Wanted: friends, not mutuals.


I’ve been scrutinizing the tag as of late and let me tell you, life has contributed such a myriad of stress, that I am now fully incapable of joining roleplays. So, I, too, like the lot of you, am seeking to create new bonds. Read for further details if even moderately intrigued.


Currently finishing up my senior year in high school alongside working for the vast majority of the week, but I will give my best efforts in order to prove my worth as a potentially long-term friend— that, I can promise. Here are some essential facts that I feel are necessary to share prior to you even considering boarding the ship otherwise known as being friends with me:

• Timezone differs from minus eight to minus five, as I often travel from west to mideast quite frequently. 
• Faceclaims are generally male, but I’ve no preferences regarding who you may be so as long as your comfort is accommodated.
• Will attempt to mirror your literacy, though majority of the time, I rarely stray from literate to semiliterate.
• Enjoys rabbit dates, The Unit, perpetuated conversations, Harry Potter, listening to people speak excitedly about things they take both pride in and or  find enthralling, and discussions involving animals.
• Expect delayed to sporadic replies, though I will always try to get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
• May occasionally capitalise words at random out of habit.
• No hard feelings, but if we end up not clicking or sharing any sliver of chemistry, I may end up softblocking you. This is because I am seeking friends, not mere mutuals. You being inactive or selective may also apply to this.
• Very soft, though will take time to open up to new people. I’ve endured far too many losses to not have my guard up, so please, be patient with me.
• Still reading and or potentially interested? Please dm me with your timezone, whether or not you’d like me to message you first upon becoming mutuals, and username. I’ll get to you as soon as possible! Just a little side note, but please ensure that your privacy settings are altered prior to dming, because aff isn’t letting me view majority of the things sent to me due to it, thank you!


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