the restaurant. Seulgi doesn’t protest while being dragged out of the restaurant by her angry girlfriend. This is honestly typical behavior.


Another thing, that comes with the territory of being Bae Joohyun’s property. Are the battle scars, or love marks as Joohyun likes to call them. Seulgi often gets marked up pretty noticeably. Joohyun leaves hickies all over her neck. To the point, she has gotten teased by it. Her smaller girlfriend likes to bite too when they have . She doesn’t do it in a painful way, just enough to show Seulgi belongs to her. There are always some type of scratches on her body too, because sometimes, Joohyun does get rough.


Seulgi is trying to put on a turtleneck to hide her most recent hickies. Courtesy of, Joohyun who so proudly attacked her neck so early that morning. She barely has the turtleneck on. When Joohyun stops her.


“No, don’t cover them up.”


“Hyunnie, I have to. It looks like I was attacked and almost died.”


“No.” She pouts. “They don’t look that bad, sweetie.”


They look like hickies, obvious ones. The people at work will take one look at her, and know what she was up to.


“Hyun, you always leave some sort of mark on me.”


“Well, because you’re mine, Seul.”


Seulgi nods. She wraps her arms around her shorter girlfriend. As usual, Joohyun happily clings onto her. Her arms always feel the best. It always feels as if she should be right here. In Seulgi’s arms, once she’s here nothing else matters.


“Of course I am. We both know I am. So you don’t need to get so upset when people talk to me.”


“I don’t like it.” Joohyun frowns. Seulgi can tell she’s frowning, without even looking at her.


“Hey, Hyunnie, look at me.” The brunette whispers tenderly. Joohyun does slowly look up. Seulgi kisses her lips so softly. It’s the kind of kiss you just melt into. It’s the kiss that still leaves you breatheless, even if it’s not really intense.


“Can you repeat after me?” Seulgi starts when they both break away for air. “I love you.”


“I love you.” Joohyun does repeat.


“I love you, and I’ am always, only yours, Bae Joohyun.”


That soft, but powerful declaration makes the raven’s face heat up red. Seulgi is truly so sweet. Joohyun knows how much Seulgi loves her, and that she loves her bear-like girl so much too. She recognizes how lucky she is to have her too. She does have a jealous and possessive streak, and anyone else would have probably left her by now. Seulgi wouldn’t leave her, because she loves her with her whole heart.


“Yeah, you’re all mine.” She hugs her tight. “Property of, Bae Joohyun.”


The taller woman laughs amused. Joohyun looks at her like she’s not kidding, and to be honest she’s really not kidding. Seulgi has known her long enough that when it’s computed in, Joohyun’s brain that something is hers. Then that something is hers. She doesn’t dare fight it. Instead she accepts that she is indeed property of one, Bae Joohyun.


“What, should I get a tattoo?” Seulgi is joking. However, the bright glint in Joohyun’s eyes makes her nervous.


“That’s a great idea! We’ll get you a tattoo.”


“Wait, hold on. I was only kidding.”


“No, it’s perfect, babe. We’ll get you a tattoo saying something like that, and put like, a bunny and bear you know, to represent us.”


“Yeah, I’m going to go to work now.”


“Wait, it’ll be cute! Plus, people will see you’re mine, and I’ll confront less thirsty women. Oh, come on, Seul. It’s a good idea. It will save lives! Think about the lives it will save, babe!”


One would think that the rule wouldn’t apply to friends. No one is safe from, Bae Joohyun when she thinks her property is being looked at, or flirted with. Son Seungwan, is Seulgi’s best friend. They have been best friends since HS, and everyone knows this. There aren’t any romantic feelings between them, and there never has been. Joohyun didn’t believe that at first. In fact, things were quite uncomfortable when she first met this so called best friend. She had never heard of until that moment.




Seulgi wanted Joohyun to meet, Seungwan. This is apparently her best friend of many years who recently returned back to Korea. Joohyun was a bit reluctant to meet this friend.


“Seul, is this a friend, or a ex girlfriend.”


“No. She’s just a friend, Hyunnie. You promised that you would be good.”


“I’ll be good, until she gives me a reason not to be. I don’t trust this yet.”


Seulgi gives her a soft kiss against the lips. It calms, Joohyun down a lot to feel those lips. They don’t have time to really make out like she wants, because a short, blonde is being introduced to her. Joohyun sees she’s a pretty woman, and it’s making her think certain things. She eyes this, Seungwan person with suspicion. She watches the way she laughs with Seulgi. She looks at how they seem to have inside jokes, and she just about loses her mind when Seungwan leans into her shoulder. Joohyun decides to give her a break since she has been gone from Korea for sometime. It’s only fair that this, Seungwan woman gets a warning. She will only get the one warning. Seulgi leaves to answer an important call. It gives Joohyun the time to chat.


“So, Seul talks about you all the time, and…” Seungwan starts.


“Oh, how nice.” Joohyun cuts her off. “Listen, up. Until now, I never knew of your existence. You seem a bit too friendly with my girlfriend too. I am a kind, generous woman. So you will get the one warning.”


“Um…” The blonde whispers. She had no idea, Seulgi was dating a crazy woman. Sure, she’s obviously drop dead gorgeous. However, it’s clear she’s also crazy.


“Don’t you catch me seeing you make moves on, Seulgi. She is mine, do you understand?” She glares at her so coldly. Seungwan swears she thinks she is going to die. She doesn’t have time to answer since Seulgi returns.


“Sorry about that. Is everything okay?”


“Honey.” Joohyun gets up and wraps her arms around Seulgi. She leaves a few kisses against her face. “Of course everything is fine. I was just getting to know your friend here. Everything is just fine, right, Seungwan?”


“Oh, yea..” The blonde nods. “Everything is perfectly fine!” Her voice raises slightly higher. Wow, this, Bae Joohyun chick is one scary woman.




Seungwan is currently at work, minding her own business as usual. When someone lets her know that she has a visitor. That surprised her, because she normally doesn’t have any visitors.


“Did they say who they were?”


“Oh, um, Bae Joohyun?”


Seungwan freezes and feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Why the hell is Seulgi’s crazy girlfriend here to see her. She dives under her desk.


“Tell her, I’m not here.”


“I already see you, Seungwan.” The raven says when she enters the office. The shorter woman curses under her breath, and picks herself up off the ground. She plants a smile on her face that hides her nervousness.


“Have security be on standby.” Seungwan mouths to her assistant. Joohyun looks displeased when she sits down.


“I have to talk to you. It’s very important, Seungwan.”


“Um, can’t it wait. You know 10 or 15 years?”


“No.” The raven frowns. “I gave you a warning before, did I not?”


Not this again. Seungwan doesn’t have a thing for Seulgi, not like that. She’s her best friend.




“Call me, Mrs. Kang.”


“Um, what?”


“You heard me. Call me, Mrs. Kang.”


“Uh, okay. Mrs. Kang, you know that Seulgi is just my friend right?”


Joohyun still doesn’t look happy. She does seem quite pissed now that Seungwan really looks at her.


“I notice you like to lean your head on her shoulder, a lot. More than you should. I don’t really appreciate that, Seungwan.”


“Oh...it’s not because I want her or, anything.”


“You’d better not want her. Or, there will be consequences.”


Seungwan uses her phone in her lap to dial Seulgi. She puts it on speaker, and the second Joohyun hears Seulgi’s voice. It does seem to have an effect on her.


“Wan, what’s up? Why did you call?”


“Talk to your girlfriend!”


“What?” Seulgi sounds surprised. What is Joohyun doing visiting Seungwan at work. She already scares her best friend as it is. So, whatever it is. It sure can’t be anything good.


“Hi honey! Joohyun says cheerfully. There is no trace of her previous anger, just happy, sweet and adorable sounding. Seungwan is just scared and nothing else.


“Hyunnie, why are you at Seungwan’s work?”


“I just needed to make sure she understood the rules.”


“Oh, but I do! I swear I understand the rules.”


“Good, you’d better. Anyway, babe I didn’t hurt her, or anything. We just had a friendly chat. Now, I’ll see you at home later. Don’t worry your friend is fine.”


Only, Seungwan doesn’t look fine. She looks like she will pass out at any moment. Why does she have to deal with the crazy woman. Joohyun doesn’t stick around long after that. She actually gives a polite goodbye and leaves. Seungwan isn’t sure what’s scarier. The polite goodbye or the obvious threatening. She grabs her phone and talks to Seulgi.


“Seul, um have you maybe considered that, you should leave her.”


“No, why?”


“She’s a psycho!”


“No.” Seulgi shakes her head. “She’s really not. She’s just very protective over the things she loves.”


“Seul. She’s scary.”


“I get it from where you see her, that she is. She’s very possessive, and has a really bad jealous streak. It doesn’t change that she loves me, Wan. Joohyun has been there by my side for everything. She takes care of me in every way, and she’s meant to be with me. Like, I’m meant to be with her, okay.”


“Then I think you should marry her. Before she kills someone.”


“Uh, yeah…” Seulgi trails off.  “Anyway, I need to go. Sorry if she scared you. She just likes to protect her belongings.”


Seungwan ends up making a strangled sound on the other end. Did Seulgi not hear the words she just said. She didn’t say girlfriend. She said belongings, as in she is an item that belongs to someone.


“Seul, you just said, you’re a belonging.”


“Yeah, so?”


“Oh, well then, you’re both crazy. I understand it all now, seriously good luck, Seul.”


“I’ll be fine, Wan. Don’t worry about me.”


So, yes. Everyone knows to not touch or look at things that belong to, Joohyun. She is a possessive woman who keeps her important things close to her. Sometimes, she still has to remind people what the law is. Like now, as she waits for, Seulgi to meet her at the cafe. She’s running a little late from work, but she’ll be coming. Joohyun sips her tea, and looks through her phone. Seulgi barely gets inside the cafe when someone talks to her.


“Oh, um sure. I’ll try the banana muffins, here.” Seulgi smiles politely.


Joohyun is already looking like she wants to kill someone. The woman has already crossed one line by talking to Seulgi. The second line she crosses, is when she’s about to ask Seulgi out.


“No, sorry I’m already taken.” Seulgi makes sure to decline. That makes Joohyun smile. That’s her bear, making sure to turn the thirsty women down, as she has been taught to do so. The final strike is if Seulgi is being touched. Just as the woman is looking like she will attempt, Joohyun walks over.


“Excuse me, hands off of my property.”


“What, your property.”


“Yes. You heard me. This woman belongs to me, and you need to be going.” She shows the woman the door, literally. Joohyun shoves the woman outside of the cafe. Seulgi shakes her head, before mouthing another apology to the woman now on the sidewalk.


“Hyunnie, you promised that you would be good.” Seulgi sighs, but leads the way back to the table Joohyun already had for them.


“I am being good. I didn’t throw anything this time.”


“You pushed her into the street basically.”


“She was fine. No one got hurt. Oh, come on, baby. Don’t be angry.”


The raven caresses her cheek and kisses her lips a few times. Seulgi does kiss her back of course. Moments later they break away for air at the same time. Joohyun places her head to Seulgi’s. She mouths a few more apologies and kisses to her lips.


“Hyunnie. One day you’ll have to not be so jealous.”


“You know what you have to do.”


“But…” Seulgi sighs again. “Hyunnie, come on I’ve already proven my love, only to you.”


Joohyun agrees. Seulgi has already proven the ultimate show of her love.


“Yes, you did. But, still you know what you need to do.”


The brunette gestures to the wedding ring on Joohyun’s finger. The recently put there ring since they were just married not too long ago.


“I married you!” The taller woman cries out in exasperation. What more could Joohyun want. She’s her wife already. They got married months ago, secretly and no one knows it yet. That should be enough.


“I know. You’re my wife and I’m happy you are. Still, you know what I want from you.”


“Alright, I’ll get the tattoo. Will it make you happy?”


“Yes.” Joohyun nods. “I want it to be in purple, though.”


“I’m allowed to have your favorite color on my body?” Seulgi teases.


“You are mine, just as purple is. Two of my most favorite things for my eyes only. Now, everyone will back off from trying to steal you away.”


Seulgi grabs her into a hug. “Come here, you crazy bunny!” She teases again with several kisses to her lips.


“Yah, stop it. You silly bear! I’m just….”


“Protecting your property. I know.”


“Yeah.” Joohyun smiles. “After all, everyone should know to stay away from, Kang Joohyun’s property.” She says her newly married name with such a proud smile. It makes Seulgi smile back. She knows better than to try to argue with her wife. She’s apart of, Joohyun’s property, and that’s the way it will always stay.


A/N: This wasn’t exactly what I wanted. The idea sounded much better in my head, and maybe one day I’ll write an alternative version to this that will properly explain what I was trying to achieve. It’s not the best thing I’ve written, but I guess it was okay. Thanks for reading.


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268 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is hilarious! I love possessive and jealous Joohyun. And Seulgi being an adorable silly bear jeje Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 1: i laughed reading bae joohyun is an urban legend XD
Chapter 1: 😂😂😂 Oh my gosh Joohyun
71 streak #4
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 1: jealous and possessive irene will never get old
Chapter 1: Seulgi here has the patience of a saint XD
Chapter 1: Things like this is only cute when in fictions, unless we're irene or in some sort of alternate universe, our significant others would leave us if we act like this all the time hahaha! Anyway, too bad it's only a one-shot, it would be good if there will be a full fic with lots of twists
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeee. i cannnntttttttttttttt. the way joohyun is so possessive of her is so adorable :>> i want a joohyun too :)
anightangel #9
Chapter 1: Funny... and I was a bit worried for seulgi. But joohyun is just too hard to get angry with. Lol. Cute story
Chapter 1: Oh dang jelly bunny is so scary haha I feel bad for Seungwan, poor hamster xD thanks for writing and sharing!