Whole Feelings

The Hardship of Life Rant

Struggles and difficulties are normal in everyday “now” life, like can’t studying or can't brush your hair. That’s what most people think hardships are but they are just spoiled brats who never learned what it felt like to be hurt or doing work. This girl in my class complains when she has to wash dishes in cooking class because she says “my maid usually does this” Um the ? Who has maids these days you lazy . I had to wash dishes since I was five and I have 8 people in my family. Girls and boys are saying that they couldn’t study due to their favorite show was on television, um I don't even have a television for myself since I let my siblings use it because it's the responsible thing as a young adult to care for others. People saying that they didn’t eat a “good” dinner and it was like a dinner you would get at like outback or something and my family is eating ramen noodles ever night. Humans are the most selfish things on the planet not ever think of others just about themselves. I know im just ranting but tell me that humans aren’t selfish. Girls saying they want to become Doctors and Vets and they don’t even study and i'm working my off in school and my part time job just to support my family now. When I get older I want to become a writer and I don't care who reads my work I like writing about and F Boys because I have nothing else to do so way the hell not rant and making it into a story. I live with my mother and my 8 siblings in one small house while my mom is never home and when she is she doesn’t exist. I clean, make food, dress little puppys for school, and make sure they brush their teeth like a real parent should, and girls and boys at my school’s parents are never home but they have their maids and servants to take care of them? Is this the 15 century because I don't think it is and I don't think I see sebastian michaelis anywhere by so how do they have servants? How rich are these monsters? I look outside and see a living hell of people fighting over money and still making ruckus over a war that happened when Abraham Lincoln was president. People still fighting and bullying because of other people's skin color and race? But get a knife cut yourself and them cut them, what color do you bleed? Red, the same as theirs and that won’t change even if skin color does. I'm tired of people acting like their higher than other people due to race of money they have because take that money away and then your a nobody just like me, I am invisible to the human eye sneaking through and past people without being noticed.

How come so long after slavery ended people are still going on about “Jews” and “Black People” Now don’t get mad from me saying Black people like im a racist. I don’t get humans, well are they even real humans around anymore, is there anybody who still cares about peace and doesn’t care about color? I haven’t met one in a long time. I hope I see one soon since these so called “humans” are getting more greedy and more and more like a devil.


The thing that just makes my blood BOIL is when people make jokes and make fun of jews and the holocaust like it didn’t really happen and like real people didn’t die during that time, humans now think death and suicide is a joke. My best friend commited Suicide and i saw people laughing because they think it's just a joke, like he will come back to life in the next year, well sorry to tell you i’ve been waiting 14 years for my dad to come back to life and I don't see him anywhere near me or alive so why did people laugh. If your bestfriend dies or someone you know dies even if you were not close why the hell laugh, is a HUMANS LIFE were talking about.

Sorry for this rant.

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