Unexpected Turn..

10 Bad Habits that Landed me him

Taeil: You guys haven't heard from me in awhile :(  *inserts good excuse*

Well I ay-muh ah baaacku ~

Banana-Futon: Hey y'all, we've all discssed-Yes that means we've put diffrence aside...

But to give this chapter a title :D

Taeil: With that, everyone's friends again :D

*woot woot* 




I made it home shoeless and tired. As I got to the door the automatic lights went on and I jumped while breathing heavy. I quickly scanned my bag for my pink keys, “please I didn’t lose them please I didn’t lose them” I mumbled.

Trying every key I got a hold of from inside my bag I finally got one to click. I chuckled deeply “remind me to figure out what those other lousy keys are good for.”

I turned around to make sure the door shut quietly behind me…“and where have you been young lady?” a deep voice boomed immediately I gulped, I could only know who that was.

“Um, appa I ran into trouble on the way home-I had to um detoured, I am uh, I lost my, I lost my shoes and-“yah you think I will believe this story! Who’s the boy you were off with huh?!”

My eyes turned to saucers and my mouth hung to the floor. Right before I could find the right words for this situation the hall lights went on. “Chae baby? Whats going on?”

I gulped down the guilt of waking umma up so late and rushed to her side-she’ll believe me!

“Umma I was on my way home when I ran into trouble. Appa doesn’t believe me but I even lost a pair of shoes because of it!”

She chuckled and slowly walked over to my appa leaving me standing bare in front of them. She whispered in a soothing voice to him, they both stared long and hard at me. Gulping because the air around us suddenly went dry I gave them a petty fake smile.

Appa mumbled some incoherent words walking past me in the hall and umma followed but stopped right beside me, “go upstairs and freshen up you aren’t in trouble.”

I smiled and hugged umma good night before turning the light off and heading up too.



Since I didn’t get in trouble that time I slowly headed up to my room. Once up there I quickly closed the door. I breathed heavily shook my head and headed to the bathroom. Nothing like a bubble bath to clear my mind…


Zico’s P.O.V

“Oppa can we do something tonight” Yuri whined in my ears. I don’t get why this chick thinks her voice comes off as seductive, she sounds like Pyo’s kid sister that has a crush on Kyung! I chuckled at how uncomfortable that girl makes both boys. I roughly petted Yuri’s hair and she growled and looked at me furiously while fixing it. “Um Yuri-ah how about you head home. The boys are coming over and I already didn’t get to go clubbing with them. We aren’t even dating-we are specifically just friends.” I started pushing her off the couch and I guess I used more strength than entended because she fell to the floor with a thud. “Yah oppa is this because of that Chaerin girl! Is it because that bangs every guy?!” Her face got so red, but hearing those things about Chaerin. I wonder if they’re true…


Yuri grabbed her shoes and left in a rush. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck as I closed the door behind her. Who is Ahn Chaerin really..


Taeil: Chapter 10 FINALLY !

P.O: THAT took a turn of events..

Zico: Yeah dude your sister ! Lmfao :'D

Taeil: Yeah, I think he knows! 

P.O: ... 

Zico: Lmfao but the fact that he's like the only one, him & Kyung that didn't know!

I mean even Banana knew :')

Kyung: ... 

Banana-Futon: Boy you two sure are!!!

Zico: But it's tru-hsfhafh

Taeil: Yeah it's totally tru-ashlafhdslk

P.O & Kyung: ...

Kyung: I seriously had no idea...

Banana-Futon: Okaaaay chapter 10 is out ;D

*sweeps everyone off stage*



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a new update later on tonight!


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Chapter 25: Cant wait to see what happens next ^^
Chapter 15: Make him jealous Chae! See how he reacts to you flirting with his friends
Chapter 15: Chaerin should snob Zico and flirt with the other members until he begs for attention ^u^
B2UTY-K #4
Chapter 15: taeil was at my house ;) .. LOOOL JKS
kay229 #5
Chapter 13: pplllzzzz udate soon!!!!! ^.^
blockb2012 #6
Chapter 13: waa i really like this but, im confuse, is Hyorin or Hyomin, they are not the same person
Chapter 13: new reader here :) love those lil chats u put before/after the fic <3 update soon!
ailisu #8
and cute story~~ hurhur
Yes, chaerin, fall for the yness that is
Le Zico *angel choirs sing*
hehehe, i had to jus make someone have a hard secret to hide ^.^ so yesss~