
The Homecoming

An empty shell.

That’s what Oh Sehun is. Despite being on top and his career as a lawyer getting better every single day, he still feel incomplete. Sehun is a personification and a perfect example of what a walking corpse is. But no one knows that, well except for Baekhyun, who was Luhan’s best friend, and Chanyeol, Baekhyun's boyfriend.


“Sehun,” Baekhyun calls out after knocking on his door twice, “you’ll be late for tonight’s event, you don’t want to miss out on receiving your award right?” Sehun sighed. If it were really up to him, he’d rather missed out on the event than fake his smiles all throughout the event.


“I’ll be out in a bit” Sehun proclaims.


After a minute or two of contemplation whether he should or shouldn’t go to today’s event, he eventually stood up from his bed and took out his suit from his closet. It is a white suit with a blue dress shirt. It was Luhan’s favorite out of all his suit. ‘White suits you the most, Sehun-ah’ was what Luhan told him. Sehun wonders if it’s one of the lies the latter had told him. Sehun shook his head. He needs to stop thinking about him.


Just when Sehun was about to take off the plain black shirt he was wearing, Baekhyun spoke again.


“Sehun, I know you’re still keeping the ring in the bottom drawer of your bedside table, not that I want to meddle with your life, but don’t you think it’s time to put that away? Maybe sell it? You’re not waiting for him to come back, right?”


“I’ll think about it. Thank you, though” was all Sehun could muster to say.


“Chanyeol and I are just here if you want to talk about it. It’s been two years, Sehun. Take at least a step forward. Chanyeol’s already waiting for you in the car” and with that, he already knew that Baekhyun has already left.


The ring. He bought that two years ago, during their 4th year anniversary, the day when Sehun decided he’s already willing to take the next big step - marry Luhan. But things didn’t turn out the way he wanted. Instead of meeting at the restaurant like Sehun had planned, he ended up driving at a fast speed towards the airport to stop Luhan from leaving.


“Luhan-ah,” Sehun called out as soon as he saw Luhan at the reception area. Luhan turned around upon recognizing that voice.


“Sehun? What are you doing here?” Luhan asked, eyes wide.


“i should be the one asking you that, what are you doing here? Where are you going? Are you going to your parents? Why didn’t you tell me? You said you’re taking me with you and we’ll visit them together. How long will you be gone?” Sehun said as he held Luhan’s hand. Sehun knows about Luhan’s father’s conditon. The latter just underwent a surgery, which has been nothing but successful thank God, and he knows Luhan badly wanted to see his father. Luhan gently squeezes Sehun’s hand and lets go. Sehun looked at him, puzzled.


“Sehun-ah, I’m sorry that I didn’t told you that I would be leaving. I never wanted you to find out because I know you won’t allow me to leave. But I need to, Sehun. I don’t have anymore reasons to stay here”


“But I’m still here, isn’t that enough reason for you? Baek is here, your life is here. You have every reason to stay”


“Sehun, I can’t stay. My parents need me. They need someone to manage the company and that someone is me” Luhan said, eyes trained on the tiled floor.


“Luhan, you know very well that I won’t stop you from leaving if that’s the reason. I understand, Luhan. What I don’t understand is why didn’t you tell me?” Sehun said.


“Because I don’t want you to know that I will be leaving! You won’t stop me, yes but you’ll ask me when will I return and you’ll be saying you’ll wait for me but I don’t want you to! I don’t want you to wait because I won’t be coming back!”


“Take that back, Luhan. We know you’ll come back when everything’s already fine. I can wait, Luhan. I am willing to wait. Take all the time that you need, I’ll stay right here” Sehun said through gritted teeth


“But it’s the truth! I won’t come back! I can’t be with you anymore, not when I know I am not on the same page as you. I’m tired of this, Sehun. I’m tired of being nothing but a freeloader in your life. I’m tired of being treated like some royalty, Sehun, I want to be on my own. I want to make myself proud and I can’t make that when I’m stuck inside the house, doing nothing but wait for you to come home. Sehun, don’t make it harder than it already is” Luhan pleads, his eyes already welling up.


“Then stop this! Whatever it is that you’re doing, stop this! You’re hurting me! You know that I’m not letting you work because you aren’t well. I don’t want to receive a call from your office saying that you passed out or collapse while working. If you want to work, then we’ll find something that won’t tire you out. We’ll figure things out , let’s stop fighting” Sehun shouted at Luhan, tears streaming down. Luhan held Sehun’s right cheek, trying to wipe away the tears.


“Sehun-ah, let’s end this. Whatever it is that we have, let’s end it already. You and I, we're not the same anymore. Let’s not hurt each other. Sehun, I love you but I can’t be with you anymore. I’m tired of fighting” Luhan placed a chaste kiss on Sehun’s lips and then a longer one on his forehead, as if wanting to leave a permanent mark, “you’ll find someone again someday, you’ll be able to find happiness again one day, someone’s that not me. Take care, Sehun-ah”


And with that, Luhan left. Taking Sehun’s heart with him. The ring on Sehun’s pocket losing its purpose.


Sehun shook his head at the memory. He knows he won’t be hearing that voice again anytime soon, or for the rest of his life for that matter, for that person’s already gone. Who knows if Luhan has someone else now.


“Now’s not the time to think about him, Sehun. Stop!” Sehun scolded himself as he felt his left eye sting. He’s not gonna cry again, not today, never. The Sehun today is much stronger that the Sehun from two years ago.


Sehun went out of his room after a good 10 minutes. He was greeted by a warm smile from Baekhyun which he gladly returned. As soon as he stepped outside of their house, although Baekhyun likes to refer it as a mansion, he saw Chanyeol, keys in hand, leaning on his black Sedan. Sehun went in after giving Chanyeol a light tap on the shoulder.


“So, what award will you be receiving tonight, Lawyer Oh?’ Chanyeol teases as soon as he started the ignition.


“Just some normal award. Nothing much” Sehun replied with a shrug


“And by that you mean you’ll be awarded as the top lawyer in Seoul and LX Firm being the most sought law firm of the year? Yes, that doesn’t sound much”


“So, how’s your wedding proposal planning going?” Sehun asks, clearly wanting to change the topic. Sehun hates talking about awards and the likes, they’re just awards after all.


“I’ve been looking for the perfect ring that will suit Baekhyun’s pretty finger. I didn’t know an engagement ring can cost that much. How did you afford to buy Luhan one?”


“I saved for it. The person I’ll be giving that ring to is worth it after all but hey, life’s cruel sometimes. I wasn’t even given the chance to show it to him” after hearing Sehun’s voice laced with longing and sadness, Chanyeol immediately regrets asking that question. He knows very well that Sehun’s still hurting and bringing up any topic that involves Luhan is just plain wrong.


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up”


“Oh, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it, Chanyeol. I’ve already accepted the way our story had ended, it’s nothing to be happy about but still, maybe it’d for the best. Maybe we weren’t just meant to be with each other,” Sehun turned to look at him, his lips forming a smile but Chanyeol knows it’s nothing but a fake smile, “but I’m really glad you finally decided to man up and propose to Baekhyun, it’s been a long time coming”


“i know. It took me a long time but I’ll gladly make up for what we had missed. I’ll make sure this time we’ll stay together forever”




Chanyeol nods, a smile lingering on his lips. Sehun opted to stare outside the window, a memory playing on his mind.


“i won’t leave you, Sehun-ah. We’ll stay together forever. You already know that Luhannie loves you so much right? And if you don’t, should I give you a kiss so I can prove it?” Luhan started scooting closer to Sehun, his face only two inches away.


“Hyung what are you doing? You’re ridiculous! I get it now. You love me and I believe you so if you please, can you move your face away?” Sehun said, his thoughts getting hazy with how close Luhan is right now.


“And what if I don’t? What would you do?” Luhan asks, face getting closer


“I’ll kick you out of the bed” Sehun answers/shrieks.


“Oh no, you won’t. You love me too much to even try” Luhan retorts, grinning.


“And who told you that?


“Me, duh. It’s pretty obvious, Sehunnie,” Luhan said as he wrapped his arm around Sehun’s lean waist, “you love me very much”


“i don’t!”


“Oh you don’t? I should get out then. Maybe Minseok’s willing to let me in and if I’m lucky maybe I can get him to confess to me? Sounds good eh?” Luhan unwrapped his arm from Sehun’s waist and sits up, feet already planted on the floor, ready to go out of the room. That’s when he felt Sehun’s hand clutching his arm, not wanting to let him go somewhere that is not beside him.


“Luhan, don’t”


“Only if you admit that you love me,” Luhan singsongs, clearly wanting to tease Sehun, Sehun stayed silent, “I’m waiting”


“Fine. I love you! Now go back to bed and hug me”


“Oh, someone’s being a cuddly and whiny baby. My own baby” Luhan teases


“Oh, shush, Luhan,” Sehun pulled Luhan down and Luhan willingly snuggles up to Sehun’s side, arms wrapping around Sehun’s wait, “don’t bring up Minseok’s name ever again, you know what it does to me”


“i won’t, this is my favorite sleeping position” Luhan admits


“And why is that? Because you can have a free pillow of your own that you can hug?” Luhan shook his head.

“It’s because I can hear your heart beating. It’s because I can feel you and I can tell myself that you’re really here, that you’re real. I want to stay like this forever. Can I do that?”

”Of course, I wouldn’t want someone else to hug me and be this close to me. Only you have that privilege, just don’t hog the sheets”

”I don’t!,” Luhan playfully flicks Sehun’s chin and pet it afterwards, “I love you, Sehun-ah”


“Forever?,” Sehun felt Luhan nods and heard him yawn afterwards, “good night, Lu. I love you, forever


Sehun sighed, trying to clear his mind.


They reached the hotel where the party is being held. After some reminders and a “hit me up when you feel like leaving already” from Chanyeol, Sehun went inside. There are a lot of well-known personality inside, from lawyers to businessmen to politicians. Sehun headed to a vacant table, with champagne in hand that he got from the passing server. Sehun placed the glass atop the table after sipping a little from it, his eyes wandering over the sea of people, wishing to see a comrade. Not long after Sehun started being comfortable by just sitting there, a woman approached him. Sehun’s sure she had seen her before, he just couldn’t remember where and when. He doesn’t even remember the girl’s name. He’s not good at remembering people who don’t really matter to him anyway.


“Hi, Sehun,” the woman greeted with a wink, “what is a hottie like you doing alone in this kind of event? Do you want some company?”


“Uhm, I’m fine really. But thank you for asking uh who are you again?” Sehun knows it’s rude to ask that question but he’s a lawyer and a lawyer asks honest questions.


“Oh! I’m hurt. You don’t remember me? We’ve already met a few times before. I’m Sojin of SJ Corporation” the woman, Sojin, said while pouting. Sehun tried his best not to laugh at how pathetic she looks right now.


“I’m sorry, Sojin but I’m not really good at remembering names” Sehun said while rubbing his nape. He’s getting uneasy ,really.


“It’s okay though, we still have a lot of time to know about each other, not just our names so how about we start now?” Sojin suggested, her eyes staring at him intently, her teeth biting her lower lip.


Sehun wanted to scoff at Sojin’s attempt of flirting with him but he didn’t. He just smiled at her and declined the offer.


“iIm sorry, Sojin but I’ll be off to meet with Mr. Lee now. I still need to talk to him so if you please excuse me” Sehun bowed at her and took his leave.


Phew. This is what really Sehun hates about this type of events. He spotted Mr. Lee a minute after of searching the crowd.


“Mr. Lee” he called out


“Oh Sehun, my wonderful child, I’m glad you came. Are you with someone?” Mr. Lee pulled him into a hug and gave him a tap on the shoulder afterwards.


“It’s my pleasure to be here, Sir and no, I didn’t bring someone with me tonight”


“Well, what’s new? I haven’t seen you bringing anyone ever since. Well except when you received your first award, I remembered you brought your boyfriend with you. Luwan was it? Where is he now?”

“Luhan, Sir. And he’s in China. He moved back 2 years ago. We ended our relationship 2 years ago”


“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I never thought you’ll go on separate ways, you look so in love with each other back then”


“People change, Mr. Lee. It can’t be helped”


“So what can I help you with?”


“Uh about that, do you remember the conference you told me last week? The one to happen in Beijing?”


“The one you turned down? What about it?”


“I just want to know if the offer still stands or was the slot already taken? I would like to go”


“You’re lucky I haven’t proposed it to somebody else so if you really want to go, I’d gladly let you”


“Thank you, Sir! This means a lot to me” Sehun bowed. Mr. Lee chuckled at the gesture.


“No one’s more deserving to go than you, you’re our firm’s asset after all. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet Luhan there again” Mr. Lee ruffled his hair and left Sehun after giving him one last tap on the shoulder.


The night ended after all the outstanding lawyers and businessmen, Sehun included, had received their awards. When he went outside the venue, Chanyeol was already there, his hair messy and his shirt creased. It’s not rocket science for Sehun to know what had happened before Chanyeol went to fetch him. He’s glad Chanyeol can even leave Baekhyun after what they ‘did’.


The trip back home was quiet. Chanyeol only asked a few questions awhile ago. Sehun stared at the plaque he’s currently holding.


I received another award today, Luhan. It’s waiting for you, together with all my previous awards, when will you come home? Sehun scolded himself, what is he even thinking? Luhan’s already home now. That’s what he said.


Sehun kept on dialing Luhan’s number. He’s drunk but he’s still aware of what he’s doing. 3 more agonizing calls later, Luhan decided to pick up.


“Hello,” Sehun was startled to hear Luhan’s voice. His voice is not the same as before. Luhan sounds different


“Luhan-ah,” Sehun started, voice shaking, “I miss you”


“Sehun, have you been drinking?” Sehun can hear the tone Luhan is using right now, it’s the same tone he used whenever Sehun got involve in a fight during high school, it’s the same tone he used whenever he’s tending to the bruises he got. Before, Sehun will feel guilty for making Luhan worry but tonight is an exception, he’s glad that Luhan still worry about him.


“I had a few bottle but I’m okay. I know you hate the idea of me drinking but I just miss you and I’m going crazy, I want to see you” Sehun hates crying but here he is now, crying his heart out for his former lover.


“Sehun-ah, please promise me you’ll refrain from drinking again”


“Promise me that you’ll come back first. Luhan, let’s fix this”


“Sehun, there’s nothing left to fix. Let me go”


“How can you say that so easily? How can ask me to let you go when you know I can’t? Luhan, I can’t let you go. I won’t. Not now, not ever. Come home to me please?”


“Sehun, I’m already home. Now go to the kitchen and get some water to drink before going to sleep. I’m hanging up. Lock the door, I’m not coming back”


“Luhan wait, I-”


*Toot toot*


“love you” Sehun whispered unto the phone, all hopes gone, Luhan’s last word playing on his mind.


Lock the door, I’m not coming back.

Lock the door, I’m not coming back.

Lock the door, I’m not coming back.


“I already did” Sehun said as he gently closes the door of their house shut,as soon as he and Chanyeol had entered, locking it. Just like what Luhan had asked him to do.



The conference to China was tougher than Sehun had expected. For the past three days, he had done nothing but to sit inside the conference hall and listen as the presenter discusses things that involves laws and bills. He met a lot of famous persons during the conference. He stumbled upon Yifan and Zitao, the famous models in China, when he was on his way to the hotel where he is staying during his second day stay at the city. He also met renowned lawyers and politicians from other places. Sehun’s stay in Beijing was sort of nothing but a busy one. The only thing that Sehun for sure will enjoy is the two-day vacation Mr. Lee had given him. After strolling and walking around the city the whole day and buying souvenirs for some of his workmates and Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Sehun went back to the hotel.


He would be leaving Beijing tomorrow evening and he was lucky that he haven’t seen Luhan ever since he arrived. Baekhyun told him that Luhan is staying in Beijing before and although he knows Beijing is a big place, he still decided to take the ring with him. He plans to give it to Luhan, it is fro him after all. Sehun also decided that maybe giving the ring to Luhan, not to propose but to just simply hand it over, will be his cue to finally move on, to take a step forward just like what Baekhyun had said. Deciding that he badly needed a shower to somewhat ease him and remove some of the stress he’s feeling right now, he went to the bathroom and sunk into the enormous bath tub.


Sehun fell asleep. That he is sure of. If his fingers looking like prunes is any indication. Sehun took a quick shower and went out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Upon reaching the closet, Sehun caught sight of his phone blinking. Sehun quickly picked his phone up only to see that he had 10 missed calls from an unknown number. Just when he was about to put his phone down, it started blinking again, the number from before flashing on the screen. Sehun tapped the answer button only to be greeted by the voice he thought he would never hear again.


“Hello, is this Oh Sehun?” said the voice on the other line. Sehun couldn’t believe that he’s actually hearing Luhan’s voice again. He missed this voice. He missed Luhan. Sehun tightened his grip on his phone, afraid that if he didn’t held it tight, Luhan’s voice will be gone.


“Hello? Is this Oh Sehun?’ Luhan asked again.


“Yes, this is Sehun, Luhan” Sehun knows he said it too softly and he’s afraid Luhan didn’t hear him.


“Uh, hi Sehun,” Luhan chirps, his voice somewhat sounding uneasy “are you still in Beijing?”


“Yes, why?”


“Can we meet?”


“For what?” Sehun couldn’t help but ask. Why would Luhan want them to meet? What for? Does he have something more painful to say to Sehun?


“I just want to give you something, let’s meet” Luhan told him their meeting place and ended the call after telling Sehun that he’ll be waiting.


Sehun keeps on pacing inside the hotel room. Should he go? Is he ready to meet Luhan. Can he handle another pain that Luhan will inflict on him? Sehun eventually get dressed and hurried outside the hotel, the ring situated inside his jeans’ front pocket.. This might be the last, Sehun told himself, just one last time.


Sehun reached their meeting place 20 minutes later. He saw Luhan, sitting on one of the park’s benches, wearing his favorite polo, the one Sehun wore when they first made love. Oh the memories! Why of all clothes Luhan has, he decided to wear that one? Is he hurting Sehun on purpose? If yes, then life!


Luhan waved at him when he saw him. He is smiling. His eyes seeming to twinkle along with the stars. Sehun started walking towards Luhan. He doesn’t change a bit. He still looks like how Sehun remembered - doe eyes, his cute button nose, his lips looking as soft as ever, his hair still honey blonde.


“Hi, you,” Luhan greeted as soon as Sehun sat beside him “it’s been a long time”


“It is, so how are you?”


“I’m fine, could have been better” Sehun noticed the way Luhan’s voice softens when he answered the question.


“So what are you going to give to me?”


“Oh, yes,” Luhan opened his bag and rummaged inside it, his nose scrunching up in the process. Cute, Sehun thought, “here it is” Luhan stretched out his hand as soon as he found what he’s been looking for. It is an envelope. A white one with gold prints.


“What is it?” Sehun asked as he took the envelope from Luhan’s hand, their fingers brushing against each other.


“A wedding invitation, Minseok’s really hoping you can come”


Oh, it’s just a wedding invitation. A wedding, what? Wedding invitation? Luhan’s getting married? And Minseok? When? Sehun didn’t know if Luhan heard it but he knows his heart is once again breaking.


“So you did end up with Minseok? After all the things that we’ve been through, it’s still him after all? What a lucky bastard” Sehun scoffs


“Se-” Luhan tried to speak but sehun is quick to cut him off


“I know you don’t like to hear me calling your future husband bastard but at least let me. It’s my pleasure that your future husband acknowledges my presence but I don’t think I can attend your wedding. I don’t think I can handle such pain. Knowing that you’re already getting married is one thing but watching you get married is completely another story Luhan. I know it’s wrong for me to say this but Luhan, I can;t watch the man I love marry the man he loves. Congratulations on your wedding,” with that said, Sehun stood up and fished out the box from his pocket, “and I know it’s already late but I still want to give you this” Luhan looked up at Sehun. Sehun handed him the box and Luhan opened it. As soon as he saw what’s inside, tears started falling from his eyes.


“It’s been with me for two years now. I bought that during our anniversary, I was planning to propose to you but then you decided to leave me. I can’t blame you though. It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have make you feel that you’re a freeloader because Luhan you are not. I’m happy doing things for you. I love making you happy and if marrying Minseok is what will make you happy, I’ll gladly step aside and let you. So, I’m guessing this is goodbye then? It’s nice knowing you, Luhan. I’m glad that at one point in your life, you had loved me. Thank you for everything, don’t worry about me. Just like what you had said, I’ll eventually find someone to make me happy. I’ll be going now” Sehun ruffled Luhan’s hair. He’s going to miss doing this. He’s going to miss how Luhan’s locks feels so smooth. He’s going to miss seeing Luhan. He’s going to miss everything that is Luhan


Sehun started to walk away, each step getting heavier. It’s done, it’s over. Sehun keeps on repeating those words to himself. As he was about to take the 7th step away from Luhan, he felt something hit his head. And there on the ground he saw the box he gave Luhan awhile ago, minus the ring. Sehun’s worried it flew away when Luhan threw the box. Sehun picked up the box and turned around.


“The least you can do is give it back nicely if you don’t want to accept it you know?”


“Oh Sehun!” Luhan hollered.


“Wha- oomf!” Luhan threw himself onto Sehun and they stumbled backwards, making Sehun lie on the ground.


“Yah! What are you doing? Get off of me” Sehun spoke up but Luhan has no plans of letting go. He hugged Sehun tightly and pressed himself onto Sehun even more. Sehun could feel the somewhat wet grass and the pebbles poking his back but he doesn’t mind.


“I hate you,” Luhan mumbled, “I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, why do you have to love me so much?”


“Okay, I get it now, you hate me so if you please, I need to stand up. I don’t want your future husband to see us in this position. I love you but I love myself also. I still want to live” Sehun tried removing Luhan on top of him but Luhan won’t budge. Luhan kept on mumbling the words I hate you.


“Luhan, please don’t make it hard for me? Let me go”


“I won’t, not again” With all the strenght he could muster, Sehun sits up. Making their position more awkward than before - Luhan is now straddling him, his arms wrapped around Sehun’s neck, his face buried on Sehun’s shoulder


“Don’t you think it’s a bit too late to say that now? You’re already getting married Luhan”


“Who told you I’m getting married?!” Luhan shrieks and he lifts his face up and stared at Sehun, his eyes puffy. Sehun wiped away Luhan’s tears, making Luhan close his eyes.


“Uh you are giving me a wedding invitation earlier?”


“But it’s not mine! It’s Minseok’s! He’s the one getting married, you idiot!”


“That’s the point! Minseok’s getting married and he’s marrying you!”


“He is not! He’s marrying Jongdae!” Luhan flicks his forehead, earning a soft ‘aww’ from Sehun


“Wait, what?”


“Minseok’s going to marry Jongdae, not me! Who gave you the idea that I’ll be marrying someone that is not you? I love you too much to even think about that!” Luhan, getting flustered with his sudden confession, decided to bury his face again on Sehun this time on his neck.


“What? Luhan, are you for real?” Luhan opting not to answer the question with words anymore cupped Sehun’s cheeks and started kissing Sehun. When Luhan felt that Sehun is not responding to his kiss, he pulled away.


“Why aren’t you- hmmp!” Sehun pulled Luhan even closer and started kissing the life out of Luhan. He missed this. Sehun continued kissing Luhan, wanting to make up for the years they lost, for the years they were separated. Sehun doesn’t care about whatever reasons Luhan has for leaving him before, what’s important is that Luhan is here with him already, wearing the ring he bought for him two years ago.


After deciding that they still need to breathe, Luhan pulled away, resting his forehead onto Sehun’s.


“I’m sorry for leaving you. I was foolish back then. Would you take me back? Can I come home now?”


Sehun touched Luhan’sright cheek after that. Come home. Luhan’s coming home now and Sehun knows that this time, he’s not planning to leave anymore.


“You can, the door’s still open for you” Sehun said, a smile etched on his face.


“i love you, Sehun-ah. I won’t be leaving you this time” Luhan hugged Sehun tightly. Sehun’s having a hard time to breathe because of how tight Luhan is hugging him now but he doesn’t mind.


“I won’t forgive myself if I let you. Ilove you, Luhan. Forever and a day”

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Chapter 1: AAaaah, so cute
Chapter 1: True luv is HunHan!!! :D i loved this! Thanks for sharing this with us!! Hunhan is my fav and I love it whenever I come across a talented hunhan author! Thank u again!! :D
Chapter 1: asdghjkl THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Chapter 1: I WAS HOLDING MY HEART WHEN LUHAN MENTIONED MINSEOK OMG thank god happy ending for hunhan!!!! This was really good
ruhanlu #5
Chapter 1: Believe and you'll get your man back >< so cute!
trappedinjunhwan #6
Chapter 1: LOLLL this is good. My favorite part is Luhan throwing the box and it hit Sehun lmao
Chapter 1: I thought Lu is gerring married to someone else.. Ahaahhaha
Chapter 1: This is soooooooooooooooooo adorable!!!
OP_Robin11 #9
Chapter 1: Its still nice story...but i'll love it if its a bit longer.. but really its a nice story author nim