The Rules & The Form

☆ Pynkfaery's Poster Studio

1. Subscribe to this studio BEFORE you drop your request.

2. Provide me High Quality pictures. Low Quality pictures are difficult to work with. I'll look for the pictures on my own if those you gave are not sutable.

3. Limit characters for a poster is THREE. 

4. Do not rush. I have my own life too. Request only if you're willing to wait. The longest I'll take is 3 weeks, and the shortest is within 24 hours, it depends.

5. Request for the background ONLY if you want to use it.

6. Please use the poster for at least TWO months.

7. If you want to cancel you request, tell me in the comment box down there as soon as possible.

8. If you see 'declined' as the status of your request, kindly asked for the mistake and resend your request, I'll be happy to accept it :)

9. Leave a comment here AFTER you drop your request, just in case I didn't receive your request, and leave a comment AGAIN when picking up you poster.

10. Credit me in your foreword; pynkfaery. 

11. Please save the graphics to your PC and UPLOAD IT TO YOUR OWN SERVER. I don't really delete my works in my photobucket account, but who knows if something came up the future. So yeah, UPLOAD IT TO YOUR OWN SERVER. This is a must.

12. You can check your request status at CHAPTER 2 within two days and drop me a comment here if you don't see your name there.

1. You are already/going to request at another shop. It will waste my times and the other shop's as well.

2. You are not serious with your fic, or you plan to write 2-3 chapters and abandon it or start a new one, I don't want the poster to be wasted. 

THESE TWO RULES are the most important. If you commit any of these, it shows that you are an irresponsible person. Type HOYATIC in the 'extra' section in the form to show that you read all these. Happy requesting!

Click Here To Drop





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Chapter 1: Hye ! I requested for a poster ! Thank you and good luck ! ^^
Sorry! I'd like to cancel my request!
Chapter 1: is it necessary to be a long chapters of fic? can you do for oneshot?
Sorry, I'd like to cancel my request!
Wow! So fast! XD Thank You! :)
waaaaa!! its soo good!!
thank you so much!!
wait maknae at dorkistic design? u mean u nana unnie?
lethargic #8
I love chap 5!
kimiyun #9
whoaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I so like it..Thank you pynkfaery..*love above my head*