Departing Tears

Cry Out With My Heart and Soul

In my defense, he was the one who hugged me. So I find my next action completely justified.


Well… he was also giving me… that look. Big, brown eyes filled with concern… and his shaggy black hair that hangs just over those big brown eyes… I couldn't help it, okay?

Yes, I kissed him. No, I don't regret it. His lips were so warm and soft and I guarantee about a million other people would've done the exact same thing I did. And how could they not? He's got a pretty enough face, not to mention a beautiful voice. Anyway, he kissed back, so anything he might have said later could possibly be used against him by just the one line: "You kissed me back."

And then where would he be? He'd be left blushing like an idiot, that's where, because he knows it's true.

When I pulled away, my suspicions were right. He stood there, frozen solid, staring up at me with a look I didn't recognize. Was he confused? Scared? Worried? Disgusted?

"Uh… Um…" he couldn't get much more out, so I decided to put my shoes and shirt on while he stood stammering. Finally, I was ready to go and he wasn't, so I picked his shirt up and tossed it at him from across the room. He seemed to wake up when it landed on his head. "What was that for?" He asked me.

"It's time to go, and you're not ready. Therefore, I tossed your shirt at you. You just happen to not be very good at catching, and that's why it landed on your head. Are we caught up now?" I began to walk out of the room, but he caught my arm.

"You know that's not what I mean." Yesung's eyes were antagonizing. They seemed to look straight into my soul. At that, I decided to build up my wall.

"The kiss? It was nothing. I guess I just got caught up in the moment, that's all."

"O-oh." His face fell and he looked away, still holding my arm.

"Yesung?" He turned towards me again. "Same as with driving to drive, sometimes I say things to say things. It…it fortifies my heart so that if I end up getting hurt, I can believe the words I don't want to."

"But what if the words you end up saying hurt someone else?"

"Then I do everything in my power to take them back."

Yesung nodded, then pulled me closer and kissed me again. "Okay, if you meant that one, you're forgiven."

I honestly wasn't sure. I think I meant it, but what with Henry… I wasn't sure. But to avoid any more conflict, I smiled and said yes. We headed downstairs and found Harvey setting the table and Carol humming in the kitchen as she made breakfast. When she heard us enter, she said, "I hope you're hungry! We were worried you wouldn't wake up in time and Harvey would have to come give you a wakeup call! I guess that's how you young adults are, though. Always sleeping until noon because you partied 'till midnight." She smiled as we sat down, and then motioned for us to bow our heads as Harvey was putting her hands together.

"Lord, we thank ya for bringin' these two young men safely to the Bed and Breakfast and we pray that the rest of their travels will be safe and that they will be in your hands. Bless the food we have in front of us and let it do us good and bring our bodies nutrition. In your most precious son's name, Amen."

I don't think I've ever prayed before a meal, but maybe it was just the cooking. I felt like the food tasted better. Maybe I'd make habit of it. When we were done, Yesung insisted he help with cleanup, so while he and Carol were in the kitchen washing dishes and putting food away, I decided I had nothing better to do than talk to Harvey. The two of us sat in the living room with the blank TV in front of us. We each sat in one of the chairs with a small table in between where our coffee cups rested. Harvey drank his black, but I could never get used to the bitter taste, so mine also had at least two teaspoons of French vanilla creamer. We made small talk about nothing of particular importance and even had those comfortable moments of silence from one subject to the next. It was nice, honestly, just being able to sit there like old friends, or maybe even relatives.

"So, where are y'all headed?" Harvey asked after one of those silent moments.

I shrugged. "I'm not quite sure. As of now, I was kind of planning on driving and seeing where the road and my car take us."

"Well ya ain't gonna get nowhere if ya ain't got no destination. Come with me." Harvey stood up and motioned for me to follow, so I did. He took me into the office and dug through the desk until he unearthed what looked like a map. "You're gonna be stranded if ya don't know where you're going. Take this." I did, and we headed back to the living room, where Yesung stood drying his hands and Carol was taking our finished cups of coffee back into the kitchen.

"Where to, capt'n?" He smirked, tossing the towel over his shoulder.

I glanced at the map Harvey had given me and said, "To the stars." Yesung laughed. "Wherever the wind takes us, I guess." Yesung motioned for me to give him the map and we stood side-by-side and worked out where we'd go. We decided on another seemingly small town – this one with a name: Gregorsville. Another 30 minutes and we were handing out heartfelt-goodbyes (I never thought I could grow to love a set of people in less than 24 hours. Hugs were spread around and finally, we got back in my red convertible and waved bye as we left the town. I swear, I saw Yesung wipe a tear away.

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1639 streak #1
Chapter 25: With all the roller-coaster emotions in the entire story the ending was pretty perfect. I liked it that Yewook just had a wonderful, relaxing day and could looking forward to a future together where they will be at each other's side, loving and supporting each other. They fought long and Wookie deserves a partner who treasures him with all he has to give. A beautiful ending. Thank you for sharing and keeping this story here for so long ❤️❤️
1639 streak #2
Chapter 24: I'm confused about Henry now. I mean I'm glad he's finally ready to let Wookie go, but if he wanted him to be happy why he didn't let him go way sooner? With all his psycho acts and maniac behavior, it comes to his mind that he only wants Wookie to be happy, now? This guy is insane. I'm happy Wookie is free for Yesung now, but I really wanted Henry to regret what he did to him and almost destroyed him. If Henry didn't get a proper punishment then he should give Ryeowook a proper apologize. Wookie deserves it. At least this nightmare will be over and we know Yeye will treat Ryeonggu way better than Henry ever did. Thank you for sharing this ❤️
1639 streak #3
Chapter 23: I was really hoping for Wookie to open up to Yesung about his true feelings himself. But obviously Yeye was fed up of waiting and thought now or never. But it's sad that Henry already destroyed Wookie self confidence that much, that he never imagined he himself could have a chance with Yesung and is the person of his heart. Wookie needs someone who will shower him with love and Yesung is just perfect for this. Thank you for writing ❤️
1639 streak #4
Chapter 22: Poor Wookie. Get well soon and then tell Yeye about all your feelings inside. This kind of horror ride must end so Wookie can live his life happy and with people around who will do good to him. Thanks again ❤️
1639 streak #5
Chapter 21: I can imagine that this is how Wookie must feel inside. Running out of battery. Totally exhausted and his entire world falling down. Hope he will feel better soon, and with Henry staying away from him. Thank you ❤️
1639 streak #6
Chapter 20: A pity Wookie gives up that easy. He should go out and fight for Yesung. It's sad he has so low self confidence, but I blame Henry for this. Anyway, thank you for this ❤️
1639 streak #7
Chapter 19: Oh Wookie, stop being a coward and open up to Yeye. Maybe you will get a nice surprise He never imagined why Yesung gave him his number? Or why Sungie was searching for him during the months? There is a reason, Wookie. You just need to listen. Thank you as always ❤️
1639 streak #8
Chapter 18: Henry is a psycho. Wookie should call the police and close the chapter of his past with him. Yesung is in so much ways on a different level than that jerk. Think wise Wookie. Thank you for sharing ❤️
1639 streak #9
Chapter 17: Great, Henry is going to ruin the mood again >_>
I was about to say what a lucky child Wookie is because getting his car fixed for free. But obviously he needs such good moments in life, because in a blink of an eye Henry is back to destroy everything. It's time for Wookie to cut the lines with him. Thank you again ❤️
1639 streak #10
Chapter 16: I can't understand why, Wookie is doing this to himself. This wasn't the first time Henry treated him like but he wanted to be back to this jerk just because he wanted to forget about Yesung. Worse forget Yesung so the older wouldn't get hurt anymore. Wookie definitely needs help to get away from this toxic person. And goddammit Henry needs to get punished for all his wrong doings in the past. Hope Wookie finally can realize that Yesung can be a, safe place, a safe home for him. Thank you for this longer chapter ❤️